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Strava..... For dummies


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I flagged the ride and marked it as private so it does not show up in any of the KOM stats or anything. On Bryton's website everything is perfect. Distance, time, everything. As soon as I upload to strava something goes haywire.

Export from Bryton, upload (from PC) to Strava?

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Export from Bryton, upload (from PC) to Strava?


Ive tried everything. Uploading directly from Brytons site, exporting it to my PC and uploading to Strava. Nothing worked... Anyway it was just a chilled ride, so not to worried about it... I was trying out the gps tracks feature on my bryton for the first time, so it might have somehting to do with that. But still cant understand why all the readings will change from Brytons site to Strava...

Edited by lapa
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you can use GPSLogger2 on the BB, and have that upload files to strava, do that for my wife, with her BB.


(although she has not ridden for a while, and well bought her a Edge500 now)



Is Strava available for BB? Looked on the web and saw only iPhone and Android.

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How about naming all those climbs/segments? Four of them on one ride, all named R71 sad.png


thanks , need some education on this strava thing .will go back and call them something like ride of hell .

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my only claim to fame is that i have a KOM ahead of Greg Minaar....but then again he normally goes down the hills very fast

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How about naming all those climbs/segments? Four of them on one ride, all named R71 sad.png


some of the names p!$$ me off - like "Joe's climb" very informative chap!

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A 3.5km/h average is crazy, then again so is a 10% gradient over 6k's on loose terrain.


It was crap hard ! will never forget the three days in that place .even though it was just a training camp with four of us it scared me for a long time .to add you had to climb hanging over you bars otherwise you fall over backwards

Edited by Iron
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Those of you with Garmins, how many of you use the "Upload from Garmin device" option? After being annoyed on a daily basis (waiting for at least 3min for it to load all my activities) and then using a Laptop that didn't work with the Garmin add-on. I decided to upload it by using "upload files from your computer" and selecting the relevant ride in my Garmin's history, I kid you not, 30sec later my ride was uploaded. Just removed a whole lot of stress from my life...happy.png

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