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Racism on the Hub?


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You protest too much..... Guilty conscience????????? ...... Or does the same shoe fit you...... Chill out..... Get a life!!!!!!!!!!

Why so many incoherent contradictions in one post? You don't know me, so keep your cheap shots to yourself!

Edited by orbeaorca
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living in south africa has it challenges and as a so called colered male me and my buddies- ( non on the hub ) lived and still do acasionally by the following code:

A Boer maak a Plan...

A Darkie vok it op...

Maar ons Gam ,ons maak majic...


we must have a sense of humor guys, yes sometimes we mess with each other but at the end of the day we are all human and we must accept each other and learn live with each other , if not for us , let us do it for the kids...

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Guest agteros

living in south africa has it challenges and as a so called colered male me and my buddies- ( non on the hub ) lived and still do acasionally by the following code:

A Boer maak a Plan...

A Darkie vok it op...

Maar ons Gam ,ons maak majic...


we must have a sense of humor guys, yes sometimes we mess with each other but at the end of the day we are all human and we must accept each other and learn live with each other , if not for us , let us do it for the kids...


And a Jew HAS a plan :)

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Why so many incoherent contradictions in one post? You don't know me, so keep your cheap shots to yourself!


THAT my dear orbeorca (BTW the most fugally bike ever built) is why I prefer to be a snob and NOT a racist........ THAT gives me the option to choose who I want to be friends with.

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Utter, utter balls!


Nobody knows what colour anybody else is until well into the sale process.


When it comes to buying stuff, there is only one colour: the green! Your mate prolly wants too much of the green for whatever he is selling.


From time to time, racism does raise its unlovely head on the Hub, and when it does it gets slapped down pretty quickly. But as an excuse for why your mate's stuff is not selling? ROFLMAO!



I thought the greens was when you smoked to much dope? :unsure:

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living in south africa has it challenges and as a so called colered male me and my buddies- ( non on the hub ) lived and still do acasionally by the following code:

A Boer maak a Plan...

A Darkie vok it op...

Maar ons Gam ,ons maak majic...


we must have a sense of humor guys, yes sometimes we mess with each other but at the end of the day we are all human and we must accept each other and learn live with each other , if not for us , let us do it for the kids...


Let me correct you here...

A boer maak a plan...hy roep a engelsman! :clap:

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Jeeeeeeez, are you serious?!? For real???

Have you read the headlines lately??


When last did you see / hear:


Gang of gun-wielding white men attach family in their home, father killed, mother & daughter raped!!

Group of white Metro Police have shootout with SAPS during strike action!

Disgruntled white municipal employees go on rampage and trash the streets!

White taxi drivers bring the city to a halt with freeway blockade!


Seriously, WTF?!?!?

Classic! Sad, but tru. thing is , if they have to print black everytime in the papers, you'll just see the word black with something else written inbetween!

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What's your point zaslinger?


Are you trying to say white don't do those things?

YOu look at 5m whites, 50million blacks. the chances that it is blacks are 10x bigger. It proportionate.

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Cervelo, nope, it is far from proportionate.




"Among men, blacks (28.5%) are about six times more likely than whites (4.4%) to be admitted to prison during their life. Among women, 3.6% of blacks and 0.5% of whites will enter prison at least once. (U.S. Department of Justice) Based on current rates of incarceration, an estimated 7.9% of black males compared to 0.7% of white males will enter State of Federal prison by the

time they are age 20 and 21.4% of black males versus 1.4% of white males will be incarcerated by age 30. (U.S. Department of Justice) Some have noted that more black men are in prison in America than are in college. (The Black and White of Justice, Freedom Magazine, Volume 128)"



I read somewhere a few days ago that even though blacks make up less than 20% of the US population, they account for more than 80% of the prison population. Actually, here's the text:


"According to a Justice Department report released in July 2003, the U.S. prison population surpassed 2 million for the first time—2,166,260 people were incarcerated in prisons or jails at the end of 2002 (the latest statistics available). Since 1990, the U.S. prison population, already the world’s largest, has almost doubled.


About two-thirds of prisoners were in state and federal prisons, while the rest were in local jails. The report does not count all juvenile offenders, but noted that there were more than 10,000 inmates under age 18 held in adult prisons and jails in 2002. The number of women in federal and state prisons reached 97,491.


About 10.4% of the entire African-American male population in the United States aged 25 to 29 was incarcerated, by far the largest racial or ethnic group—by comparison, 2.4% of Hispanic men and 1.2% of white men in that same age group were incarcerated. According to a report by the Justice Policy Institute in 2002, the number of black men in prison has grown to five times the rate it was twenty years ago. Today, more African-American men are in jail than in college. In 2000 there were 791,600 black men in prison and 603,032 enrolled in college. In 1980, there were 143,000 black men in prison and 463,700 enrolled in college."




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Yep, because they are more, they will commit more crime. But, its not proportionate at all. They are 5-10x more likely to commit a crime than any other race or ethnic group.

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You must be confused... Ingelsman :lol: :lol: :lol:


No the Blue Bulls are confused, one for the Bulls fans...


Hoe maak jy 'n blou bul deurmekaar? Dis nie nodig nie, hulle is klaar so deurmekaar, hulle het gedink hul het reeds die Currie Cup 4 keer in 'n ry gewen.


Hoe hou jy drank weg van die bulle? Gooi dit in die Currie Cup.......!!!


Te koop: Goedkoop maalvleis, effens beskadig, gebyt deur 'n Haai. Kontak Floptus slaghuis 012 555-5555


Het jy gehoor hulle bring 'n nuwe vorm van doodstraf terug?

...Jy trek 'n Blou Bul trui aan en dan skaam jy jou dood.

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