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To the three f#$@#$rs


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To the three twits who tried to steal my car this morning while dropping my kid off at school .... I hope you develop such a case of hemeroids that you will not be able to sit down for a very long time. Angry

Ok, I am fealing better now.  Have a nice weekend all you the rest of the hubbers. Smile
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A damn' date=' I thought the silly roadies did someting idiotic again.[/quote']


They must have been roadies.  They were sitting three abreast in their bakkie when chasing away smiley36.gif
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ag no man, batty




at least you are safe, the car can be repaired/replaced.




but i hear you - those buggers need to pay otherwise they'll never stop.




Looks like its a day for old hubbers to suffice. Smittie also commented on a thread today.


How's things otherwise that side of the boerewors curtain?

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You ok?
Any damage to the car?


I'm okay, just a bit flabbergasted.


1.5K to replace the the damaged locks and ignition locks.
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what car was it?

Old 96 model Jetta CSX.  (Jetta III).  Can say if it was not for the gearlock, they would have been gone.
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