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[Event] EWC 2 Hoogekraal Enduro

Enduro Western Cape

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Thanks man! Went OTB on stage 1 and then had a chain slip after that, probably lost close to 80 seconds with those. I really enjoyed the rest and wish I knew the trail a bit better. Everyone was psyching me out with the "rock slab" on Cobra, still not sure where that is supposed to be:P


Also looking at the WidowMaker after the fact, the chicken run there was pointless.


Loved the event, will try and enter every Enduro for 2020.


SideNote: Ek will ook 'n "TSEK" hempie he:)

Hahahahaha Cobra is tame. Just pedally AF, which is my downfall there as I'm reeeeally bad at sprinting and cornering. The "rock slab" is either with the shaley right hander, or  on one of the straights where there's a large boulder that you roll over so fast you blink and it's gone.


TSEK hempie reserved for our WA group. We're the Trail Estate Agents / TEALadies. Unicorn non-negotiable :P


EDIT: Yeah, it's reeeeally easy to get it wrong on stage one (trail z) with the speed you carry there. 

Edited by Captain Fatbastard Mayhem
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THIS. Frankie is FAST!!!! Joh. 


Re Jonkers: You'll definitely beat me, bro. Especially if they include Status (which I'm sure they won't as 50% of the field probably won't be able to ride it)

I saw her name so far down and was amazed... That young lady can ride and has bigger balls than most of us.


I can't see 'Status' being used in a race. It's too finicky and guys will get snagged up and cause massive traffic jams.


I reckon it will be (excuse my lack of new name knowledge);


Old Double black into Zululand

Old Canaries to the car park (Armageddon?)

Red Phoenix


And I have heard rumours of a new stage being cut specifically for the race.... 5 stages, one MASSIVE day and plenty of stoke.


Broken bodies eating carrot cake on the lawn in droves......

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I saw her name so far down and was amazed... That young lady can ride and has bigger balls than most of us.


I can't see 'Status' being used in a race. It's too finicky and guys will get snagged up and cause massive traffic jams.


I reckon it will be (excuse my lack of new name knowledge);


Old Double black into Zululand (IRON MONKEY)

Old Canaries to the car park (ARMAGEDDON)

Red Phoenix


And I have heard rumours of a new stage being cut specifically for the race.... 5 stages, one MASSIVE day and plenty of stoke.


Broken bodies eating carrot cake on the lawn in droves......

yeah, man. I'd love to be able to ride like a girl.  :w00t:


yeah, the double black is lekker. If there is a new trail being included, then that's grand. Fire hut is a lekker trail, but I don't think it should be included if there's something a bit more techy. 


4 or 5 climbs to the top, though, with some of those to the Saaltjie, I'm assuming. EINA. 

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yeah, man. I'd love to be able to ride like a girl.  :w00t:


yeah, the double black is lekker. If there is a new trail being included, then that's grand. Fire hut is a lekker trail, but I don't think it should be included if there's something a bit more techy. 


4 or 5 climbs to the top, though, with some of those to the Saaltjie, I'm assuming. EINA. 

Only Plumber 'scares' me, the rest of the 'known' trails can be negotiated quite easily. 


I would prefer to race Never ending over Fire Hut if they aren't building a new trail, but I am expecting a 5th 'Blind' adventure.


I hope they tape up the mid point entry on Red Phoenix... I have turned up there before despite telling myself 55 times not to! 


If it's 2 x climbs to the waterfall, 2 x climb to Saaltjie, that is already an hour per climb/descent if you're moving without rests, ques and unforseen technical stops... So throw in another significant climb, add the above and you have a good 6 to 7 hours on the go.


Everyone riding 15kg+ long, slack rigs will be in pieces!

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So, the day after. All I have to say is it was an absolute frikkin BLAST! Stage 1 was a wash 'cos I stopped to help a lightie witha broken collarbone after he came off on the bottom half of Trail Z (just after the a-frame) so my official time for that was 14 minutes, taking me waaaaay out of contention for anything. A total turnout of 232 entrants on the day made it an extremely well supported event, with loads of different skill levels and ages.


The stoke was high, the trails were tacky and perfect, and the weather was simply superb. Loved the addition of stage 3, which was Spykers Hill (reversed) with a few sneaky off camber sections of goodness thrown in to add some spice, and stage 5 was the same as last year, the final descent back to the carpark with a few bits of off-camber goodness thrown in at the top. We need more of this on the regular trail. SOOOO good!


My official time was waaay higher than I wanted to be, thanks to the intermission on stage one, which meant I came 3rd last in the official standings, with 2 of my riding buddies coming in 2nd last and last (one for same reason as me, one due to a catastrophic chain malfunction on the last stage)


The rest of my times were far better, and I'm catching my faster riding buddies which I'm very happy about.


I think we were the loudest group of the day... :w00t: :clap: Can't wait for the Jonkers event. Another very, very well organised event by Enduro Western Cape / EWC Enduro and all the other contributors.

Boy band squad looking good and nsync

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Some really good photos, but it just lacks that Ewald Sadie magic  :ph34r:

Honestly, I feel Chris gets more of the mid-pack vibe than Ewald does. Ewald is still a fantastic tog, and takes beautiful pics, but I have had more success with getting pics off Hitchcock. 

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Honestly, I feel Chris gets more of the mid-pack vibe than Ewald does. Ewald is still a fantastic tog, and takes beautiful pics, but I have had more success with getting pics off Hitchcock. 


For sure, I got waaay more pics this time around. Ewald's just have a certain artistic magic to them that no-one else's does. 


PS.... not bashing Chris at all here - the photos are very good!

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Is that all of them?

I am can see all my riding buddies pics, but not mine?

yeah. Like 1,000 pics. Set to 96 a page, and scroll. One of my mates has only got one, so it may be that yours were just not good enough to publish. Message him / mail him and ask if he has any. 

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