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Hub Fun Ride - capetown 11march


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DATE: Wednesday, 10 March 2010


To be announced closer to the time(lets just say it starts at a majestic venue situated in the centre of cape town)

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AS much carbon weight weenie as you can afford.yellow is the new black too

COST:  Gratis, we all own the road, maybe bring some money for carguards

shebeen2010-01-15 09:41:34
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same day as LA's Twitter ride.


I wonder what the residents will think?Embarrassed


(10,000 people expected for the upcoming Adelaide ride with LA and Robbie McEwan before the TDU)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Nee man wont there be a free one' date=' last minute twitter ride.[/quote']


Wouldn't that sort of undermine the R175 000.00 all the other suckers spent?
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Looks like a Twatter ride may well materialise...


'Hey Adelaide, the fine folks in Cape Town are talking "smack" about YOUR twitter ride record. Saying they can smash it.'




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