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constantia/hout bay


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Are there any legal mtb trails from the nek? Or close by? I have a few hours everyday in the area and would like to get some riding done



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I have done quite a bit of riding up there and up the concrete road to the dams etc.  I think there used to be a sign that said no mtb but not any more and have not had any trouble in there. Just be courteous towards walkers etc...


It's quite steep at 22% in places but it's a good workout when you have some time to burn.


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I also remember the sign next to the concrete rd, in the vicinity of the metal grill. Did a trip up to the dams and the Waterworks Museum, was late on a cold Saturday and we did not see another soul.

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Cool thanks guys I will try it, there was no sign there yesterday, there is also a road lower down into houtbay on the left that goes up the hill, any idea where that goes?

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that's the pipe-track. goes for maybe 5km then enters a residentual area. you can also ride by the dunes over above sandy bay for a few km and then there is a slog up towards the old radar station - starts up above the fishing village. (probably only try go half-way as the top half is totally eroded and over-grown)

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  • 12 years later...

12 years later...! Thought I would update the the track up - or down CONSTANTIA Neck is brilliant - I rode it a week back, runs on the left side of C-Nek going uphill, or right going DOWN into Hout Bay, meaning it is dual-directional - keeps MTB'ers and Gravel Grinders off 99% of that BUSY road, up until IY Circle ...has some signage where it changes direction markedly...

A VERY well done to the trail builder, I donated a paltry R200 towards his trail-building fund, and now wish I had paid more, if anyone can LINK his details again, will appreciate it!


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45 minutes ago, Milosh said:

Pm Me your details I will add you to the FB Group.


In fact it is no secret society,   join here HoutBay ConstantiaNek MTB Track | Groups | Facebook  

regarding the FB group, it is beyoned frustrating that some lady posting junk on there - any way to REMOVE her content - it is not cycling clothing, etc!



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1 hour ago, Zebra said:

regarding the FB group, it is beyoned frustrating that some lady posting junk on there - any way to REMOVE her content - it is not cycling clothing, etc!




You can report her posts, which will alert the group admins.

You can also then block her, which will hide all her posts from your view.

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5 hours ago, Zebra said:

12 years later...! Thought I would update the the track up - or down CONSTANTIA Neck is brilliant - I rode it a week back, runs on the left side of C-Nek going uphill, or right going DOWN into Hout Bay, meaning it is dual-directional - keeps MTB'ers and Gravel Grinders off 99% of that BUSY road, up until IY Circle ...has some signage where it changes direction markedly...

A VERY well done to the trail builder, I donated a paltry R200 towards his trail-building fund, and now wish I had paid more, if anyone can LINK his details again, will appreciate it!


Its a brilliant track.
Kudos to the trail builders.

If you do ride down, please be careful of the riders going up. I am not sure who gets right of way, but there are several spots where it would be hard to pass each other.
I don't think that this is a single track in a trail park, where descenders get right of way.
Not sure if this has been discussed before.
As usual, common sense should apply.
(but then again, sense doesn't seem to be that common these days)

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1 hour ago, splat said:

Its a brilliant track.
Kudos to the trail builders.

If you do ride down, please be careful of the riders going up. I am not sure who gets right of way, but there are several spots where it would be hard to pass each other.
I don't think that this is a single track in a trail park, where descenders get right of way.
Not sure if this has been discussed before.
As usual, common sense should apply.
(but then again, sense doesn't seem to be that common these days)

riders going up always get right of way. 

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