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Derailer jockey wheels


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Now that I think about it, I actually like the bushes. No grease to worry about, which also makes them easy to clean. Just throw them into a degreaser/thinners/etc.

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Yours are worn beyond their useful life. Just replace them with a set of generic ones if you don't like the OEM prices. BBB or such. They're cheap - R100 and a bit.


The problem with a tension pulley worn that badly is that it's pitch is now out of sync ith the chain. With each engagement it misses the mark before engaging, making a click click sound with each engagement. Sometimes this makes the chain hop skip and jump. Nevertheless, the click click is enough to drive me nuts.


Johan, wouldn't you agree with me that the jockey wheels are nothing more than tensioner elements and, as such, should function just as well without any teeth.I accept that they also act as a guide for the chain whilst changing but, this should be able to be a function of a smooth idler?

Edited by TiBones
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Johan, wouldn't you agree with me that the jockey wheels are nothing more than tensioner elements and, as such, should function just as well without any teeth.I accept that they also act as a guide for the chain whilst changing but, this should be able to be a function of a smooth idler?



I thought about that aswell. Why do they have teeth? Why not just rubber wheels or something in the line of chain devices that they use on the front of jump and DH bikes.

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Johan, wouldn't you agree with me that the jockey wheels are nothing more than tensioner elements and, as such, should function just as well without any teeth.I accept that they also act as a guide for the chain whilst changing but, this should be able to be a function of a smooth idler?

The bottom one's function is purely to tension the chain and it is thus a true idler pulley. It works harder than the top one and shows it by wearing quicker.


The top one is a guide pulley and its function is to change gears and keep the gear selection in position. It doesn't perform any tensioning function. Ideally this pulley should have bit of lateral play in it to keep the gears running quietly even when not perfectly adjusted.


Why not a smooth glide device instead of a pulley? I dont know.

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Maybe it will wear faster that way. If it gets a bit dirty it could get stuck and even if it's stuck for just a second, it will start to wear uneven and it will just get worse and worse.


But if it works for the downhill bikes, why wouldn't it here?

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In my opinion the jockey wheels must be one of the WORST places to have ceramic bearings.

This is only applicable to the really high end stuff like SRAM XO and also some aftermarket options etc.

Ceramic bearings do NOT like dirt.

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  • 7 years later...

When I read this thread, I got all excited. I thought Johan Bornman was back. Then I realised that it an 8 year old thread

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