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Week before race


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This coming Saturday I will be doing my first race. Is there anything special in my training program that i have to take in mind like maybe resting a bit more to the end of the week? what do you guys normally do the week before a big race and must i go the bed early on Friday night? Wink


And for race day - what supplements must I take with me on the race - maybe energade and energy bars or something?


PS: it is a mountain bike race (30km) Tongue


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No surprise, as it all comes down to personal preference.


I for example like doing my race on an empty stomach, use game as energy drink, and pack a banana for every 15km to cover during the race. Resting two days prior to the race is good, and make sure to warm up the morning of the race. Other than that you'll find what works for you with every race you do, and after a while you'll be able to fine tune your routine.




One definite tip is to pack all your kit into one bag. The designated MTB goody bag. Make sure to pack all into the same bag after the race. This way you wont be getting to races without your kit, like helmets for example...




Good luck and enjoy.



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U shouldnt need to many gels etc for 30k's Smile

DONT I REPEAT DONT try anything new on the ride, no new tablets etc if u dont need food now for the distance  you shouldnt need it on the day. If all u drink now is water carry on with water. aces are no time to try anything newDead

Go for a few gentle rides and take it easy bover the week end maybe a hour slow ride on saturday just to loosen. and try a little warm up before the race.

But its only advice each one to his own , u will find what works for you

chill and enjoy the ride Big%20smile
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I normally have this routine: Say the race is on saturday

Monday: Whatever interval sessions you currently do ex 3x10m lactate zone rides with 8m recovery beween repeats. Session 2-2.5hrs

Tuesday: 1.5hrs easy ride or spinning class low intensity

Wed: 2hrs in fatburning and aerobic zone


Fri: 1.5-2hrs pre race ride with 3x1m lactate zone efforts with 3m recovery between repeats/shorter 30s sprints with 2m recovery between (depending on how you feel)


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If you've not trained enough for your race Saturday, then there is absolutely nothing you can do now, it's too late... so this week just enjoy some easy rides out, nothing too serious, that way you'll limit injury to yourself and your bike as well as keep those muscles ready. As for nutrition... I'm assuming it's a morning race? For 30km's just eat a banana and a yoghurt 20 min before the race (or oats, something really easily digestable!), that'll see you through. Remember your body needs to digest anything you eat before the race, this takes some energy to do, and since you have anough energy for about 60/90 minutes of riding first thing in the morning, it doesn't make sense too waste it on digestion (or taking the chance of an upset stomach). Pick a sports drink and aim for about 750ml per hour during the race, a little more if it's hot (be careful not too drink too much) and a little less if it's chilly. What race is it? 

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this past week i did not train to hard for some personal reasons ... but before that I trained hard .. do not believe this week would have set me back to much?


just not going to try and make it up this week.. will be suicidal.

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just enjoy it :)





believ me i will .. thanks




i wanted to do the race at cullinan which is also part of the mtbseries but got flue the week before...was realle disappointed ... but this one i am going to do .

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A week of relaxing after hard training would nave done almost next to nothing to harm your fitness, if anything it would have been good for you. Just go and enjoy the ride!

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With regards to ur warm up question: I am ashamed to admt that i dont really warm up. But you should, it really does work and is a must. Stretch and do a 30-40m warm up ride. A few efforts worked in there will let you break a light sweat before the race. It would especially be beneficial in a 30km race because you can go all out for 30km easy. It will be a lactate effort all the way so you need warm muscles with good blood flow. More importantly JUST ENJOY IT; NO POINT IN RIDING IF YOU DONT

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Don't do anything you are not already doing. Maybe just get everything packed and ready to go. It's only 30km and no need for carbo loading or anything.

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