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  1. Thinking of you buddy!
  2. Craft caused major upset during registration of 2013 Epic when bags were not ready. Followed by an anouncement in Stellenbosch by Mr Vermaak that he cannot guarantee finishers t- shirts (craft) at Lourensford the next day... Reading this article about signing a new sponsor in Switzerland i wonder if they (craft) were given the boot? Craft used to do the leaders jersey Notice quite a few Craft ads on the hub clearing their Epic stock....
  3. Johan Bornman master wheelbuilder from Yellowsadle
  4. Sauser is a machine Best our boys could do..... 30 min of the mark. We need some proper riders not ex roadies trying to prolong their careers..... Oops did i say it?
  5. Dit is n vreeslike hartseer dag. Jammer oor die nuus ou maat. Jy sal onthou word..... RIP
  6. Hi Hubbers I am looking for a riding partner for the next few weeks in Franskraal/Gansbaai area... Please PM me your details if you're interested. Thx
  7. Don't you just hate it when an ostrich chase you... The bastard waited for me on the climb to onion hill... Does she not know it is bad etiquette to do this on a climb. Last year I had to jump of the bike and hold it in the air.... good reason to go carbon
  8. Who has read the official CSA MTB Race Regulations? http://www.cyclingsa.com/Downloads/SA-MTB%20Race%20Regulations%20(31%20May%202010).pdf
  9. Luckily only a few of us were inconvenienced by the small mishap at the bridge. Like any other organisation the race organisers were in complete control of the race and they recorded the race numbers of the riders that went around the blockage.. I would guess calculations are currently underway compensating the effected riders. I am sure they will also take the hick up at the finish into account. This would also explain why the race results are a few minutes late.. http://yfrog.com/5ojogyosneeetvzjmezrqjqlz
  10. We have some excellent juniors riding in Europe at the moment. These chaps have been training and racing with the hope to compete in the world champs. Come on CSA why not allow a team to represent SA? The corporate sector will come to the party with funding all you need to do is open the door!
  11. http://www.beeld.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Man-2-seuns-op-fietspad-aangeval-20120206 ’n Man van Centurion en sy twee seuns wil met ’n slypskool bergfietsryers selfverdediging leer. Dit gaan gebeur nadat hulle deur rowers oorval is. Mnr. Pierre Nel (52) het twee operasies aan die arm ondergaan nadat hy met ’n klip gegooi is wat ’n been in sy arm vergruis het. Nel en sy seuns, David (24) en Frans (15), is verlede Dinsdagmiddag oorval terwyl hulle naby die Mnandi-asgate in Centurion fiets gery het. Dit is die vierde keer dat dié drie die afgelope sewe jaar beroof is. In dié aanvalle het hulle vier fietse, met ’n waarde van tussen R20 000 en R60 000 elk, en verskeie selfone verloor. Nel is ’n beroepsafrigter en saam met David die organiseerder van die Xcosa-veldloop vir bergfietse-reeks. Daarby mik David en Frans om in 2016 aan die Olimpiese Spele in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilië, deel te neem. “Fietsry is ons werk. Ons is passievol daaroor,” sê Nel. “Ons het ’n reg om dié paadjie te ry. Sommige mense sê jy moenie terugveg nie, maar ons filosofie is anders. As hy my aanval, gaan hy nie net sommer my fiets vat nie.” Nel en sy seuns het Dinsdagmiddag omstreeks 15:30 in Mnandi gaan fietsry. Hulle ry dié enkelspoorpaadjie gereeld. Volgens Nel het hy die Maandag twee verdagte mans op die paadjie gesien. Hy het hulle die Dinsdag wéér gesien toe hulle saam met nog twee mans op dié paadjie ge­stap het. “My grootste fout was om nie op my instinkte te reageer nie. Toe ek hulle sien, moes ons weggedraai het,” het Nel gesê. Toe David, wat voor gery het, naby die mans kom, het een voor hom ingespring. David het hom raak gery en van sy fiets afgeval. Frans het uitgeswaai en Nel het oor David gery. In die val het Nel ’n Tomahawk-byl gegryp wat op sy rug was. Twee van die mans het na Nel gegaan, terwyl die derde na David is. Nel is met ’n groot klip gegooi. Hy het met sy arm gekeer wat daartoe gelei het dat ’n been in sy arm vergruis is. “Ek het gesê hulle moet net ons selfone vat, anders maak ons hulle dood,” het Nel gesê. “Toe sê hulle as ek die byl vir David gee, sal hulle ons los. Ek het dit gedoen. Toe gryp hulle die byl,” het Nel gesê. Die mans het toe die fietse gevat en weggery. Die polisie was gou daar, maar kon nie die rowers vind nie.
  12. http://www.jupiter.co.za/clients_cpt.asp Some of their designs are quite cool.... Wonder why they screwed up the Epic logo...
  13. Mr. Vermaak Please don't tell me you paid for the crap design........
  14. Also received an email....Typical FPC style to give out customer details for marketing purpose
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