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Well known PTA Cycle shop :(


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what a disater i had with a well known pta based cycleshop.

i phone them and ask if they have a silverback phoenix in stock, they had but only a large and i was looking for a medium. The guy that helped me offered to order one and that we could coma and look at it the saturday. (my brother was looking to buy it) My brother drove all the way limpopo province to pretoria and we went down to the shop - only to get there to experince that no one had a clue about the bicycle, the guy that helped me on the phone was not there and the guy that helped me the day there said there did stock arrive but no phoenix...so he scramblexs around to try and find out what happened to the bike .... to make a long story short, he took down my brothers details and said he will call him later to inform him about the bike ...well 2 weeks later and we are still waiting for a call.


Bottom line is a feel like a prick becuase i ensured my brother that you won't easily find a better shop than this ... but hell they proved me wrong :(
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Thats true mud, but should not be needed.


I think we must actually start looking at the actual people who work at the shop ie. Pietie gave good service at shop x, but Japie at shop x is useless.  It's not the shop, it's the person you are dealing with from that shop...
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Must say that's something I don't like about the shops. I like my lbs and they are good for me, but I have phoned them twise to order something for me or find out a price, but not once have they come back to me and then I just went to another place to buy it.

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Having the same experience as Stewie here, I asked about a bike rack - 'well find out and phone ' result = Im buying it on the web ! Ti rotor bolts - heard nothing from them.  PVM reignite same thing, will order but nothing.


Hell ive spent allot of money there (my gt, rydons, bell sweep etc etc.  ) but maybe after havign them fit stuff I bought online (i did pay for installation) they are not interested anymore ?


They always help when I need it, so I want to support them where I can but they dont want my business I guess, a pity as its really close, I hate driving to shops that are far.
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Guys, now you understand why companies like CRC are doing so well - right price, right product, and within acceptable limits of time.. our LBS's could learn a lot from that

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Having the same experience as Stewie here' date=' I asked about a bike rack - 'well find out and phone ' result = Im buying it on the web ! Ti rotor bolts - heard nothing from them.  PVM reignite same thing, will order but nothing.


Hell ive spent allot of money there (my gt, rydons, bell sweep etc etc.  ) but maybe after havign them fit stuff I bought online (i did pay for installation) they are not interested anymore ?


They always help when I need it, so I want to support them where I can but they dont want my business I guess, a pity as its really close, I hate driving to shops that are far.


Wat wil jy met 'n bike rack maak?
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I live in Hatfield. If I want good prices I go to Pretoria North, if I want good service I go way out east. 

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dont buy from cyclelab !!! anyone one of them !!!!

over priced bad service ... Mr mclean should visit his stores and do backround checks on there managers .....

such a large group of shops with HUGE BUYING POTENTIAL and they still feel like over charging us .....
coola2010-05-22 04:55:23
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If the service is bad and the prices suck how the hell do they stay in buisness, maybe we can put a sticky thread up (poll) with all the cycle shops listed, everytime you have bad service you vote, and lets see who wins the pinochio award at the end of the year?

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If the service is bad and the prices suck how the hell do they stay in buisness' date=' maybe we can put a sticky thread up (poll) with all the cycle shops listed, everytime you have bad service you vote, and lets see who wins the pinochio award at the end of the year?[/quote']


now that is the brightest thing ive heard all day Thumbs%20Up


would still like to know the shop though
BumpNgrind2010-05-24 02:32:42
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If the service is bad and the prices suck how the hell do they stay in buisness' date=' maybe we can put a sticky thread up (poll) with all the cycle shops listed, everytime you have bad service you vote, and lets see who wins the pinochio award at the end of the year?[/quote']




you only have the option of single or multiple votes. If it is single then you can only indicate you have had 1 bad experience with the shop even if you've had 12 during the year (okay you are stupid if you go back after the 2nd time). In multiple votes you can go bossies and vote 100 a day and if you don't like a shop you can make them getting the pinochio award.

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