Found it pretty interesting, as a few days back I came across an article from an Australian website and they looking at ways of changing the way online shops trade etc, "Retailers up the ante in GST campaign Australian retailers that employ a total of 76,000 people have launched a campaign to force the federal government to level the playing field as they battle against foreign websites offering tax-free goods. But Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten says the federal government will not be rushed into making changes to the tax system. "We agree with our customers that online retailing is a wonderful convenience that is here to stay," the advertisement reads. "We also agree that fair competition is good for our customers and we want to be able to offer them the same Australian tax exemptions that offshore retailers enjoy." At the moment, no GST is imposed on goods that are bought from international websites for less than $1000. "At the rate at which internet retailing is growing with mobile internet technology, the fact that offshore retailers aren't required to levy duty or GST on purchases under $1000 creates an enormous competitive advantage for foreign businesses selling into Australia. These businesses don't pay our taxes, employ our people, train our young people or contribute to our economy." The move follows complaints from retail heavyweights including Harvey Norman boss Gerry Harvey, as well as suggestions from Myer boss Bernie Brookes that the department store could set up a Chinese distribution centre for online purchases. And it comes as a surging Australian dollar makes online purchases from international sites an attractive option. The ads warn that without action, the nation "will see a reduction in hours and shifts for casual and part-time workers, and ultimately cost Australians jobs in retail, manufacturing, logistics and related services". Official retail sales data for October showed a drop of 1.1 per cent, a figure that shocked experts who had been predicting sales would rise 0.4 per cent. The ads call on the government to either scrap the GST for locally sold goods priced at less than $1000 or apply the same impost to goods bought from foreign sites. Mr Shorten said factors including the high Australian dollar, the continuing effects of the global financial crisis and belt-tightening across the nation were having more of an impact on retailers’ bottom lines than the GST. “We respect the fact that large retailers like Gerry Harvey and Myer have ongoing concerns, but the ANRA (Australian National Retailers Association) – their own industry body – supports the government’s approach. We will not be stampeded into making rash decisions because of a vocal minority, especially when the majority of the sector and consumer groups like Choice support our sensible, measured approach.” The government has announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into the future of the nation’s retail sector."