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Everything posted by Buell

  1. Not a good one. In my opinion it's coming down to pressure that the bike companies/wholesalers in South Africa are starting to feel on bike sales, and they are having to start cutting costs. The sport is really becoming expensive and is currently going in the direction of the "Elite Few" that can afford the prices and this is causing new bike sales to slow down, so companies have to cut back on the spending at the moment till the wheels starting turning again. That's just my opinion
  2. Speak to Kevin at Cycle Fusion, they are just off Beyers Naude Drive Randpark Ridge, tel 083 443 0494...he should be able to help you or at least point you in the right direction
  3. You guy's that carry on about cars speeding and the total carnage on our roads,you just have to sit anywhere on Otto Du Plessis drive and see the speeds that car travel at. This spot where you took the photo from is heading towards a Traffic light and a "Myciti" bus stop where people are crossing a pedestrian crossing, you ponly have to see how many cars jump red lights on these intersections and it is only a question of time when some poor pedestrian is killed. Bud just let the powers that be do their jobs and slow the speeds down. I ride this section allot and the speeds are seriuously above the 60km/h & 70km/h limits
  4. I always find it frustrating dealing with these types of motorists or people, you riding your bike and not having your fighting/survival guard on they suddenly start attacking you verbally or physically and you kind of on the back foot already as they have surprised you, just because they lack social maturity or because they have frustrated lives they start taking it out on you hunting you down like a coward and its usually over a small trivial thing where they totally misunderstood what you the cyclist were trying to say, all I can say is there are to many hair triggers out there waiting to explode and F@*$k them they must come roll on the mats and see how tough they are then, would be keen to put them in a neck crank, I suppose that is why so many of us cycle with pepper spray... Not a nice experience and I can tell you Andrew will mull over this for time to come, I know I have experienced this. Hope they catch the guy and he has to do commuinity service to pay back society..hope his looking over his shoulder nervously waiting for the police to rock up etc Glad someone saw it and had number plates recorded
  5. Ive been saying it for a oouple of years now the Good Hope Centre is a real mess and I hate going there, resent the drunk vagrants the aggressive parking attendants and the mess ( broken bottles, papers etc ) that litter the place all over and the smell of urine and then lack of parking, but what do they care people keep paying and coming back we must be suckers. Why can the Argus organisers not get people to clean up round the venue and not just a small window dressing clean, I mean a few days before the start of the expo you give it a good clean
  6. Just read in the news paper that the driver has been arrested, "a judge ordered his detention and they are considering attempted homicide"
  7. Super confusing reading through all this
  8. Pedro Delgado or Mick Doohan ( forgot his an ex motorcycle champ)
  9. Found it pretty interesting, as a few days back I came across an article from an Australian website and they looking at ways of changing the way online shops trade etc, "Retailers up the ante in GST campaign Australian retailers that employ a total of 76,000 people have launched a campaign to force the federal government to level the playing field as they battle against foreign websites offering tax-free goods. But Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten says the federal government will not be rushed into making changes to the tax system. "We agree with our customers that online retailing is a wonderful convenience that is here to stay," the advertisement reads. "We also agree that fair competition is good for our customers and we want to be able to offer them the same Australian tax exemptions that offshore retailers enjoy." At the moment, no GST is imposed on goods that are bought from international websites for less than $1000. "At the rate at which internet retailing is growing with mobile internet technology, the fact that offshore retailers aren't required to levy duty or GST on purchases under $1000 creates an enormous competitive advantage for foreign businesses selling into Australia. These businesses don't pay our taxes, employ our people, train our young people or contribute to our economy." The move follows complaints from retail heavyweights including Harvey Norman boss Gerry Harvey, as well as suggestions from Myer boss Bernie Brookes that the department store could set up a Chinese distribution centre for online purchases. And it comes as a surging Australian dollar makes online purchases from international sites an attractive option. The ads warn that without action, the nation "will see a reduction in hours and shifts for casual and part-time workers, and ultimately cost Australians jobs in retail, manufacturing, logistics and related services". Official retail sales data for October showed a drop of 1.1 per cent, a figure that shocked experts who had been predicting sales would rise 0.4 per cent. The ads call on the government to either scrap the GST for locally sold goods priced at less than $1000 or apply the same impost to goods bought from foreign sites. Mr Shorten said factors including the high Australian dollar, the continuing effects of the global financial crisis and belt-tightening across the nation were having more of an impact on retailers’ bottom lines than the GST. “We respect the fact that large retailers like Gerry Harvey and Myer have ongoing concerns, but the ANRA (Australian National Retailers Association) – their own industry body – supports the government’s approach. We will not be stampeded into making rash decisions because of a vocal minority, especially when the majority of the sector and consumer groups like Choice support our sensible, measured approach.” The government has announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into the future of the nation’s retail sector."
  10. Guys' it is not just the Cycling LBS stores that are shrinking.I have experienced this type of thing all over. Motor cycle shops - If you want a range of helmets and gear ( gloves, leather jackets,leather pants etc )to look at, they keep minimal stock holding and can get from suppliers if you want Martial Arts gear- go try buy the normal decent quality day to day gear ( gi's, gloves etc ) shops can get and they will speak to suppliers Athletic footware - The ranges are getting smaller and the suppliers bring in only the models that will sell to the masses, try getting some racing spikes or x-country shoes, again the shops can get from suppliers if you want to look at Tyre Dealers - I go buy some tyres and want to replace the car battery and guess what they will order the tyres and battery in for me as they do not have stock and this is with a franchise brand tyre place I am sure it will probably be the same for plenty of products and different markets out there, the way I see it markets are shrinking and suppliers are under pressure as shops/ dealers whether it be cycling, motorcycles, cars etc are not going to be buying huge quantities of stock to keep in their store rooms the suppliers are going to have to carry the stock now and they will be bringing in less as they are now basically storing the stock for the dealers (which takes huge capital) and the LBS or motorcycle dealer, sports shop or what ever will order 1's & 2's or as the customers needs. The SA market is shrinking at a rapid rate the wat people are buying now is also splintered (on line) this causing suppliers and inporters bringing in less as they know they are under competion and will loose hands down to the on line business's So for me it is just a case of being patience working through the store and knowing it is going to be a wait and hopefully the product and colour I want will be supplied. The world wide recession has slowly changed the way business will be done and reality SA has a shrinking market (with huge amounts of diposable income) and the suppliers and stores will have to keep less as less in brought in. Thats my 1 Ront worth
  11. It's not just officials speeding on OUR roads, how about the ding bats on their Superbikes klapping big speeds round the Hartebeespoort and Hekpoort area's and their usual breakfast run spots,I am sure some are in excess of 240+. The roads are total choas and people just do what they want, Govt Officials, Mommy in the X5 taking Johnny to school the wannabee boy racers in their M3's the drivers with no number plates etc etc if you do a poll on the Hub and people are honest I am sure their will be a huge percentage of people that speed and they will speed on the same roads the cyclist are using, some will say not at 235km/h.. but you can also kill people doing 80km/h in a built up suburb and from my obseravtion a huge percentage of drivers are doing about 20-30km/h faster in the suburbs and built up areas.....now that's my rant time to take my chill pill for the day
  12. Always great when there is new sponsors and they are growing the sport and developing riders etc and I always ask what is a "development team" I could be totally out of place here, but the way I have read it looks like it is way for the the company to move more bikes and accessories, so basically selling direct to the public, and then setting up a cycling club. " The cyclist will be able to buy bikes, gear etc. at GREATLY reduced prices, service the bike etc. Let me not be negative here and not loose sight that there will be more sponsorship coming into Cycling which is always needed.
  13. I have noticed that it is not just the Cycling industry, looking for good brand in Motorcycle helmet and most motorcycle dealers have to order in for you or the suppliers are out of stock.Have a look at show room floors fewer motorcycles on the floors compared to 3 years ago.Importers bringing in smaller stock holdings. The running shoe industry is also tight at the moment, suppliers get shoes in and then they out of stock quickly and then a few weeks later thay have stock in again.If you looking for something specialised they have no stock or it's still coming ( racing shoes or spikes ) I am sure it will be the same if you looking for good brands and models in Hi-Fi's, Tv's etc It is just the signs of the times at present and the recession is still effecting buying patterns. I also think due to allot of business been done on-line, suppliers are forced to keep smaller stock holdings and when they run out, there is a time wait for new stock to arrive. Wholesalers and suppliers are placed in a situation when ordering in new stock. Unlike when people buy on-line say from(CRC) there is only a few days wait and the goods arrive. For a supplier and wholesaler there is shipping to take into consideration, clearing through customs and then transport in out of customs etc. This can all take weeks to complete provided everything goes quickly through customs. So in a nutshell it is just not the Cycling Industry, smaller stock holdings are kept by suppliers and its due to the economic conditions we are living in at the moment. Frustrating as it can be, I have just got used to it as I think it will be here for awhile.I just order and wait.
  14. The lane is excellent, cars are no to close to you. I only use the lane from Tableview to the Padocks, but it looks all good going past Woodbridge and onwards. The only down side, I have experienced once so far, is the guy riding with the pumping South Easter on his back and his turning that 53-12 and close to 60km/h and you riding into the south Easter gritting your teeth doing 20km/h it can become abit dangerous I think for a head on. Any way only my experience and maybe I need to get fitter and ride faster into the wind
  15. Hi, Can anyone help.I have 2 old Polar heart rate monitor belts that have passed expiry date and I am not really keen on just throwing them into a landfill site. Is there a way of recycling these belts? does Polar SA take these belts back and they recycle them in a proper way, or can I recycle them with other batteries that I usually throw in at the Pick n Pay recycle bins Thanks
  16. I had that once happen to me, it was a no name brand cannister and I think my valve was dirty or clogged up with slime, slime can be very nasty some times as it can block valves etc, hence maybe the 1st bomb not working. From what I have heard most of the Co2 cannisters come from 1 or 2 of the same factories and they make Co2 cannisters for world distribution, and these are used in air guns and bicycle spares etc. One thing I do stay away from is the Co2 cannister that has no sticker or covering on, nothing worse when your hand is hot and sweaty and you use the bomb and and your finger sticks to the cold cannister and you get that little skin burn and that burning sensation stays with you for the rest of your ride. Personally I think they are all the same cannisters just with the different branding on it, but hey that is just my opinion
  17. Thanks for the update, yea I was told that path is kind of narrow and in some places there are street poles in the middle of the path, but I should be greatful as it is better than having to dodge the racing drivers and the heavy duty trucks and far safer, and at least the cycling community has been added into the new transport system.
  18. Is the new cycle path heading out from Tableview finally finished? Where does it it start from? Unfortunetly do not get to travel Otto Du PLessis much since the dreaded road works have started. I see the cycle path would travel from Tableview to the Padocks and then we would have to cross at that intersection. Would be great to know if it is finished, as I would love to get back onto the bike and travel into work as traffic can be abit slow and congested on most mornings and evenings heading out and back into Tableview.
  19. Yea covie, I take your point, but I feel at times this forum is all about punting your own brands and products and I see it happening allot more now on this forum, where does one draw a line can you imagine if every cycling related product and shop owner came on to this forum and in a round about way just punt there brands and products which we could happily find on their web advertisements/pages if we wanted to know what they were up to,I know I have a choice not to click on the link, but at times your drawn to it by a play on words etc, But at the end of the day, it is my opinion and that counts for nothing in the big scheme of things
  20. Seems like a product punt to me. I get excellent service from my LBS do I come on to this forum and keep telling everybody all the time?
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