LouwK Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 Dear Hubbers A student here looking for some commuting, route and safety advice. I’m very interested in commuting daily with the road bike, from Durbanville to Stellenbosch, and back. In the mornings I’ll leave at 07:00 and get there at 08:00, and in the afternoons I can ride back at ~12/1 or on some days 4pm, depending on classes. I’m considering 3 route options, and that’s where I want to ask what you think will be safest. Safety (with regards to getting hit by a car, as well as being attacked/mugged by a person) is my biggest concern, and the only thing holding me back. 1st option is Bottelary road and then the R304 into Stellenbosch, past Kayamandi. That last part is obviously my main concern, but maybe at 8am, with cars sitting in traffic there, it might be okay? Or is that some false security? And maybe avoid this route in the afternoons, if there is little traffic? 2nd option is also Bottelary road, but then taking Kromme Rhee to the R44, and past Cloetesville into Stellenbosch, to avoid Kayamandi. I just don’t know if Kromme Rhee is a good idea with lots of cars in the morning…I’ve had some of my closest passes there, not fun. But maybe a good afternoon return route, with less traffic? 3rd option is Polkadraai road (after taking that new road past Zevenwacht to get to Polkadraai). Similar distance, but the more hilly route should take a bit longer. But like I said, I’d rather ride 10 minutes longer than not arrive there at all.. I’ve linked the routes below if you want to have a closer look or make a better suggestion. Lastly, route options aside, would you do it, or allow your son to do it, from a safety aspect? I really want to at least try it during the summer time, to save money on petrol and car maintenance, save the frustration of traffic, and get some good training in at the same time. But I obviously realise that none of that is worth it if you’re risking your health or life.. I look forward to hear your opinions, thanks! ----- Route links: Bottelary route:(https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Tyger+Valley+Shopping+Centre,+Willie+Van+Schoor+Drive,+Bellville+Park,+Cape+Town/-33.8775771,18.6826083/-33.9041575,18.699289/Stellenbosch+University,+Stellenbosch+Central,+Stellenbosch/@-33.9024175,18.6797014,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m16!4m15!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcc50ba223f9d4d:0x37df01cc2657c7c3!2m2!1d18.6350371!2d-33.8735434!1m0!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcdb2432e9fe5d1:0xcb41c6b0379331f3!2m2!1d18.864447!2d-33.9328078!3e0) Kromme Rhee route:(https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Tyger+Valley+Shopping+Centre,+Willie+Van+Schoor+Drive,+Bellville+Park,+Cape+Town/-33.8775771,18.6826083/-33.9041575,18.699289/-33.8676453,18.848498/Stellenbosch+University,+Stellenbosch+Central,+Stellenbosch/@-33.9000289,18.6797014,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m17!4m16!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcc50ba223f9d4d:0x37df01cc2657c7c3!2m2!1d18.6350371!2d-33.8735434!1m0!1m0!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcdb2432e9fe5d1:0xcb41c6b0379331f3!2m2!1d18.864447!2d-33.9328078!3e0) Polkadraai route:(https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Tyger+Valley+Shopping+Centre,+Willie+Van+Schoor+Drive,+Bellville+Park,+Cape+Town/-33.8775771,18.6826083/-33.9509485,18.7097798/Stellenbosch+University,+Stellenbosch+Central,+Stellenbosch/@-33.9174227,18.6797014,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m16!4m15!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcc50ba223f9d4d:0x37df01cc2657c7c3!2m2!1d18.6350371!2d-33.8735434!1m0!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x1dcdb2432e9fe5d1:0xcb41c6b0379331f3!2m2!1d18.864447!2d-33.9328078!3e0)
_C50_ Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 Option 3 from a safety aspect (traffic and otherwise). My daily commute route. If you want to go Bottelary way I would take a right at the Devon Valley golf course, up and over past JC le Roux down the Devon Valley road. There is a very short little section of dirt route but it's a non-issue. That route eliminates having to go past Kayamandi. There is also no shoulder on the Kromme Rhee road. Not great from a traffic safety point of view.
thisismyotherbike Posted February 7, 2019 Posted February 7, 2019 Option 3 from a safety aspect (traffic and otherwise). My daily commute route. If you want to go Bottelary way I would take a right at the Devon Valley golf course, up and over past JC le Roux down the Devon Valley road. There is a very short little section of dirt route but it's a non-issue. That route eliminates having to go past Kayamandi. There is also no shoulder on the Kromme Rhee road. Not great from a traffic safety point of view.Devon Valley Rd is certainly your safest option. No traffic or settlements.
pietas Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 And with Option 2, Cloetesville has had its fair share of incidents in the past
dannygirl Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 I drive from Stellenbosch to Kraaifontein and back every day. I've considered cycling to work but (a) no shower / changing facilities at work, and (b) could not yet find a safe route. Kromme Rhee is not an option - no shoulder whatsoever, and has become extremely busy. With Bottelary, my main question would be how you get onto the Bottelary from Durbanville? The link through Wallacedene is simply not an option (for me). Another option would be the Lichtenburg Road up to 'fruitseller's corner', then R304 all the way - but this passes Fisantekraal, which has had its fair share of issues.
hubbernero Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 With Bottelary, my main question would be how you get onto the Bottelary from Durbanville? The link through Wallacedene is simply not an option (for me). From where in Durbanville? The best option I think would be to go through Brackenfell via Kruis pad onto Bottelary Road.
ABrooks Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 I'm on a mountain bike, but would commute with you on some days from brackenfell. Never wanted to do it as safety was my main conern. Polkadraai road or bottelary over Devon valley would be the safest in my opinion.
Skubarra Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 From where in Durbanville? The best option I think would be to go through Brackenfell via Kruis pad onto Bottelary Road. With Bottelary, my main question would be how you get onto the Bottelary from Durbanville? The link through Wallacedene is simply not an option (for me). Another option would be the Lichtenburg Road up to 'fruitseller's corner', then R304 all the way - but this passes Fisantekraal, which has had its fair share of issues. For me Brackenfell Boulevard works great - wide shoulder for most of the road, only the bridge shoulder over the N1 is slightly dodgy for a roadbike but fine for a mtb. And you have the option of linking up with Bottelary or Polkadraai And just to confirm what _C50_ said - the rout over Devon Valley/JC le Roux is a nice option to skip Cloetesville/Kyamandi
NGM Posted February 8, 2019 Posted February 8, 2019 A lot of cyclists ride a "bottelary loop" from stellenbosch: north on R304 (out of stellenbosch), west on Bottelary, south onto Amandel, and then back home essentially via the remainder of your "Polkadraai" option. I've ridden it many times and the only bit on this route where I don't feel all that safe is heading out of town via khayamandi - not a concern for you. I've always felt safe from the intersection of Amandel and Bottelary, all the way back to stellenbosch via your Polkadraai option, both in terms of people and traffic. Admittedly I normally ride this loop with a few other riders. OK I know your route shows Saxdowns instead of Amandel, but I think this is 6 of one and half a dozen of the other. Saxdowns might actually be better. In short, plus one for Polkadraai. I can't speak for anything north of Bottelary though.
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