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Greeting roadies. Almost over it.


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I say 'almost', because these guys are the minority.




Today I cycled to work through midrand, past vodaworld. I passed a group of about 8 roadies. Yellow tops, blue shorts.




I greeted the whole group and only 1 guy greeted back (thanks wave guy). The rest completely ignored me. I actually saw a couple look at me as I was waving, turn their heads away and continue chatting.




Ag, whatever. I suppose not everyone is into greetings.




Almost over it.

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I rode the Spruit this morning and greeted all the other people

on their MTBs. Most sullenly ignored me.


Do you reckon these were roadies on their MTBs or were the

guys you met MTBers on their road bikes?


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All cyclist are rude in the extreme. Runners always greet one another (and  cyclists too). Shame to say but cyclists are worse than even golfers.

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I think it's more a thing of the okes that don't wave (roadie or mtb'er) is jealous of the machine you are riding on cause he can't afford it. and when the said bike was bought he was thinking of maybe getting a bike for the other dicipline, so now he is dissapointed in his choise and can't switch.


In short the guys that wave are both mtb'ers and roadies
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To be honest there are times when I also don't wave at other cyclists. If you're out walking, does that mean you have to greet every person that you walk past?




Sometimes you just don't feel like it... and only because... you just don't. People should stop being so sensitive.

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People should stop being so sensitive.


100% agreed. Clap


There are times when I ride on the road that other cyclists & runners don't greet. Same on the mountain bike. I don't think you can generalise based on one ride and say: "Group X never greet me."


Some times I do, some times I don't. But I always return the greeting if I am greeted. I think that's just good manners.


My 2c.


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The cyclist that dont greet you are kaking off and battling to breathe, dont get angry, you are fitter than they are.

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Ruunners are more friendly becuase they are kakking off. Most guys on their expensive bikes dont even get their heartrate up - they are just showoffs - like BMW drivers LOL


Don't be sensitive - people differ and some think they are what their not and then thinks that that makes them elevated above the rest.


It like driving your car - waving at random cars is just weird... The again if you have a cheap car like me then you can wave to people in the same class car than me ,, If I were to wave at a Audi or BMW drive - you get it


Just do your thing on your bike - the idea is to enjoy the ride and train - if your a social guy - join a friend or a group and chat within the group. Don't go out looking for your next best friend.


Enjoy the new year ppl!


Remember - don't wave if you don't mean itBig%20smile


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Ive grown used to this phenomina (sp) here whilst running and cycling...


Runners - Majority dont greet or even look in your direction.


Cyclists - Majority dont greet and if going in the same direction will draft for as many km's as possible without saying a word and then cheerfully say goodbye when changing direction.


Horse riders - Always greet. 


Conclusion: Horse riders are more relaxed (not in training mode, out of breath...) and tend not to listen to i pods / mp3 players.




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