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PWC Ripoff


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I think you should change your title. You are actually referring to the bike park that you believe is a rip off.


Your title suggests that PwC, the professional services company is ripping you off.

This is a cycling related website, why would I be commenting about a professional services company? If you read my article it is obvious that I am referring to the bike park!
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This is a cycling related website, why would I be commenting about a professional services company? If you read my article it is obvious that I am referring to the bike park!

We often talk about non cycling related stuff, from coffee to politics to hot chicks ( da dum tish ).


We also often discuss people who need to chill out about small things. Don't be one of those guys.

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Rant unwarranted in my mind.


In the near-side of the park you have:

  • Burm Baby Burm, a 5 minute section of flowy, bermy singletrack with a few advanced skills features like drop offs, ramps and a rock garden'
  • Spagetti Junction, with elevated bridges, berms, some short steep climbs and some fast flowy sections - about 5-7 minutes worth. (1,2km)
  • The Canyon - short but fun to do laps
  • The Everglades - bridges and raised platforms
  • The Pump track
  • The BMX track
  • The new skills area with jumps, drops and rocks
  • The new "slow skills" area
  • The new jumps area with many wooden berms, bridges, platforms, some skinnies etc.
  • The outer perimeter road which is nice for the draggy climbs

On the far side of the highway you have:

  • Inca (and Inca cont.)
  • Ewok

So in my mind, the OP missed out on about 20% of the park's features because of trail maintenance. Still worth the price of admission once you factor in the labour intensive and costly development of the park, not to mention the safe and secure riding environment and the proximity (read fuel saving) to the northern Johannesburg residential complex.

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jirrrr looks like if you mention your opinion no matter what you will get stoned in some or other way :D


Sorry to the OP , I understand your point very clear 

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jirrrr looks like if you mention your opinion no matter what you will get stoned in some or other way :D


Sorry to the OP , I understand your point very clear 


Not specifically aimed at the OP, but in general people are quick to mouth-off on social media about perceived injustices by companies (me included) - I think bikehubbers provide an important reality check on the moans on here when they don't just take everything at face value and interrogate the complaint a bit :thumbup:  


One can very quickly make a call on who is the unreasonable party and it is not always the company that is moaned about.

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jirrrr looks like if you mention your opinion no matter what you will get stoned in some or other way :D


Sorry to the OP , I understand your point very clear 

I get irritated when:

1. People's first reaction is to go to social media, instead of addressing the people responsible directly first. If the OP sent an email to the bike park and had a bad / no response, then go to social media.

2. People try to bully service providers with social media (not the case here, but we often see it). I particularly enjoy it when service providers put the record straight in some of these instances.

3. There is nothing constructive to take from a social media complaint. If you take the time and energy to complain, try to think about a possible solution as well. You have then at least applied your mind to the problem with a possible solution as well.

4. People come up with immature responses like "they won't see me again" type posts. That just shows that you do not intend to be constructive about it.

5. One post wonders. Don't just come here to complain and then disappear again. I am grateful that we have an interactive online community here in hubland. When people only come here to complain and then just disappear again it is seen by many as a less serious matter.

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I get irritated when:

1. People's first reaction is to go to social media, instead of addressing the people responsible directly first. If the OP sent an email to the bike park and had a bad / no response, then go to social media.

2. People try to bully service providers with social media (not the case here, but we often see it). I particularly enjoy it when service providers put the record straight in some of these instances.

3. There is nothing constructive to take from a social media complaint. If you take the time and energy to complain, try to think about a possible solution as well. You have then at least applied your mind to the problem with a possible solution as well.

4. People come up with immature responses like "they won't see me again" type posts. That just shows that you do not intend to be constructive about it.

5. One post wonders. Don't just come here to complain and then disappear again. I am grateful that we have an interactive online community here in hubland. When people only come here to complain and then just disappear again it is seen by many as a less serious matter.


+1.  I hate it when people complain and no solution or alternative reasoning is given at the same time.

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And if they dont do the maintenance then we start seeing posts about how the trails have deteriorated and still having to pay the full price. you can never win!


Yes its not the greatest to arrive and see that trails are closed for maintenance but then just select one of the many other places to ride if it does not suit your need and come back after the maintenance is complete.

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not 100% sure on how many parks are in the area, maybe someone else can answer that, but if PWC was not for you on the day, take the 15min drive to the spruit and ride for free!  Few places to stop and have cuppa and a meal along the spruit, Delta Cafe, Trail Head and Rustic Cafe to name a few.


the main thing is there are options available in the area

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not 100% sure on how many parks are in the area, maybe someone else can answer that, but if PWC was not for you on the day, take the 15min drive to the spruit and ride for free! Few places to stop and have cuppa and a meal along the spruit, Delta Cafe, Trail Head and Rustic Cafe to name a few.


the main thing is there are options available in the area

We have none only our own bundu bashing we do..so what I am saying is the jhbgers mustn't sweat the small small stuff [emoji23]
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Guest notmyname

We have none only our own bundu bashing we do..so what I am saying is the jhbgers mustn't sweat the small small stuff [emoji23]

PWC is quite central and I'd hazzard a guess that there are no fewer than 6 trail networks within a 20min drive. The spruit is the nearest being about 5 km down Witkoppen road towards Sunninghill.

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PWC is quite central and I'd hazzard a guess that there are no fewer than 6 trail networks within a 20min drive. The spruit is the nearest being about 5 km down Witkoppen road towards Sunninghill.

All a good 1,5 - 2hrs drive for me lol


I wouldn't mind having a bike park near by that has to undergo some maintenance from time to time..so you guys are lucky and a bit of trail maintenance is not the end of the world.


The closest we have to a bike park is the local nature reserve and we have to be out by 8am if we cycle there.

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I get irritated when:

1. People's first reaction is to go to social media, instead of addressing the people responsible directly first. If the OP sent an email to the bike park and had a bad / no response, then go to social media.

2. People try to bully service providers with social media (not the case here, but we often see it). I particularly enjoy it when service providers put the record straight in some of these instances.

3. There is nothing constructive to take from a social media complaint. If you take the time and energy to complain, try to think about a possible solution as well. You have then at least applied your mind to the problem with a possible solution as well.

4. People come up with immature responses like "they won't see me again" type posts. That just shows that you do not intend to be constructive about it.

5. One post wonders. Don't just come here to complain and then disappear again. I am grateful that we have an interactive online community here in hubland. When people only come here to complain and then just disappear again it is seen by many as a less serious matter.

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I have a love-hate relationship with PWC but it is what it is 


  • Close
  • Convenient
  • safe 
  • uni directional
  • Skills development vs full blown outride


Cheap it is not , but weigh that against - 

  • A picnic on the spruit with wife and kids leaving them there while you ride ?
  • Movies ?
  • Monte  ?
  • Any other alternative activity 

I can go do some loops and leave kids in play area 

Mrs can rest on grass bank 

kids can do kids track or BMX 

Elder boy can do jump bike area 


Personally I am glad it is being maintained , maintenance however is also not done in a day and has to start at some time however inconvenient !

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Totally unwarranted brandishing them a rip off!


I live 10 km away, so any trip to Modders, N Farms, Red Barn etc adds petrol cost + time which makes the entrance fee comparable.

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