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This is just a statement and I won't go into names...


With regards to the Telkom Sattelite mountain bike race, when you sit behind someone the entire race and let him do all the work, you don't sprint him for the line... I would have thought professional riders know this...
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Guest Agteros

If you earn your money from cycling... well all is fair in love and war I'd say. Question: Why did you stay in front all the time? Why not pull over, slow down and fall in behind him smiley2.gif


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In the Telkom MTB race there weren't many sections that would have catered for effective slip streaming. Just a thought.

Daxiet2009-10-25 11:22:04
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racing cyclist have their own ethics. ?MTB is a bit more laid back. ?Obviously if you let someone sit on your wheel the whole race, you are either his lead out man or a really naive racer. ?Put it into your lessons learnt file, and get the whel sucker to work next time.

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hey BeeT, there is nothing wrong with that - it's a race and you have to be cleaver.

if you don't like it, then slow down, let him past and stick on his wheel, or up the pace and get away from him

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If he isw sitting on your wheel you dead wheel him and force him past or you hit him on hills and difficult sections. Its racing and that is just how it is.

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If he isw sitting on your wheel you dead wheel him and force him past or you hit him on hills and difficult sections. Its racing and that is just how it is.


or even brake test him?it's risky, but he'll he'll think twice the next time! 
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This is just a statement and I won't go into names...




With regards to the Telkom Sattelite mountain bike?race' date=' when you sit behind someone the entire race and let him do all the work, you don't sprint him for the line... I would have thought professional riders know this...




Why didnt you ride away from him uphill? Did he sprint you for 1st place or 139th place?

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