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French & Swiss Alps 2012


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Seems like I may have to get myself a proper downhill bike for this one as well. I've been threatening to sell the Morewood since I got it, but always enjoyed riding parks with it, until the other day at Bischofsmais - a very rocky local park. Having numb hands for two days after a park trip as not fun!


Now I just need to decide on a bike...


Being in Germania you have some pretty sweet options that aren't available to us poor little african boys.


Namely the Canyon and YT's.


I still think the YT Tues 2.0 is pretty hot, and a total bargain for the build spec. It becomes available mid July. I'm not sure if there's a waiting list though.


Hells... they even offer payment plans for you Germanians!

115EURO a month for 24 months. You know you wanna!





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Nah, YT has really messed up with the delivery of this years bikes, I wouldn't want to be stuck with a bike that has no support. Maybe I'll get one as a donor bike though...

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Guest Omega Man

Nah, YT has really messed up with the delivery of this years bikes, I wouldn't want to be stuck with a bike that has no support. Maybe I'll get one as a donor bike though...


What about Canyon? You can get this.




Cane Creek DB

Fox 40

Deemax Ultimate.


And at a bargain price too. If I lived in Europe I would be on that like a rash.

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Guest Omega Man

Another youtchoob of Les gets opening weekend. They've made the top table a little less steep and longer from what I can see from the vid. So more of a DH jump. Last year that thing was eating guys. My mate Nic and I were on the lift up when we saw a guy hit it way too fast and go OTB straight onto his head. He just lay there. I honestly thought he was dead. Horrible. So they've obviously decided to calm it down a bit for this year.



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I'm eyeing both that one and the 6.0 Speedzone. While the more expensive one would be worth it, I'm not exactly entering races.


Get the 9.0... you know you wanna!


It's easier to get forgiveness than permission!

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Guest Omega Man

I'm eyeing both that one and the 6.0 Speedzone. While the more expensive one would be worth it, I'm not exactly entering races.


JEES!!! That is a deal of note. How do these guys have that bike for 21k? On balance I think your choice is the way forward. I find the mix of Avid Code and Elixir on the bike quite interesting.


Funny thing. the dude in the picture on their website. His name is Rob J. he works for Canyon. He often comes out to SA. I've shuttled Paarl with him many times. Cool guy for sure



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Guest Omega Man

This is some more Opening weekend happiness from Les Gets. The rider is Tahnee Seagrave. She's quite a pinner.


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Guest Omega Man

The Criterium du Dauphine finishes at Chatel on sunday. The days stage will start in Morzine. go up towards Avoriaz. down into Lindarettes and make it's way to Chatel. If you haven't been to Morzine or the region check out that stage to see how pretty and awesome the whole setup is.

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Guest Omega Man

12 sleeps till we leave boys.


Things are starting to get exiting. I'm picking my bike up today after the service and I bought a mik en druk camera the other day. Actually it's quite a nice camera with a sport mode and 14 megapixels.

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12 sleeps till we leave boys.


Things are starting to get exiting. I'm picking my bike up today after the service and I bought a mik en druk camera the other day. Actually it's quite a nice camera with a sport mode and 14 megapixels.


Exatly 2 months form now Peach and I will be lugging our bikes (in boxes) arount ORTIA and checking in.


Which reminds me... I need to apply for my visa and leave ASAP!


oh... and hopefully my new steed will be here... ready for the adventure!

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so... are you taking your bike with?




Well, this will be my first trip, so new experiences all round.


But Morzine (France) seems to be a popular place to stay. Access to plenty of lifts, and trails. That's where we're staying.


Here are some maps of the general area








As for costs, it hasn't been too bad so far. Here's our estimated budget:

  1. flights - R6000 (bargain on Emirates)
  2. Accomodation - R3500 (for 2 weeks)
  3. Lift Pass - R1500 (for 13 days)
  4. Shuttles from Geneva Airport to Morzine and back again - R1500
  5. Visa - R700
  6. Daily Spending (food etc) - R4200 (that's based on R300/day just to be safe)

So that's just under R17 500 for 2 of riding in the Alps. If I go stingy o food (which i plan to do) that will come down by R1500 or so. Granted R17 500 is still quite a bit of money... but put it this way... it's cheaper, longer duration, and more fun than an Epic ;) *puts on flame suit*


Don't forget Travel Insurance - prob the most NB thing if you need to get airlifted and sent home.

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12 sleeps till we leave boys.


Things are starting to get exiting. I'm picking my bike up today after the service and I bought a mik en druk camera the other day. Actually it's quite a nice camera with a sport mode and 14 megapixels.


Can't wait for the pics when you return! I have to do this trip one day!!!

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Don't forget Travel Insurance - prob the most NB thing if you need to get airlifted and sent home.


Don't worry... got covered for R25m... so whoever sends me the nicest gift in the next 48hrs gets to be on my beneficiary list :lol:

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