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Bestmed Jacaranda Satellite Classic 2012: 20.10.2012

Warrior Princess

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It's quite confusing really... I swear I can remember entering for the 114km... Oh well, lets see if I can hang on to this bunch since the organisers don't think I can hang on to the race snakes...

AL is the 114km distance. A"L"for long

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36-37 I reckon


AL is the 114km isn't it. A"L" for long


OK. AL (114km)did 37km/h last year. The medium distance (labeled 97 on Racetec) averaged 39km/h last year...

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A warning...



AND some of us are also doing the BSG Triathlon which is at Harties just next to Pecanwood! eek.gif


Busy day in the area ...

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A few of my fellow club members also seeded in AM, plus the few mentioned in this thread... just need to find a roadside cafe and we could stop for a cup or two

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A few of my fellow club members also seeded in AM, plus the few mentioned in this thread... just need to find a roadside cafe and we could stop for a cup or two

Heck no, I want to get back home!

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A few of my fellow club members also seeded in AM, plus the few mentioned in this thread... just need to find a roadside cafe and we could stop for a cup or two

I'm going to cling on to the group as long as possible and hope for the best. Fitness is not near where I'd like it to be.

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A few of my fellow club members also seeded in AM, plus the few mentioned in this thread... just need to find a roadside cafe and we could stop for a cup or two

Or a carb loaded beer or two!cool.png

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Did the 92k in 2:51 despite some mechanicals. Weather was good. Marshalls were great. Some horrible bunch riders, but all and all much easier than I expected (only 900 odd metres climbing). Should have gone harder but I had a mechanical in the first 600metres and was chasing the bunch all the time. Vrekpoort was nice but far from a killer ( at my slow speed of course!). Will definitely be back. Now for a nice Mtb race...

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