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Crime on the up in Cape Town


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I live on a farm just outside somerset west.


My brother and sister previously lived in the house and they both had incidents.


My sister came home one night to find half her belongings on the lawn outside and the rest gone.


My brothers wife woke one morning and some of her cigarettes were taken from table next to bed after my brother had left the house. The stupid idiot also took a mouth full from the polony in fridge and then discovered the left over shooters from a bachelors...they found the guy passed out in the vinyard third row from the gate of the yard.


Since 2007 ive been living in the house and ive always had a german sheppard and recently got a second one and ive never "touch wood" have had a days problems!


But i always keep my house closed no one needs to see what i have inside. I made up stories about my dog when i moved in about i got it from my dad because he bit the gardener...and my dogs act all agressive when ever people are visiting. Had an issue once where telkom guy was stuck on his bakkie meanwhile the dog just wants a neckrub.


None of the farm workers dare to come into my yard unless im there holding the dogs.

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It looks like more bolts/locks and security gates for us. The Labradors to friendly to be a problem but for some reason the locals don't enjoy a black dog... Given him a collar with studs to make him look aggressive.


I grew up in JHB and never felt this unsafe. My uncle in jHB walked into his sons room one night after hearing voices (son was away) to find five black individuals looking at him, one had a 9mm tried to fire it but it jammed. My uncle had his 38 revolver(they never jam) and fired at these thieves hitting one in the neck, the other panicked and jumped though the window of the second floor onto a concrete patio. Police arrived and let the intruder bleed out before calling an ambulance. I asked my uncle if he will sell and move in case they come back. His answer, I hope they return!!I will use the firearm, but the police are probably in cahoots with the criminals one you have the license and then a target.


This just irritates me, but I cannot think of a solution.



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It looks like more bolts/locks and security gates for us. The Labradors to friendly to be a problem but for some reason the locals don't enjoy a black dog... Given him a collar with studs to make him look aggressive.


I grew up in JHB and never felt this unsafe. My uncle in jHB walked into his sons room one night after hearing voices (son was away) to find five black individuals looking at him, one had a 9mm tried to fire it but it jammed. My uncle had his 38 revolver(they never jam) and fired at these thieves hitting one in the neck, the other panicked and jumped though the window of the second floor onto a concrete patio. Police arrived and let the intruder bleed out before calling an ambulance. I asked my uncle if he will sell and move in case they come back. His answer, I hope they return!!I will use the firearm, but the police are probably in cahoots with the criminals one you have the license and then a target.


This just irritates me, but I cannot think of a solution.



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I had an interesting experience 2 years ago..a friend was renovating his house so was not living on site..one evening I got a calls from him asking me if I could stay with him a he hous because thieves had vandalized the house taking the copper pipes taps etc..so we camped out there, me thinking it being futile..why would the thieves return?


At about 6 am were woken by some scratching on the window and it turned out to be the neighbor h was on his way for a run and recognised the same guys going in the direction of the back yard as the day before..we waited a few minutes then heard grating sounds from the rear of the house..fortunately there was only 1 way off the property and we investigated via this route which meant the only way to escape would be over or thru us..now I'm 6'3" weigh 106 kg ..not a very good cyclist but when it comes to some confrontational situations I'm pretty confident to hold my own..I digress..we found 2 guys pulling a copper pipe off the wall 1 was standing on a drum to loosen the higher area..we asked them very calmly wht they were doing and the guy on the drum said they were instructed to do this by the owner..well that was the last thing we heard..have anyone seen what happen when a guy standing on a big steel drum has his legs hit out from unde him from the side..almost like a jackass movie..head hit side of the barrel then the ground..friend tried to run but was also restrained..called police waited forever and as each tried to escape needed to restrain ..at times

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More vigor required..police were called and in typical as fashion it took about 30 min to respond..in this time we retrained the guys whenever they attempted to escape (imagine wht u would do if u caught a thief in your house he he)


Police eventually arrived and my friend accompanied them to police station to give his statement and complete documents to ensure this would not fall thru cracks due to insufficient evidence or documents..


2 weeks later h gets a call from the police station requesting him to report to a detective in connection with his citizens arrest..he reports to them confidently and proud thinking hey want to officially thank him or maybe offer a reward..to his surprise when he arrived there they arrested and charged him with assault to do grievous bodily harm..WTF


This sentence was more serious than the common house breaking charge the guys were initially arrested..he had to get an attorney..go through the drama of finger prints..potential criminal record..hectic ***..


After a month of anguish for the family he agreed to drop the charges against the guys who broke into house if they did the same..Now is this justice


Me I said they must prove I was there..so wasn't charged but felt crap for my buddy..


My question is simple and would like a legal opinion please..what are our rights in our ability to retaliate if our property's amazed or family is threatened ..who does this constitution work for..it doesn't appear to protect the hard working law abiding citizens.



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Eeish that's a blind situation but I suppose the law is the law, you cant smash up people even thieves unless it's clearly self defense, you lucky it's not the USA , probably be sued for damages then. Miff!

If you going to really roughen up the suspects it's probably better to not call the police...

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More vigor required..police were called and in typical as fashion it took about 30 min to respond..in this time we retrained the guys whenever they attempted to escape (imagine wht u would do if u caught a thief in your house he he)


Police eventually arrived and my friend accompanied them to police station to give his statement and complete documents to ensure this would not fall thru cracks due to insufficient evidence or documents..


2 weeks later h gets a call from the police station requesting him to report to a detective in connection with his citizens arrest..he reports to them confidently and proud thinking hey want to officially thank him or maybe offer a reward..to his surprise when he arrived there they arrested and charged him with assault to do grievous bodily harm..WTF


This sentence was more serious than the common house breaking charge the guys were initially arrested..he had to get an attorney..go through the drama of finger prints..potential criminal record..hectic ***..


After a month of anguish for the family he agreed to drop the charges against the guys who broke into house if they did the same..Now is this justice


Me I said they must prove I was there..so wasn't charged but felt crap for my buddy..


My question is simple and would like a legal opinion please..what are our rights in our ability to retaliate if our property's amazed or family is threatened ..who does this constitution work for..it doesn't appear to protect the hard working law abiding citizens.


It was mentioned before...." dead criminals cannot talk..."

sad, but true...

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I've been a victim of crime so many times in the last decade I've lost count but I've learn't to never let it ruin my life. If I allowed the actions of others to change who I am, then I would not be the person I am today, instead I would be a very sad man living locked away in an underground bunker.

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Keep the Lab in the house at night ,that should give you warning if there is movement outside & don't feed him at night.Stay safe


Is that to encourage the Lab to eat the intruders? ;)

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More vigor required..police were called and in typical as fashion it took about 30 min to respond..in this time we retrained the guys whenever they attempted to escape (imagine wht u would do if u caught a thief in your house he he)


Police eventually arrived and my friend accompanied them to police station to give his statement and complete documents to ensure this would not fall thru cracks due to insufficient evidence or documents..


2 weeks later h gets a call from the police station requesting him to report to a detective in connection with his citizens arrest..he reports to them confidently and proud thinking hey want to officially thank him or maybe offer a reward..to his surprise when he arrived there they arrested and charged him with assault to do grievous bodily harm..WTF


This sentence was more serious than the common house breaking charge the guys were initially arrested..he had to get an attorney..go through the drama of finger prints..potential criminal record..hectic ***..


After a month of anguish for the family he agreed to drop the charges against the guys who broke into house if they did the same..Now is this justice


Me I said they must prove I was there..so wasn't charged but felt crap for my buddy..


My question is simple and would like a legal opinion please..what are our rights in our ability to retaliate if our property's amazed or family is threatened ..who does this constitution work for..it doesn't appear to protect the hard working law abiding citizens.

There is an old case which is quoted from time to time where a shop owner set a loaded gun and rigged it with a trip wire to shoot any burglar who broke into the shop after hours. One night a person broke in, tripped the wire and was shot dead. The owner was charged with murder, but was acquitted. The outcome was that you can kill another person in defence of your property even if your own life was not at risk. However, that was many years ago and I do not think that one will fly in modern courts.

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DJR: that is an interesting dilemma, like using herpes to kill cancer. The problem is, they are both problems. So he has effectively bought your silence.


if there ever was a sign we live in f'd up times...


but if you had a choice between flu and pulmonary heart disease, I bet you would choose the former. The one can kill you, the other is just an inconvenience. It's the lesser of two evils.

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ja man in obs too. getting worse and worse. now they stealing parts off our cars if we leave them outside. wtf

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ja man in obs too. getting worse and worse. now they stealing parts off our cars if we leave them outside. wtf


TIK makes you do just about anything!

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