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Is Cyclelab changing owners? a rumour?


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A handfull of clients deal with the personality, the bulk of customers are attracted by the brand. The lab is a well established brand, which is probably the reason for the "rumoured" sale.

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It's quite easy to see where they are going. This is from a press release sent out today.........


In view of the proposed changes, new staff are already being trained for compatible monitored consulting as nowadays you need 'outside the box' relative concepts as exploratory research points more and more towards functional organisational consulting and the solution can only be reached with responsive BEE asset capability,? explained Equity Director Ivor Ulukhuni.

Consultants will have to recommend transitional options as sponsors, and to a lesser degree, participants continue to rapidly invest in deconstructed reciprocal asset management while traditional role players are expected to disinvest in the more formally constructed approach as the economic noose tightens.  <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


?It really does make a lot of sense when one thinks about how, what we like to call, a fresh inter-dominational approach will impact on participative and recreational cycling in the sub-Saharan region of the African continent,? said Linus Gorkov, newly appointed media spokesperson who has a long association with cycling that began in the Deale & Huth era.


idrive2009-02-04 13:09:26
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