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Today's rant - lack of helmet weights!


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I'm in the market for a new helmet - for me the two biggest features are looks and weight (pretty much all of them meet safety standards).


The looks are easy to measure - the weight? No chance. Nobody seems to list weights for their helmets. It can't be that hard - surely the standard deviation in helmet weights in tiny - why not publish weights?


The result is googling like a mad thing to find reviews where they helmet has been weighed - hectically time consuming.


C'mon helmet companies - list your weights!


Ok rant over - back to the TV!

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Come to think of it, the closest I've seen is the Spez ad that says the helmet is lighter than the magazine you're holding :blink:

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CRC - have most of the helmet weights


Thats where I'm shopping - no weights for bbb helmets, no weight for most giro helmets - esp the prolight - how ironic, no rudy project weights, no MET weights.


@disylizzy - thanks for the link!

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Don't you mean helmut?


No, that's what I shout at your puppy for peeing on the lounge rug...

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Come to think of it, the closest I've seen is the Spez ad that says the helmet is lighter than the magazine you're holding :blink:

Do magazines weigh 300g, or around there? If so, then true. If you walk into any LBS the weights are printed on the inside...... Just like the sizes......... And I think it's better to try 1 on for size, rather than just buying it online, and not know what you getting. Pick it up, feel it, put in on your head......... AND CHECK THE WEIGHT ON THE INSIDE LABEL. If you're looking for a helmet under R1000....... then the "Bell" helmets are lighter.


Good luck.

Edited by akneethling
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Do magazines weigh 300g, or around there? If so, then true. If you walk into any LBS the weights are printed on the inside...... Just like the sizes......... And I think it's better to try 1 on for size, rather than just buying it online, and not know what you getting. Pick it up, feel it, put in on your head......... AND CHECK THE WEIGHT ON THE INSIDE LABEL. If you're looking for a helmet under R1000....... then the "Bell" helmets are lighter.


Good luck.


It's a bit of a rock and hard place. Tough to find a LBS that stock BBB, Giro, MET and Bell - I was internetting for info before I bought from a LBS - I agree on sticking it on your head before buying.


Ah well - back to the search...

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Get the spez prevail, looks great and weighs nufin.


At the risk of sounding like a complete nerd....Spez claim it weighs 185g - it actually weighs 228g (med). How can they get it that wrong? C'mon.


The MET Steadivarius is quoted at 199g but comes in at around 210g.


Right now it's between the MET Stradivarius and the Spez Prevail...

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I've got the Spez S-Works Prevail, super light at 184g, and super comfy. After my first ride, I forgot to take my helmet off, and only noticed when I saw myself in the mirror! :blush: I train with an Ionos, which is a great lid, but lately it feels like a brick on my head after getting the Prevail.

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I have the Spesh Prevail and my Medium is about 185g


I also have a giro Prolight M and it's weight is about 180

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Get the prevail - fit is great and more customisable than the Giro - it also looks better on your head.

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