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Die sad ding is in die oe van jan publiek is ons almal wat fietsry 'n klomp dopers. By die werk word ek redelik gespot daaroor as ek iets drink of 'n pil dit drugs is.


P!s my af.

Die sad ding is in die oe van jan publiek is ons almal wat fietsry 'n klomp dopers. By die werk word ek redelik gespot daaroor as ek iets drink of 'n pil dit drugs is.


P!s my af.



ja ek stem...ek het 'n foto van Hunter's se stage wen as desktop background en een van die ou suur rugby manne hier het my gister dieselfde storie ge-spin....


not fair, ek ry nie die damn tour nie
Difference is' date=' TBL not a team full of 'Pre Maddonas' (Spelling ???)


And, Barloworld winning real races, not fish and chips races on Saturday afternoon.


Are you saying that we must stop paying for pro racing in SA because the local races do not match up to the TdF and the Classics? Fish and Chips is where John Lee was found and because he had a Fish and Chips hero.


Probike will continue to support local pro's because its good for business and because we love our sport. The local races may be Fish and Chips to you, but it is where young SA riders must start before they move onto Barloworld. Thank-you MTN for keeping your money in local SA Fish and Chips - we need it to supply Barloworld with the Big Fish!


MTN and Barloworld are complimentary and both South African. Success to them both as they serve different target markets in our sport!



Wilhelm de Swardt

Die dwelmskandale in die Tour de France kan Suid-Afrikaanse fietsry ernstig knou.

Douglas Ryder' date=' direkteur van MTN/Microsoft, vertel dat MTN hom vroeg gisteroggend gebel het om ?n noodvergadering vir vandag te bel?.

Volgens Ryder het hy di? oproep ontvang kort nadat dit bekend geraak het dat Rabobank Michael Rasmussen, die Tour se voorloper, afgedank het.

Vroe?r is Alexandre Vinokourov en Christian Moreni positief getoets vir onderskeidelik gedokterde bloed en testosteroon.

?Ek is regtig bekommerd oor di? vergadering. Dit gaan vir my moeilik wees as ek deur MTN se direksielede gekonfronteer word oor dwelmmisbruik in fietsry.

?Ek het nie antwoorde vir wat in die Tour aan die gang is nie. Toe ek van Rasmussen hoor, was dit asof iemand my met ?n mes in die rug gesteek het.

?Die dwelmprobleem in Europa is juis die rede waarom ons span nie internasionaal meeding nie.

?Ons jaers kon hulself nooit in Europese wedrenne laat geld nie, want hulle was nie bereid om dwelms te gebruik nie.?

Volgens Ryder sal minstens 20 mense werkloos wees as MTN sy borgskap opskort.

Barry Austin, spanbestuurder van Neotel, was gister woedend.

?Ek is verby gatvol vir mense wat nie die game regverdig wil speel nie.

?Wat baie mense nie besef nie is dat dit wat nou gebeur, daartoe kan lei dat soveel as 200 jaers en mense gemoeid met fietsry regoor die w?reld hul werk kan verloor omdat borge ontnugter raak met fietsry.?

Dr. Geroen Swart van die Universiteit van Kaapstad wat self ?n ywerige fietsryer is, s? hy is nie verbaas oor die gebeure in die Tour nie.

?Prof. Tim Noakes het onlangs ?n hele paar artikels geskryf waarin hy die vertonings in atletiek (100 m, spiesgooi diskusgooi en hamergooi) bevraagteken.

?Sy gevolgtrekking was dat van di? atlete ?f uiters begaafd is ?f dat daar meer as ?n goeie kans is dat hulle iets onwettigs gebruik. Want hul prestasies is menslik nie moontlik nie. Dieselfde geld die Tour de France.?

Prof. Mike Lambert, ook van die Universiteit van Kaapstad, meen daar word jaarliks heelwat meer anaboliese stero?de geproduseer as wat die mediese beroep nodig het. Dit bewys volgens hom daar is ?n ander mark daarvoor.

Volgens Lambert moet medici en verpleegpersoneel wat sportlui help verneuk ook vervolg word.

?Tronkstraf is waarskynlik een van die mees doeltreffende maniere om die stryd teen dwelms te wen.?


?Die gemiddelde speod waarteen jaers in die Tour ry, is vir my ?n goeie aanduiding dat alles in internasionale fietsry nie pluis is nie.

?Gaan kyk maar na die gemiddelde spoed van skofte in die Tour tot 1988. Dit is 2 tot 3 km/h stadiger as di? van 1989 tot 1998.

?In daardie tyd was daar geen mediese toets waarmee bepaal kon word of jaers EPO gebruik nie.

?Dit het intussen aan die lig gekom dat onder meer Bjarne Riis, 1996 se Tour-wenner, en Erik Zabel, sesmalige wenner van die Tour de France se punte-afdeling, EPO misbruik het.

?N? 1998 het die gemiddelde spoed van die jaers in skofte effens begin afneem toe dit bekend word dat die misbruik van EPO opgespoor kan word, maar dit begin weer stelsematig toeneem.

?Vir my is dit ?n bewys dat van die jaers weer besig is om onwettige middels te gebruik wat nog nie deur mediese toetse opgespoor kan word nie.

?Moderne tegnologie en oefenmetodes is beslis nie die enigste rede vir die verbetering nie.?

Swart wys daarop dat jaers elke aand klein dosisse EPO kan gebruik en steeds die volgende dag skoon sal toets.

Prof. Mike Lambert, ook van die Universiteit van Kaapstad, s? die hoeveelheid anaboliese stero?des wat jaarliks geproduseer word, is vir hom vreemd.

?Dit is baie meer as wat ons in die mediese beroep benodig en is vir my ?n bewys dat daar ?n ander mark vir die stero?des is.?

Die stryd teen dwelms sal volgens Swart en Lambert nooit gewen word as net sportlui uitgevang word nie.

Lambert wys daarop dat Vinokourov waarskynlik bygestaan is deur ?n hele mediese span om hom te help om sy bloed te dokter.

?Medici en verpleegpersoneel wat atlete help om onwettige middels te gebruik, bly skotvry daarvan afkom. Daar sal planne gemaak moet word om hulle ook aan die pen te laat ry.

?Tronkstraf is waarskynlik een van die mees doeltreffende maniere om die stryd teen dwelms te wen.?




Ek voel ook so. Hoekom is daar duisende van ons wat ry sonder om die middels te gebruik, en net 'n paar mense maak die lewe vir die res onaangenaam.AngryDeadCry



Wilhelm, today's meeting is a routine weekly meeting on media exposure and race results - please get your facts right. Of course topical issues get discussed at every meeting and we know whats topical right now.



Wilhelm' date=' today's meeting is a routine weekly meeting on media exposure and race results - please get your facts right. Of course topical issues get discussed at every meeting and we know whats topical right now.


BE - you claim that the meeting is a routine weekly meeting, but news24 says its an Emergency meeting. hUH? Hows that? Or shouldn't I say what I think? Some stirring on the media's side who doesn't report that much if any on local cycling anyway?


Wilhelm' date=' today's meeting is a routine weekly meeting on media exposure and race results - please get your facts right. Of course topical issues get discussed at every meeting and we know whats topical right now.


BE - you claim that the meeting is a routine weekly meeting, but news24 says its an Emergency meeting. hUH? Hows that? Or shouldn't I say what I think? Some stirring on the media's side who doesn't report that much if any on local cycling anyway?


Who reads good news?


Doug's phone has been ringing off the hook with media calling looking for sensational quotes. Its a routine meeting in the sense that weekly MTN Cycling Team meetings take place weekly. If MTN choose to pull the sponsorship at the meeting then thats that, but I doubt they will because I know they are very happy with their return on investment. Its certainly no rushed meeting that was not planned.


From Raleigh's stand point we will continue to support SA pro's financially and with equipment. If any cheats are amongst those that we support they will be asked to leave as per contracts we have with them.


We will not throw the baby out with the bathwater because cycling belongs to the average person that makes our customer base who enjoy riding for riding and cycling does not belong to 3 cheats in the TdF.



Unfortuanately you are as naive as most, but your commitment is great. Perhaps your money would be better spent on real development cycling. SA pro cycling is even worse than European because here the guys know they cant get caught nowdays...... Its a free for all.


Please dont compare TBL with MTN/Microsoft, they are 2 completely different scenarios.
SA pro cycling is even worse than European because here the guys know they cant get caught nowdays...... Its a free for all.

Chunky, I've said it before. You can't keep making statements like this unless you are prepared to come out and say what you know in detail. Everyone is aware that you have been talking to CSA but if that isn't working then go to Wilhelm with DETAILS and go public. Until then it is not right to make statements like this one.



The only thing he going to get from me is a klap.


You know what, neither you nor CSA would believe want to believe what is going on. Why waste my time. If they came to me and showed they were serious I would help with pleasure. I am not going to kiss their ass to get them to do the job they are paid to do. Bugger it.

Guest colonel

Why is Doug stressing as he said in his interview if it was a plain and simple media meting? Makes no sense to me atall......its clearly deeper than that.

Why is Doug stressing as he said in his interview if it was a plain and simple media meting? Makes no sense to me atall......its clearly deeper than that.


The meeting went great and MTN are totally happy with team and their sponsorship. They will continue with the fish and chips here in SA and that was never doubted except by people looking to get pageviews and newspapers sold. They like what the fish and chips are providing them with to the LSM markets they need exposure.


Chucky - If supporting locals makes me naive then I am happy to be naive. There are cheats in all endeavours of life.


Nobody is comparing MTN to Barloworld and yes Barloworld is in a totally different league. We are all proud of Barloworld and that includes MTN and the MTN riders, Raleigh and our staff. We root for Barloworld - they are Saffies and we back our own.


Barloworld may inspire a youngster to want to be a pro and he may at 19 or 20 get that chance on a local team who your fish and chips. Without fish and chips his talent won't be noticed.


So when John Lee wins his 1st TdF stage or Classic please remember that he started mountain biking at Fat Tracks as a kid and then moved onto events like EP Herald (fish and chips) and junior tours where he was noticed.


Thanks MTN for backing fish and chips! Wake up!!




"Die dwelmprobleem in Europa is juis die rede waarom ons span nie internasionaal meeding nie.

?Ons jaers kon hulself nooit in Europese wedrenne laat geld nie, want hulle was nie bereid om dwelms te gebruik nie.? .... sorry guys, but when journalists write things like this ...I'm rolling around on the floor laughing! its like saying that no South African rider can make it in Europe unless he is doping.?....

Maybe the article should read, lets use doping as an excuse so we don't have to go to Europe and race or something....or are we impliyng that every South African who has raced with success in EUrope is doping ?



The reality is that the average haematocrit of Italian junior riders has risen from approximately 43% to just under 50% over the last decade. I will let you draw your own conclusions from that.

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