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Advice for noob on starter bike


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Hi All,


looking to start riding and looking for a entry level MTB, will mainly be doing chilled/social trail riding (around the Emmarentia/Melville/Spruit area) 


I am quite sceptical  on walking into a bike shop and asking advice as I know the sales guys try push stock out or have certain brands they promote over others (this is not always the case)


I have a 5k budget for my bike so any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I am not against finding a decent 2nd had bike but I do not know what too look out for when buying 2nd hand so I think it might be best to go brand new.


Thanks for the help/advice in advanced.



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Under NO circumstances must you go to makro and buy a MTB from them.

Im not sure which LBS you'll use but they not all "salesmen". My LBS for one is a bunch of down to earth cyclists that want you to enjoy riding so that you come back to them and not scare you away by feeding you rubbish. 

Are there any brands you like? When I bought my first mtb way back when I was(still am!!) a big BURRY fan so I had to buy a GT as thats what he road and I went for the best option in my price range.

In your price range you'll find most of the bikes will have very similar components on so it comes down to what you think sounds and looks good with you on.

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for 5k u not gonna get much to be frank, all of the 29er at that price are pretty much the same.


at about 7 to 8k it get better.


look at momsen, silverback and mirida.

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The first thing you need to establish is what the right size frame is for you.


I just sold a decent specced dual suspension 26er for under 5k.


So there are deals out there.


Sometimes you just have to wait for the right bike to come along.

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Thanks but im not sure what too look out for when buying second hand and that is too risky for me as I have had issues buying 2nd hand stuff before. Not keen on buying something and still having to fix and stuff so I would rather go new even if it means something a little bit less spec.


As for the bike will I need a 29er or will any wheel size do for the type of riding? anything else I need to consider before buying and things to look out for? e.g suspension, gears and those sort of things?

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Thanks but im not sure what too look out for when buying second hand and that is too risky for me as I have had issues buying 2nd hand stuff before. Not keen on buying something and still having to fix and stuff so I would rather go new even if it means something a little bit less spec. As for the bike will I need a 29er or will any wheel size do for the type of riding? anything else I need to consider before buying and things to look out for? e.g suspension, gears and those sort of things?

Find someone from here that lives near you, offer them beer or coffee to help and have them check out a few used bikes with you. You can get something fairly decent at that price if looking at used.

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Bear in mind that your budget will have to be streched for the equipment you going to need.

Helmet and shorts could set you back another R1000.

But there are used options in the classifieds.

You may want extras like gloves and a breathable shirt that doest soak up sweat like a casual t-shirt made of cotton.

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I hate to brake it to you.

But you not going to get a new bike for 5k.

R8k at the very least on last years entry level models on special.

Buy used. You probably going to get a much better bike for 5k used than for 8k new.


Like marko said. Have someone who knows a thing or 2 to accompany you when viewing the used bike. Bikes need to be maintained anyways. So if by some miracle you manage to buy a new bike for 5k. I can pretty guarentee you will have to fix or replace something soon after buying it.

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The other thing to consider, and not related to the bike itself. You will get loads and loads of advice which will make things as clear as mud. Basically there is no one single answer and no easy answer. So if you are looking for someone to tell you exactly what to do, you need to rethink that.


As some have said, consider what riding you think you will be doing for the next year, Buy a bike for that so you can start saving should you progress beyond 1 year.


The second one is this - if the bug bites, best you be prepared to spend a bit more, and then keep saving to spend even more after that. Cycling is a very easy way to empty your retirement savings account.


In terms of bike, new at R5k is going to be tough. Dont knock second hand, the guys here will help out with advice on one if you ask.

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Nothing wrong with that bike if you just want to ride socially and chilled. But if you are wanting a bit more ability than just ride up and down the pavement, you might want to consider spending a bit more, or saving for it you can afford a better one.

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well with a R5k budget the words "decent" and "new" disappear all together. I would look in the classifieds... :thumbup: and for R5k then "fairly" and "decent" comes into picture...



Thanks but im not sure what too look out for when buying second hand and that is too risky for me as I have had issues buying 2nd hand stuff before. Not keen on buying something and still having to fix and stuff so I would rather go new even if it means something a little bit less spec. As for the bike will I need a 29er or will any wheel size do for the type of riding? anything else I need to consider before buying and things to look out for? e.g suspension, gears and those sort of things?


New you are just going to try actually buy a bike... and possibly buy one of those epic fail bikes.

2 months from now you gonna want a better one or you gonna stop riding because the bike sucks.


Not being funny but it is reality. Those axis bikes are not bad to start with but that's almost R6K... so the budget is growing... (it always does :lol: )

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the question  you need to ask yourself is are you investing your money in something or just spending your money on an item. 


5k sets the bar very low. You might find yourself coughing up more money at a later stage than if you spent a little more upfront. 

Don't be in a rush now. Rather do your research (eg: size frame) and save a little more. 

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