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To spin or not to spin .


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As stated before i last rode seriously 20 years ago and have now started again . In my era of cycling we only had a 6 block cluster to choose your ratios from . I rode a 52 X 42  front and a 13 to 18  rear block . So your biggest gear was 108 inch and the smallest a 63 inch for most of the climbs around Gauteng it was good enough . With today's gearing on bikes its actually a pleasure to be a beginner again with 3 front rings and a 10 block rear cluster ranging from 11 to 26 ? ( I ride a MTB now ) . I have been training a 2.5 KM circuit on road doing 25 KM a day and have got my speed up to 22 KM ave. so doing my ride in 67 minutes . Yesterday i decided to spin the complete session using only the middle chain ring and not going down to the last  3 sprockets . This gave me a good work out as i could feel the pain in my upper legs towards the end . I only lowered my ave by 1.5 km and added only 6 minutes onto my training time ( 73 min)   . My question is should i spin more weekly during training and only then do a power ride once a week or should i do it on alternative days . 

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What are your objectives ?

To go as fast as possible or just to enjoy the ride ?

Fortunately  im a competitive person so just riding is not an alternative . Once i have my weight down to 100 kg i will be wanting to compete in local MTB events with the objective of being placed high in my age group . 

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Fortunately  im a competitive person so just riding is not an alternative . Once i have my weight down to 100 kg i will be wanting to compete in local MTB events with the objective of being placed high in my age group . 


I'm no coach or doctor but I am a hubber and we know everything  :devil:


I'm pretty sure that the more effort you put in the quicker you'll achieve your goals (loose weight and go faster).

Maybe go hard for 2 days and then spin on the 3rd, etc.

As you get stronger then spin on the 4th day.

And so on

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And how good are your technical skills?

I was always in the front of a bunch going down hill, through bends or navigating traffic while training so handling a bike no problem . Ive never been scared of speed on a bike but rough terrain i know will be a challenge . I have already found that riding with tyres pumped too hard presents a problem with cornering on sand . Jumps and humps i love them . 

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Today was new experience training with this wind ( +_30 kph ) and spinning . I  was able to maintain my average of 20.5 kph using the smaller gears and spinning into the wind but also using the little section with tail wind to spin even harder . My down hill section ( 500 m ) allowed me to get my max speed up to 56 kph usually only 51 kph . I think ill do alternate days of spinning and pushing on my training rides and see if there is a quicker weight lose that way . Im loving these small gears on my MTB :thumbup: . Im sure ill appreciate them even more off road and in actual mountainous conditions .  :eek:

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