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Cyclist knocked down-


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My friend got knocked down by a taxi in Houghton Drove this morning.He skipped red robot,took slipway and knocked her off her bike-she slipped on wet tar and landed under his back wheels and of course drove off without stopping to see if she was ok.Thank you to Cycle lab and other cyclists that stopped and waited for help to arrive.Bike write off and shoulder hurt-she was training so hard for World Triathlons in Canada-flying out on 1st of June

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Hey, really sorry to hear...


these are happening more and more often now. stupidity on the part of drivers: a classic case of disregard for other road users (not to mention the rules of the road!!!)


Give her my condolences - hope she has a quick recovery and can get back on a new bike asap...
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JennyMay - Hope your friend recovers ASAP and that she makes the World Tri champs.

For fear of being flamed to Hades and back, everyone is going to have a hissy fit about motorists skipping red lights but where are all the Hubbers that reckon it is OK for cyclists to skip red lights. This is what happens when the law gets broken, people get hurt, maimed or killed, so best we clean up our own act before we start pointing fingers.
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Agreed - it was said in a post earlier as well, concerning one of the clubs who ride like total nonsesical idiots, skipping robots with no regard for fellow road users. Only in the case where the driver is clearly at fault should we point fingers and start blaming - as is the case here.


But as for those of us who skip lights and then get hit because we didn't see anything, sorry... disobeyed the rules of the road. I do have sympathy, but not at the same level and not the anger I would feel if a motorist had done something like this.


We have to start getting our reputations back, so we can place blame squarely at the perp's feet without them coming back and saying "well, um, you cyclists do it all the time"


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jennymay, i hope your friend heals up soon.


yep, i'm 100% in agreement with R2D2 and cptmayhem. in this case though the rider was not at fault hence 100% my sympathies.
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Hi JM,

Hope A gets better quicky, she seemed in good spirits when we contacted her after you phoned us. She is a TAAI Tannie/OumaWink
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