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The solution to (drunk) motorists killing other road users? Opinions/Suggestions:

Bennie Dikwiel

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Who is perfect.


It's a conscious decision to go drinking, and it's a conscious decision to operate a motor vehicle in that inebriated state. No-one forced this oke to do it? He didn't accidentally get behind the wheel of the car did he?


His choice.


Well he has to pay for it now, So stop judging! You wont be judging if this was your son/wife/girlfriend!

He made the mistake, not you, so don't judge him and go and look in the mirror and sort out yourself, and i am saying this to everyone.

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EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES!!!! All you guys are so easy to judge!! get a live guys!!! Andre is not made for jail!! he is a good person that made a moerse mistakes!! All the photos posted is not allowed going to take that up with www admins now.


GROW UP PEOPLE!! If this was family of yours you would act differently!!!

hi Leon


Do you cycle?


Well I do and so does my wife and we have a 15 month old baby boy and he needs us. A family is without there father because of Andre. Cyclist are not safe on the roads because of guys like this


You 100 % correct about judging others but your friend or family has shown no remorse for his stint on Sumday morning

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If he had done the decent thing of not fleeing the scene or perhaps try to help or take the guy to hospital it could be viewed as a mistake/accident. He made a huge mistake/broke the law and then did not exercise the option to try and make things better - in fact he made them worse. His attitute, as shown by his t shirt, will make him the subject of scrutiny for some time.


Well that was the shirt he got on, on Sunday morning when he was locked up, where was he supposed to get in another shirt??

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Well that was the shirt he got on, on Sunday morning when he was locked up, where was he supposed to get in another shirt??

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Well he has to pay for it now, So stop judging! You wont be judging if this was your son/wife/girlfriend!

He made the mistake, not you, so don't judge him and go and look in the mirror and sort out yourself, and i am saying this to everyone.


Sure. maybe. Either way, this probably isn't the right place to look for sympathy. Oh, wait, with your angry and antagonistic first post, you didn't come here for that did you? You came here to pick a fight?

Edited by TNT1
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hi Leon


Do you cycle?


Well I do and so does my wife and we have a 15 month old baby boy and he needs us. A family is without there father because of Andre. Cyclist are not safe on the roads because of guys like this


You 100 % correct about judging others but your friend or family has shown no remorse for his stint on Sumday morning


I completely understand your point, do you know how many cyclist drive in the middle of the road and when you by pass them they will give you the middle finger, All i'm saying is Andre is really not a bad person, and he wouldn't have done this on purpose. he mad a GIANT MISTAKE! and know he has to pay for it!!


No one is perfect that's why all these "MUCHO" guys pisses me off. They think they are the law..

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Sure. maybe. Either way, this probably isn't the right place to look for sympathy. Oh, wait, with your angry and antagonistic first post, you didn't come here for that did you? You came here to pick a fight?


No. This is open for all to say what they feel

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I completely understand your point, do you know how many cyclist drive in the middle of the road and when you by pass them they will give you the middle finger, All i'm saying is Andre is really not a bad person, and he wouldn't have done this on purpose. he mad a GIANT MISTAKE! and know he has to pay for it!!


No one is perfect that's why all these "MUCHO" guys pisses me off. They think they are the law..

The cyclists are not riding around drunk though are they?

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I completely understand your point, do you know how many cyclist drive in the middle of the road and when you by pass them they will give you the middle finger, All i'm saying is Andre is really not a bad person, and he wouldn't have done this on purpose. he mad a GIANT MISTAKE! and know he has to pay for it!!


No one is perfect that's why all these "MUCHO" guys pisses me off. They think they are the law..

leon once again I agree with you there are the biggest ass holes cycling on the road in Pe.


BUT guess what Mr Morris was not one of those ass holes. In fact he was cycling in single file with his mate on the CORRECT side of the road and Andre was on the wrong side of the road


No point in making this about cyclists showing middle finger at motorist because this was not the cause of this Loss of life


There are other threads where you can go rant and rave about those cyclists

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You are not allowed to post pictures of his number-plate. Don't worry I am taking this up now

you know the laws so well. A life lost an you getting all petty over number plates


Just take the pics off so this oke can scoot

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EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES!!!! All you guys are so easy to judge!! get a live guys!!! Andre is not made for jail!! he is a good person that made a moerse mistakes!! All the photos posted is not allowed going to take that up with www admins now.


GROW UP PEOPLE!! If this was family of yours you would act differently!!!


jirre..fkn big mistake he made and an unforgivable mistake(as you call it a mistake) at THAT!


eintlik is dit gladnie 'n mistake nie, daai effer het presies geweet wat hy doen toe hy besluit het om in sy kar te klim en dronk te bestuur. niemand het hom geforseer om dit te doen nie!


He is exactly made for jail, he killed some one!

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No. This is open for all to say what they feel


I promise, you wont like what most of us say we feel about Andre Gouws.

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