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Dodgy Hubber ?


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I received my bike from Mr. Leach today! Thanks to everyone who contributed on this tread, which might have led Mr. Leach to have a change of heart. 



Just out of curiosity, what was his reason?


The same thing happened to me a few days ago.. I paid for a set of shifters.. no response, no communication, does not answer calls and if I don't receive my money back or the shifters, I will go up to potch!! Why is this guy still aloowed to trade on the Hub!!??

and has he ponied up here too then?


I would just like to inform everyone who had a sqizz on this specific thread that I have just received my item via mail from Mr Leach. Let this serve as a heads up to all in future, as I have certainly learnt a lesson or two. Thank you to all you hubbers for your assistance & to admin especially. Good to see the names who are all in favour of a healthy trading and sharing environment! Kudos


Any update from Admin as to this individual's status as a trader on HubSA?

it would appear he got the boot, not entirely sure what stops him from creating the cycle again in six months time. at least we still got this thread. 






Joined on Jun 07 2014 08:23 

Banned · 0 posts


it would appear he got the boot, not entirely sure what stops him from creating the cycle again in six months time. at least we still got this thread. 

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Joined on Jun 07 2014 08:23 

Banned · 0 posts


Good to hear.

Hope to hear an official statement from Admin too.  :thumbup:


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