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Momsen Bikes Worst Rims and service?


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I wouldn't buy a Tata indica, load it up with four mates and attempt a trip across Africa. I would need a landcruiser. Unfortunately I cant afford one so I'll stay in cape town. Right tools for the job. And u have to pay for the right tools.


Affereeka is not as ruff as Getaway would like you to believe. When I lived in Tanzania I even saw a guy in a Ferrari that travelled all the way fro Slaapstadt to Dar Es Salaam ....... and this was in 1998. You can now drive all the way to northern Mozambique including a Bridge crossing of the Zambezi with a soft car, You can almost do that up to Luanda as well.

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When you took the wheel to Finish Line did you stress that you had ongoing problems with the wheel and ask advice? If a wheel is brought in to be trued, that is what is done, if our advice is sought then we will give it to the best of our ability. I think it is a bit harsh to flame Finish Line for not asking your personal history with the wheel, you wanted it trued and that is what was done.


Perhaps, but I don't entirely agree, it took the guys at yellow saddle one look ant he said listen I can true it but it won't last. the wheel is damaged. how can they pick this up and Finish line couldn't. but I am not here to discuss Finish line cycles as that is a completely other discussion all together.

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If the wheel was so badly bent we would not have attempted to true the wheel. The fact that it was trued is testament to the fact that the wheel was not badly out of true. If the original poster was unhappy with our service then he should have contacted us and we would have advised him accordingly. And our wheel builder is very highly skilled, and certainly not a fool, as you so glibly infer.


Well then we can agree to disagree, on that, also not to mention my friend bought some Kevlar for his wheels when he took his bike in for a service, paid for it got a puncture the weekend and realized that they never put it in. BUT like I said this discussion is not around the service from Finish Line Cycles in particular

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Well then we can agree to disagree, on that, also not to mention my friend bought some Kevlar for his wheels when he took his bike in for a service, paid for it got a puncture the weekend and realized that they never put it in. BUT like I said this discussion is not around the service from Finish Line Cycles in particular


'Kevlar' seriously dude?

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Momsen cannot be expected to offer advice or after sales service.

That is the responsibility of the lbs. He made the sale, with him lies the discretion of warranty etc.

If the lbs can justify the claim, the rep will entertain the possibility of a replacement.

Chain of events.


If you buy a VW and have crap with it, camping outside the plant in uitenhage asking them to fix it isn't gonna help


But mailing them and asking for advice should be allowed surely? I didn't camp Momsen and demand anything I merely asked for advice. In fact if they responded and said sorry you need to speak to Solomons I would have accepted that.

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'Kevlar' seriously dude?


well what ever the stuff between your tube and tyre, a Strip of some sort I do not know the names of all the stuff point is he paid for it and ddin't get it.

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Victor Momsen




Once parked my car in front of Barons Bellville's service garage door before they opened. And left with the key. Got the attention of all the right people and what they were struggling to fix for months and months got sorted in a day.


Not my proudest moment...no actually...that's a pretty cool story.


I once got to the dealer principle's office early and just sat there till they sorted my issue out .....

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I sat outside the principal's office a lot.


Was she a young principal, did she have a cane, did she wear a suspender belt with stockings, any leather or spandex involved!!!!!!!!!

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Once parked my car in front of Barons Bellville's service garage door before they opened. And left with the key. Got the attention of all the right people and what they were struggling to fix for months and months got sorted in a day.


Not my proudest moment...no actually...that's a pretty cool story.


Hahaha, that is a pretty funny story.

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Was she a young principal, did she have a cane, did she wear a suspender belt with stockings, any leather or spandex involved!!!!!!!!!


Were you at my school?

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wish I was


There are things that as a kid you don't appreciate until you are much older and have to pay much money for. Getting beaten by a middle-aged woman is one of them.

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There are things that as a kid you don't appreciate until you are much older and have to pay much money for. Getting beaten by a middle-aged woman is one of them.


......... At my age that is a very rare occurrence but quite cool. Middle aged wimmen are now younger that me and say........ Hallo Oom!!!!

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Sorry to hear your story. My AL129 rims must have been a good set. Still going strong after 10 months hard riding. I have even been down some of the DH trails at Tokai and Jonkers with these rims. Although I must admit, they don't feel like the most solid wheels and I do intend on upgrading them when some cash comes in.

Edited by Nick.
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Solomon,s should not have sold you those rim.s if they new what they were selling .Unfortunately i will not take any advice from a salesman at solomon,s or cajees .The usual story is.Other people are buying them .These are popular .They tried to sell me road shoes for a MTB stage race .These guys are in the retail trade .Not cycling trade

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