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Ma Man Basso...


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Ah, sorry Airbender, this wasn't sposed to be a thread about what a tool Basso is. Apologies man.

Thanx for this note, man.

He is ma man. As we all have our favourites, eh? And all the bad vibes does not warm me up here. :blink:

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Its not about me though, its about Basso, but Intern is right, gone and ruined your thread about the dude you admire, sorry.

Thanx, velo. Appreciate your note.




The doping stuff, I know, is hurting the credibility of this sport that is lurved by so many on this forum. :cursing:

And every no and then, it spills over as we see it here on this thread.



Edited by AirBender
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Velo, what is "Omerta"? Eh? :blush:


You should read a book called Bad Blood, explains alot about it in there. Basically its a secret unwritten code in European cycling. If you break the code, whether you're a rider, administrator or even a journalist, you will find all doors ahead of you in pro cycling closed for good.

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Some off the bike strength training.

Yucks, cannot stand that machine... :blink:

Rather be picking up mileage on that Cannondale!




Edited by AirBender
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Yeah, personally I could care less about the dope issues, I am there purely for the spectacle, how they do it or dont do it, is of no interest to me.


Anyway, I agree, he will probably try again, but in my opinion he should rather stick with the Giro, its a home ground advantage for him and in todays enviroment its really not possible to win both in the same year.


None the less, he had a good showing at the tour this year, got sick later in the event so a bit of bad luck as well, but seriously, I think Nibali is a better tour candidate than Basso, so he may have lost the captains badge of that event if he decides to ride again.


At home in the Giro, he will be the undisputed leader, he has a great "Tifosi" following, and its just as much about promotion as winning.

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You should read a book called Bad Blood, explains alot about it in there. Basically its a secret unwritten code in European cycling. If you break the code, whether you're a rider, administrator or even a journalist, you will find all doors ahead of you in pro cycling closed for good.


The Omerta relates back to the Mafia, the code of silence. i.e. you talk, you get a new pair of shoes, the concrete type, not Sidi's.....

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Yeah, personally I could care less about the dope issues, I am there purely for the spectacle, how they do it or dont do it, is of no interest to me.


Anyway, I agree, he will probably try again, but in my opinion he should rather stick with the Giro, its a home ground advantage for him and in todays enviroment its really not possible to win both in the same year.


None the less, he had a good showing at the tour this year, got sick later in the event so a bit of bad luck as well, but seriously, I think Nibali is a better tour candidate than Basso, so he may have lost the captains badge of that event if he decides to ride again.


At home in the Giro, he will be the undisputed leader, he has a great "Tifosi" following, and its just as much about promotion as winning.

Hope he prioritizes the Tour de France.

He is running out of time in those aging legs.


Nbali did kick ass in Tour of Spain, for sure.

Great talent, alongside Kreuzinger, for the future of Liquigas.

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Hope he prioritizes the Tour de France.

He is running out of time in those aging legs.


Nbali did kick ass in Tour of Spain, for sure.

Great talent, alongside Kreuzinger, for the future of Liquigas.


Yeah, but Kreutziger is off to Astana I think, cant remember, but I know he is leaving Liquigas.


Bad move in my opinion, Liquigas has some of the deepest pockets in the pro peleton and I think he did well there, but I guess with Basso and Nibali both been Italian on an Italian team, his options were limited.


Basso and Nibali work well together though, between them they anhiliated the other Giro contenders on the steep mountain stages and Nibali can do a good TT when he feels the need.

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Hey Airbender - I am with you on this one, Basso cool, his Liquigas Cannondale even cooler. Yes he doped and served his time, if every rider who doped or intended to dope was suspended I wonder how many riders would be serving a suspension at any given time.


Go Liquigas for the grand tours next year !!

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Hey Airbender - I am with you on this one, Basso cool, his Liquigas Cannondale even cooler. Yes he doped and served his time, if every rider who doped or intended to dope was suspended I wonder how many riders would be serving a suspension at any given time.


Go Liquigas for the grand tours next year !!


Yeah, nickc, yeah!

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Glad Basso has finally realised winter training helps! We been training through winter for years! :lol:


I liked Basso from the CSC days. With Basso and Nibali, Liquigas could do a move like Riis did when Sastre won the Tour. If I remember correctly it was a double headed spear with Schleck and Sastre. Then either Basso or Nibali could win.

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