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Prof Tim Noakes' U-turn on Carbohydrates

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I feel like i am fat adapted now, been pretty good with low carb eating. Last weekend we (friends and I) headed out to Paarl about 110km , easy training ride 4H30 in 33 deg celcius temp, ate two boiled eggs, cheese and two pieces of droewors for breakfast, ate nothing on the ride, drank only water 750ml (200ml per hour) and felt fine, during the day after the ride i drank to thirst and went through about 2.5 liters.


The next day (Sunday) we rode back clocking up another 94km, similar conditions and same food, I did eat 4 pieces of Droewors on the ride. Drank similar water.


I guess the point is my blood sugar was good though out, definitely didn't hit any walls, and drinking to thirst meant re-hydrating could wait (mostly) until the end.


I found it amusing how everyone else needed to eat constantly and drinking coke and energy drinks. I am the most unfit of the team/friends at the moment, but that is changing.


I am starting to get fitter so am interested to see how my body keeps going. The ultimate aim is to complete the Double Century in November, the team is aiming for sub 7. So we will see.

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ROFL. Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing.


I'm in the process of trying to get my wife to accept that the high carb diets may be the way forward. Not easy, especially as she still sees carbs as an essential energy source for high intensity exercise (provincial squash)


I'm changing it slowly, but I can only do so much. As for what she has during the day, that's a different story. Plus - the amount (and cost) of available high protein zero carb snack items is frankly ridiculous. Limited to biltong, chicken breasts, tuna and so on. And cold tuna directly out the can is horrible. Far prefer the readily roasted chicken pieces at ww...


There is a book you, and she must read if you want to convince her,




It is a great book. It convinced me and it helped me convince my sister and her husband, my mom and now finally my wife too. I want to in the end have my kids on this diet too, especially my Type 1 diabetic 10 year old son .

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this is mostly true, except for the "high" protein part. Adequate protein is the key word, not high, and that most times means between 1.5 - 2 grams / kg /day . the rest mostly fats and very little carbs

Yip, too much protein (more than 150g per day) increases insulin release and pushes glucose into the fat stores. reference Volek and phinney - Art and science of low carb performance

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Yip, too much protein (more than 150g per day) increases insulin release and pushes glucose into the fat stores. reference Volek and phinney - Art and science of low carb performance


Yes, those guys know their stuff. The actual title is :

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable

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Yes, those guys know their stuff. The actual title is :

The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living: An Expert Guide to Making the Life-Saving Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction Sustainable and Enjoyable


No there is a new one. :-)



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There is a book you, and she must read if you want to convince her,




It is a great book. It convinced me and it helped me convince my sister and her husband, my mom and now finally my wife too. I want to in the end have my kids on this diet too, especially my Type 1 diabetic 10 year old son .




3 weeks ago I had the privilege of attending a breakfast where TN was speaking. There were about 30 of us, so a very small affair. He went through his whole rationale for the turnaround, as well as a high-level view of the research he drew on to base his assertions on.


Suffice to say that I was convinced then (I had already started flirting with the idea) ad the facts he presented were quite astounding.


If you think about it...


High Carb diet was championed by US Prez after WW2, when the cost of meat was sky-rocketing in the states. He proposed that the farms join together to provide a new superfood - corn - which he then championed as the "healthy food", when in fact it was his way of garnering votes by driving the cost of food down (stop housewives from buying so much expensive meat, and replace with cheap corn)


Profs & dieticians were employed to research the new superfood, and guess what - it was found to be healthier than a high fat high protein diet.


Since then, the incidence of the following diseases has increased exponentially








Heart Failure (and heart attacks)


and so on...

Edited by cptmayhem
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and as for the guys on the ketone diet...


Oscar Chalupsky (changed from the "healthy diet" to ketone diet shortly before his Hawaiian surfski race, as a 40 year old overweight guy whose boat wouldn't hold him, and 6 months later beat his opponents who were 20 years his junior and current olympians)


Bruce Fordyce (now running faster than he has over the past 10 years - on the high carb diet he was competing in the comrades every year, doing the same training every year and gaining weight every year - on ketone diet he lost 6kg and got back to his proper race weight)


some current SA olympic swimmers


and so on.

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and as for the guys on the ketone diet...


Oscar Chalupsky (changed from the "healthy diet" to ketone diet shortly before his Hawaiian surfski race, as a 40 year old overweight guy whose boat wouldn't hold him, and 6 months later beat his opponents who were 20 years his junior and current olympians)


Bruce Fordyce (now running faster than he has over the past 10 years - on the high carb diet he was competing in the comrades every year, doing the same training every year and gaining weight every year - on ketone diet he lost 6kg and got back to his proper race weight)


some current SA olympic swimmers


and so on.


Yes, it is especially helpful for older athletes. It seems people get more carbohydrate intolerant the older they get.

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and as for the guys on the ketone diet...


Oscar Chalupsky (changed from the "healthy diet" to ketone diet shortly before his Hawaiian surfski race, as a 40 year old overweight guy whose boat wouldn't hold him, and 6 months later beat his opponents who were 20 years his junior and current olympians)


Bruce Fordyce (now running faster than he has over the past 10 years - on the high carb diet he was competing in the comrades every year, doing the same training every year and gaining weight every year - on ketone diet he lost 6kg and got back to his proper race weight)


some current SA olympic swimmers


and so on.


Yeah, I heard TN say Bruce is running a 5km in just over 15 min close to where he was when he was winning the comrades. Have you guys listened to the Tim Noakes interview on the Jimmy Moore podcast?

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Yes, it is especially helpful for older athletes. It seems people get more carbohydrate intolerant the older they get.


That's exactly what he was saying. Effectively that the older you get, the more "toxic" the glucose gets for you. And what are refined carbohydrates & starchy foods? Pure glucose.


He put that the brain relies on fats and proteins in order to live and thrive, and carry on firing properly. Quite logical, really, seeing as the brain is a collection of fats and proteins and has no glucose properties whatsoever... He went further and proposed that Alzheimers may in fact be caused by the insistence of a high carbohydrate diet. Effectively poisoning the brain.

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Yeah, I heard TN say Bruce is running a 5km in just over 15 min close to where he was when he was winning the comrades. Have you guys listened to the Tim Noakes interview on the Jimmy Moore podcast?


Nope. Must look for it... But I trust the fella.

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