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I think I have cracked the codeWink

Having ridden there a few time I could not quite figure out why I would be paying R20 since the tracks are about 10Ks. Well there are some awesome single track that do not have their entrances marked yet. The marker called up the hill is a very nice track going UP and is very tricky. Lots of little step ups and clay. The marker Onto Single Track is the entrance to some very nice uphill single track. Beware that there is a ditch that is still missing a bridge and there are quite a few sharp turns which messes up the flow. I have found two 'official' start signs but if you arrive by bike the best start is just past the entrance at the marker called Unofficial start. The one official start is behind the monument at the amphitheater where you can park your car





Here's a mail received yesterday:


Geagte Vriende


Soos reeds vroe?r aan u genoem, is daar die afgelope paar maande baie hard agter die skerms gewerk om 'n bergfietsbaan, met 'n verskeidenhied van baie interessante en in sommige gevalle uitdagende opsies en 'n totale lengte van meer as 25 km, op die VTM Erfenisterrein te ontwikkel. Dit het nou s? ver gevorder dat die baan op 7 Junie 2010 aan die media voorgestel gaan word, terwyl die eerste groot byeenkoms beplan word vir Saterdag, 7 Augustus 2010 (meer besonderhede oor lg. later).


Van die belangrikste eienskappe van die baan is soos volg:


a.         Die verskillende opsies maak voorsiening vir die volle spektrum, van basiese beginners tot gevorderde "adrenalienverslaafdes", met verskillende wegspringplekke om dit nog meer interessant te maak. Verdere roetes sal later vanjaar ontwikkel word.


b.               Dit is gele? in 'n veilige, omheinde natuurreservaat met 'n wye verskeidenheid fauna en flora, met voldoende, veilige parkering.


c.                Daar is 'n verskiedenheid ander fasiliteite op die baan wat ook benut kan word, insluitende padfietsroetes, wandelpaaie, stap- en drafroetes, perderitte met gidse, braaiplek op die piekniekterrein en vele meer.


d.               Lede van die geselskap wat nie fiets ry nie, kan intussen die VTM en die Erfenissentrum (normale toegangsgeld betaalbaar by beide), Fort Schanskop, die kunsgalery, die Muur van Herinnering, Gedenktuin ens besoek  (lg's. almal ingesluit by die basiese toegangsgeld), of ontspan by een van ons verskeie verversingspunte of die geskenkwinkel.


e.               'n Fietsdiensstasie en basiese onderdelewinkel  sal, afhangend van die aanvraag, later vanjaar op die terrein geopen word. Fietse sal ook mettertyd te huur aangebied word.


f.                 Die toegangsgeld per fietsryer is R20,00 per persoon, betaalbaar by die hoofhek of by die nuwe toegangshek aan die noordelike kant van die terrein. Gereelde ryers kan dit oorweeg om teen R150,00 per persoon per jaar as 'n Vriend van die VTM aan te sluit. Vriende word by bewys van lidmaatskap vrygestel van die normele hektoegangsgeld.(Kyk aangehegte aansoekvorm)


Graag word 'n elektroniese pamflet rakende die bekendstelling van die baan om 15h00 vir 15h30 op Woensdag, 9 Junie 2010 hierby aangeheg. Belangstellendes word ook vriendelik genooi om 'n baie stimulerende video oor die nuwe baan te besigtig. Die video is geplaas op youtube (onder 'voortrekkermtb' - click hier om te sien:



Vriendelike groete


Gert Opperman

Hoof Uitvoerende BeampteGert Opperman



For the english okes: Basically it says new tracks coming soon. (more than 25km)


You can buy a season ticket



Since they have distributed pamphlets about this at bike shops it creates the impression that it is all done and dusted, ready to go but when riding there it becomes clear that they are still very hard at work. I think if all is done it's going to be awesome and the annual permit is well worth the money at R150.



Aangesien ek n 'vriend' is wonder ek hoekom oom Gert nie vir my ook ge-email het nie Confused



aah, my old friend General Opperman.  All money raised will go to the upkeep of the Voortrekker monument and Afrikanerdom in general.  I must commend him for his efforts.  But for R2.50 less I can support the Tswane metro and cycle at Groenkloof/fountains.


You poor okes, having to ride surrounded by cars and roads. We (well those of us in Hilton / Howick) are extremely fortunate with our riding, no cars to be seen for miles, and it's very quiet. Lots of buck, porcupines, puffys, warthog etc. Join us when you can Thumbs%20Up


aah' date=' my old friend General Opperman.? All money raised will go to the upkeep of the Voortrekker monument and Afrikanerdom in general.? I must commend him for his efforts.? But for R2.50 less I can support the Tswane metro and cycle at Groenkloof/fountains.[/quote']




And just who are this Tswane organization you talking about ? Can one of those R150 permits be bought at the entrance gate ?

You poor okes' date=' having to ride surrounded by cars and roads. We (well those of us in Hilton / Howick) are extremely fortunate with our riding, no cars to be seen for miles, and it's very quiet. Lots of buck, porcupines, puffys, warthog etc. Join us when you can Thumbs%20Up[/quote'] i hear you, when God created Howick/Hilton/Balgowen and Holla he created it with MTB'ing in mind!

Yes you can buy a permit at the entrance. They have card facilities. Groenies and Voortrekker monument won't be linked in the near future. They are owned and managed my different entities. The monument is not part of Pretoria's responsibility. But it would be great.


I was part of a race at this venue a few years ago. Remeber the GiK race? At that stage we scouted the whole park and I must agree, there are some brilliant tracks with tough technical climbs as well as smooth and fast single tracks in there. I still enjoy a ride there every now and then. Loads of fun. Will go there soon to check out the "New routes".

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