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Im pretty sure the EL one wont drop off the calendar after next year, 2017 is the 10th one so I recon they will at least run that one.

Seems next year I will be out on course in EL rather than my usual watching the run from my pavement in bunkers hill.

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Both races will sell out.  70.3 sells out like hot cake.


I had a good day.


Swim was fun.  What was not fun was when a guy was rushed to the beach with a rubber duck 3 minutes before my wave start - kind of takes the wind out of the sails.  It was hard sighting the buoys  due to the swell but I will take my 34 minutes any day considering I have swam about 4 times since my last race in July.


The bike oh yes that was a beast.  Wind was from the front and then changed South at the 60km mark.  The pros had it lucky as they were already back into T2 when it changed.  I thought it was really hard.  I put in a lot of effort going out but still turned with a 25km/hour average.  Flew back initially but then the wind changed and it became dangerous.  I thought from the effort that I deserved a 32km average bike but could only do 30km at the end.


I also nearly got taken out by a stray dog but thank heavens I missed it.  Went about 60km/hour at that stage and I didn't even bother to try and brake as it would not have made any difference in any case.....


When I reached the last hill I was tired but I realized that I needed to finish the cycle ASAP as it was only getting tougher.


I will take the 03h05 although my GPS shows I cycled 91.8km's.  Maybe it was the wind blowing my 1080's all over the road that made me cycle further :eek: .  Top speed was 78.8km/hour - that was scary.


When I started the run I knew it was a case of holding on for dear life.  When I went up Bunkers the first time I started to feel like crap.  My race defining moment came when I drank a whole can of red bull.  I would never do that but I was so desperate that I did and it worked.  I got a massive lift and then kept going and ate gels while managing my losses.  Ended up with a 01h50 run which was OK considering the heat and wind.  Fortunately I drafted behind some other runners.


Lessons learned and some advise.  Always reassess conditions during a race and adapt.  Due to the wind and heat one needed to drink more than initially anticipated.  Also ensure you do a couple of runs in mid day heat.


I was happy with my 05h39 considering some training issues as mid December I was still a non-starter due to various reasons.


I am now considering Sun City (10 May) and then the new Durban Race.  Change of scenery is always welcome.  Unfortunately I wont be able to do the Cradle race.


Well done Garf, that is a great time considering a very tough day from all accounts.

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Here follows my race report:


I arrived in East London on Friday 23 January full of anticipation for the event on Sunday. I knew I was fit enough for an event like this, but I was apprehensive of the bike because I knew that it consisted of a lot of climbing and at about 120kgs, the climbing really kills you.

On Saturday morning I joined the Team Tissink group for the warm up swim and all went well. Apart from the water being freezing, I had a nice swim and did two laps of the 700m warm up course. I felt a little more confident after the warm up swim. After the swim I drove the bike course by car and I then knew that the first 45km would be real tough, but also that I I reached the turnaround point with a good time I would be able to complete the bike course in the allowed cut off time.

Sunday morning I stood up with the normal nerves, but the nerves soon dissipated when I got at the race start and I couldn’t wait for the race to begin. I did a warmup swim and I felt good. Standing on the beach before the start of the race and knew what was expected of me….have a easy swim….and just make the halfway mark on the bike. I knew that if I accomplished this I would be in for a shot to finish.

I started the swim and felt great. At the 1km buoy I looked on my watch and saw that I completed the first kilometre in less than 20 minutes. At the 1.2km mark I saw that I was under 24 minutes. I knew that if I kept this pace I would swim a new PB, but ultimately this was not to be. Halfway between the third buoy and the final buoy my calves started to cramp so bad that I couldn’t straighten my legs and I couldn’t kick. The cramped persisted until I got out of the water and in the end I completed the swim in 42 minutes.

I went through transition and got on the bike with no problems. I felt good at the start of the bike leg and went through the climbs patiently, knowing that I would be slower on the way out than on the return leg. At about 30km the cramps returned and the final 8km until the halfway mark was a nightmare. I had to get of the bike several times to stretch my legs to try to get rid of the cramps.

At the halfway mark I retired as a result of the cramps. Disappointing, yes, but I will be back next year and I will do Durban as well. At least I had the company of some nice people at the medical station halfway! 

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Anyone have the contact details for the friendly official bike assistance.


the technical guys?


CycleHQ 043 735 1137

or Triangle Sports  041 581 7041

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Well done everyone! Sounds like it was a tough day out.


I withdrew a couple of weeks before due to not having enough focus on the the training. My heart wasn't in it. Didn't really feel bad about missing out until I just watched that video. Now I am jealous. Damn.


How was Standard Bank as a sponsor? Did they bring anything interesting to the event?

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the technical guys?


CycleHQ 043 735 1137

or Triangle Sports 041 581 7041

Who was the mobile bike shop in transition? The lady owner? I owe them tube money.
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Who was the mobile bike shop in transition? The lady owner? I owe them tube money.


thats Cycle HQ.

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Who was the mobile bike shop in transition? The lady owner? I owe them tube money.

That would be Candy from Cycle HQ

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Where to start ....


Enough has been said about the decline of the city. Having grown up there it is extremely sad to see. The scary part was that I was told they cleaned up the before the race, I hope the situation improves.


Race build up went smoothly. Registration was quick and easy. I was also shocked to see Merrel selling the full ironman gear from last year, their others items were boring, dated and badly sized.


Check in was also a breeze and the volunteers were very helpful. I managed to get an early meal and slept well and woke to a still morning and was very excited about a good day out. Having resigned in December I had the whole of Jan to train at will and got more miles in than I have before so was feeling confident of a good time.


Arrived at the Orient well in time. No issues with the bike and everything was ready. I felt good.


I hit the water and took it easy to the first bouy and then got into a good rhythm. The sea was quite chopping and I ended up swallowing a fair bit of water. Got out the water in about 30 mins and walked my way up to transition and was out of T1 in 40mins.


A few minutes into the bike I started feeling a little uneasy and had a very dry mouth. Tried to drink and few queasy. Spun up past Heamingways and then tried to get a bar down on the flat section above. My mouth was so dry and stomach was in a knot I couldnt get it down. I was so thirsty and every time I took a sip I felt nauseous. Eventually pulled over and had a little vom in the bushes. Still had a bad tummy and couldnt get anything else down. Continued this way until the turn around and manged to the first 30 kms or so back ok and felt the worst of it was behind me ... then I turned into the wind back the R72 and felt I was going backwards.


I pushed hoping I could get onto the run, drink some coke, get some sugar and energy. I walked the first bit of the run and then got into a jog which then slowed into a run. Even with the encouragement of Fabes I couldnt go on and pulled off the course.


I was so bleak. My mother was there and saw me. I told her I was pulling out and went to a Marshall to ask what I should do and if my mother could take me back to the medic tent. I was told NO, the quad will fetch you in a few minutes and I should just sit there and wait. This was 12h15 near the turnaround point. 20mins past, 40mins past. I went to the marshal and asked how much longer and she said there were going to here shortly. This routine continued for about and hour and half. I was eventually picked up by a really nice gent on a quad who drove me back to the medical tent. I explained what had happened and he told me EL was experiencing a red tide and high levels of E.Coli and about 70% of the people being treated were in the same boat.


The medic tent was a scene and hats off to the staff in there. Looked like something from MASH. Some crashes,people getting sick. Doctors confirmed what the medic had told me so ended a day with so much promise.


I was also told they turn around water point ran out of water but other than that and the long wait it was well organised, very well supported and well done to those who did finish.


Looking forward to next year and doing the European races

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Congrats. What age category were you in?


Simply not enough people to claim the slots. I was there, willing and ready to pay.

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Looking forward to next year and doing the European races




Please don't resign the Hub too. I would very much like to hear about the European races. I started with a little saving scheme some time ago and will get a annual payout from 2017 forward. It is intended for travel holidays for the family, and we agreed that the first week of each trip will have an IM race in it  :thumbup: Got to know which ones are worth it though.


Try to do Nice first, pretty please  :whistling:

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Well done everyone! Sounds like it was a tough day out.


I withdrew a couple of weeks before due to not having enough focus on the the training. My heart wasn't in it. Didn't really feel bad about missing out until I just watched that video. Now I am jealous. Damn.


How was Standard Bank as a sponsor? Did they bring anything interesting to the event?


I saw some brand new banners...

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