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Cyclist killed in front of his Son.

Big H*

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This is exactly what I am talking about. A simple mistake by the Eurpoeans is now news headlines and the "apartheid" and "racism" is once again emphasized and not surpisingly someone needs to apologise.


Sometimes I thing the countries leadership is to blame for the creating hate in everyone.


Wurm and Scudd.... what would have happened if they only played Nkosi and not the stem at all? I can promise you I would not have jumped up and down shouting blame etc as it is not in my nature....


Also if the Stem now suddenly is a apartheid song then why do we still sing half of it before every match?

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If I was a vengeful person I would flatten one othese guys with my car for every clearly racist attack that they



There are many quiet rural roads, and a bullbar would hide the damage to my car.


But then again, I am part of a group of people that have evolved past killing people in cold blood...


Doesnt sound like it.


And condolences to the family esp the poor kid - there's not much getting over an event like that. I hope he's got some good support.

Edited by Joe Low
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Vermoor: ‘Ek dink my pappa slaap net’




That write up left me just a little more than angered and over-emotional.

There is no fun in losing a parent, and for something as art as a bicycle ,even worse.

These are savages with no morals and sense of respect for their fellow humans.


As much as this might piss some off, there might just have ben some degree of sense in the method of madness with that segregation years ago,

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Vermoor: ‘Ek dink my pappa slaap net’




Seun sit kruis op plek waar rowers pa skiet



My heart broke when I read that....the laaitie had to see his dad being murdered and is now without a dad for the rest of his life, something that no child deserves. Why are they not throwing more resources at this to find the sleg honde responsible...oh yes I remember why, they are driving more sleg people around in black cars on our highways, eating kentucky on the side of the road and taking bribes for their retirement.....MyPissIsBitter

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That write up left me just a little more than angered and over-emotional.

There is no fun in losing a parent, and for something as art as a bicycle ,even worse.

These are savages with no morals and sense of respect for their fellow humans.


As much as this might piss some off, there might just have ben some degree of sense in the method of madness with that segregation years ago,

It is not strange any longer that when crimes of these nature are perpetrated that the criminals have supporters who throw the race card at those who becry the crime. Would we ever reach a point where a criminal is just that, irrespective of race. The freedom that we should have acquired some 18 years back have denied many of just that - freedom to the things they love.


You have to consider crime befroe you can consider doing anything first. Where can I ride my bike, where can I walk/hike, where can I live without being overly threatened.


All we want to do is ride our bikes! True justice need to prevail!

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It saddens me when any persons loses their life especially over replaceable items likes bikescars etc.wht is more disturbing is the racial slant this thread is taking. This was not performed with racial intent but purely criminal intent. The views expressed by some supporting the introductionof apartheid is appalling as a means to eradicate these crimes.


We need to see it for wht it is a sad senseless crime in which a father was killed..the father could hv come from any racial group and most likely have suffered same fate.


My condolensces to the family.


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makes me sad as a cyclist & a person to hear of such of tragedies.my heart felt condolences go to the lil' boy who lost his dad at such a young age.

It angers me that we can't ride the veld & streets without fear of such,let's not put color on murder or any crime but a search for justice as we are in a civil world where only a delinquent very few carry out such savage acts.It does no one any good to blame the past for such acts,as we are in the present & neither is thinking it's okay to post racially motivated statements when we are faced with living with such delicate matters.we are in a country with 11 official languages and murder/crime speaks non of these languages,the fight should be against crime not our fellow citzens of different race. no one has said it out loud but the few posts by fellow hubbers who i am in arms with in cycling suggest such.Let's stand stand together in a mission to "Ride 4 Life.

" i myself have faced criminals while cycling but by the grace of the Lord Here I stand"

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makes me sad as a cyclist & a person to hear of such of tragedies.my heart felt condolences go to the lil' boy who lost his dad at such a young age.

It angers me that we can't ride the veld & streets without fear of such,let's not put color on murder or any crime but a search for justice as we are in a civil world where only a delinquent very few carry out such savage acts.It does no one any good to blame the past for such acts,as we are in the present & neither is thinking it's okay to post racially motivated statements when we are faced with living with such delicate matters.we are in a country with 11 official languages and murder/crime speaks non of these languages,the fight should be against crime not our fellow citzens of different race. no one has said it out loud but the few posts by fellow hubbers who i am in arms with in cycling suggest such.Let's stand stand together in a mission to "Ride 4 Life.

" i myself have faced criminals while cycling but by the grace of the Lord Here I stand"

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This was not performed with racial intent but purely criminal intent.


How do you know that?

There is loads of crime in the Townships and people are killed every day there but why is it that when a white person or family is killed it's so brutal?

Why did they have to kill him for a bike and a phone?Why when whites are robbed at home they are tortured with hot irons or boiling water?

Could it be because the ANCYL preaches that whites have insurance so steal from them,could it be because ANCYL says take from the whites because they stole it from the blacks under apartheid.

Now the ANCYL says they will take the land from the whites and they can't be held responsible for the peoples actions.

Where is Showerhead with all this?why doesn't he ever speak out about it?

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Again............ court cases is made for hate speech against a painting. Marches are organised etc.


At the same time court cases is made to appeal against a ruling so that people are allowed to sing "Kill the Boer" - which basically mean the white man.


How do you explain that?


The government is creating this hate by referring to the injustices of the past every bloody day. People are angry cause they are being made angry by their government. They are continously being reminded of this to ensure continued support for the ANC.

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Crime happens all over and its brutal all over,


The poor guy was over powered and shot with his own pistol, i cant say whether they would have still killed him if he was not armed but that's speculation. reports are that they were not the first to be robbed, just prior to this there was another attack by the same men and the victims were black. My case where i was hijacked they kept asking where was my gun and i am certain if i had one they would have used it against me, as it was they stabbed me a few times before i was able to get the knife away and throw it in the thick bushes.

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makes me sad to hear & read of such inhuman acts,my heart felt condolences to the lil' boy who just lost his father at a young age to such act. It angers me that we can't ride the veld & streets without fear,but what scares me the most is people putting color on crime.the past has nothing to do with this incident but how we act and respond to such sad news has everything to do with how we can make this country a place we can all call home.no one has asked anyone to be apologetic about the past even if you where not there,but how we act & react now determines what we gonna have to be apologetic about in the future.we have 11 languages in the country & crime is none of them,let's fight crime like civil citizens not like the very few who spit on our freedom to live to ride.no one has said it out loud but the few posts by my fellow hubbers who i am in arms with in cycling with suggests. let's fight crime, let's Ride 4 Life. I too have been faced with such crime while riding but by the grace of the Lord here I stand.

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makes me sad to hear & read of such inhuman acts,my heart felt condolences to the lil' boy who just lost his father at a young age to such act. It angers me that we can't ride the veld & streets without fear,but what scares me the most is people putting color on crime.the past has nothing to do with this incident but how we act and respond to such sad news has everything to do with how we can make this country a place we can all call home.no one has asked anyone to be apologetic about the past even if you where not there,but how we act & react now determines what we gonna have to be apologetic about in the future.we have 11 languages in the country & crime is none of them,let's fight crime like civil citizens not like the very few who spit on our freedom to live to ride.no one has said it out loud but the few posts by my fellow hubbers who i am in arms with in cycling with suggests. let's fight crime, let's Ride 4 Life. I too have been faced with such crime while riding but by the grace of the Lord here I stand.




The problem is that the existing government is insufficient. Corruption etc reigns supreme and it is all about advantaging yourself regardless (or at the cost of) of the other remaining 49.5 million people.


The ANC is then also using the race card everyday to remind the masses to keep voting for them and it is working. All of the above leads to unemployment etc which in the end transpires to crime. If you are homeless and jobless and there is no work then it is in your nature to do whatever you need to survive even if it means robbing and killing it seems. I guess if you look at the population size and segment it will not be surprising that certain races are more involved as they make up most of the numbers.


Bottom line is that it is getting worse. This country only has roughly 5 million taxpayers and it is getting less due to murder and migration even though the "spenders" of these money just want more. We pay triple taxes on everything. Half of the fuel price is government tax. Every new car that is bought has a 40%+ tax added that goes straight to the government.


As for me the government have made it clear by its actions that they dont give a crap about me as a white person. All I see is people getting murdered left right and centered. They wont need to reclaim farm land cause the way it is going, there wont be any farmers left soon enough. Soon a bread will cost you R50 because everything will need to be imported as with the rest of Africa cause we cannot be self sufficient despite having the most fertile land in the world. Yes, Africa is a net importer of staple foods. The rand will fall to R50 to the dollar once they nationalise mines and farm lands cause no investor will leave their money here.

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It is not strange any longer that when crimes of these nature are perpetrated that the criminals have supporters who throw the race card at those who becry the crime. Would we ever reach a point where a criminal is just that, irrespective of race. The freedom that we should have acquired some 18 years back have denied many of just that - freedom to the things they love.


I have now read over this quite a few times, I honestly don't get what you are saying here.

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