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Everything posted by Mads

  1. Thank You for everyone’s input. I have a training program, but I think Bikemonster explained my approach to training the best. Ride a lot Ride far Ride fast Ride slow Ride hills Ride flats Ride different routes Enjoy it. Have fun. Although I want to improve, I do know myself and a structured training program and technical stuff like lactating thresholds will take the fun out of cycling. So I guess what I was asking is: If I try to ride harder and faster on the hills– will it make me better on the distances?
  2. I am hoping to raise my lactate threshold - which - as far as I understand - will increase my endurance. I am open for any suggestions.
  3. If I use a route with regular hills en downhills and I use that as in interval training. Riding the hills at 90% HR and resting on the downhills. Will it have the same effect as interval training or do I have to do structured intervals. PAARL BERG n-s.bmp
  4. I must say started cycling 4 years ago. And I often find myself on places.ie On top of a mountain - With a MTB or 40km outside town.... or in the next town with the road bike and I think that if someone would have told me then (back in 2007) that I would be there at that place with a bike - and loving it - It would have been difficult to believe.
  5. I think one of the main things when on a diet is to be completely honest with oneself. After I actually made the effort for the sake of this tread to make a list of what I eat a day I only then started to realize how many snacks etc I ate what was not on list Well I started to cut the food NOT on list and I think I a making progress. Time will tell.
  6. 2 Low GI Brown bread sandwiches with Ham,Cheese and tomato - no margerine - 900Cal 4 health rusks - 200Cal 4 cups of coffee 1 Sugar - 180Cal Spagetti bolonaise 2 Cups - 730Cal 2 Glasses of white wine - 140Cal 100g Boiled sweets - 395cal This adds up to 2545Cal with converts to 10741kJ Thought of cutting on the cheese and make meat ( poultry etc) with steamed veggies in stead of pasta O.... and I am not a guy - but I am 1.83m Tall - at the moment I am battling not to be that wide
  7. OK, I must be doing something wrong because I am gaining weight at an alarming rate. Stopped smoking a few months ago, But really that cant be blamed for everything Please work with me and point out my mistake? If I take the recommended intake and convert it to kj (I use the lower value as I want to loose weight) ...............................Recommend Intake..Ave kJ per g Carbohydrates: 5-7g/kg body weight.....430......17......7,310.00 Protein: 1-2.2g/kg body weight..........86......30......2,580.00 Fat: 1-1.5g/kg body weight..............86......14......1,204.00 .......................................................11,094.00 Total of my ave intake (and I admit it can be more).....10740.00 Less exercise according to HRM...........................2100.00 Total intake for the day.................................8640.00 Balance of kJ...........................................2400.00kj So in theory my weight should drop like a bucket full of lead as I am already working on weight loss formula from the start. But it does not
  8. yeah.... But it won't be as much fun as when you ride a bike. But you do have a point.
  9. Here is average for you.... This is what my first bike cost - 3 years ago. The bike....not the seat post or the tool set.
  10. No-as they say- no pun intended I have read your post and noticed that different timeline sentence too. Which can be a difficult one on its own. I also stopped smoking a few months ago. That is why I tought I will give Crack my (not really) solution to the same problem.
  11. Crack, my approach was different, well still is. I train at around 5 in the evenings. Which means by 9 I am so tired, that I fall asleep within minutes that I go to bed. Granted I first woke up at about 2/3 in the morning, but it is getting better. It is now around 5. But one thing is still there and that is that I don't feel rested - like I had a good night sleep. But looking at all the advantages- I will not start again.
  12. I can imagine that someone more experienced in servicing a bike would like the option to choose, but remember you do get noobs like me, I can't decide what I need, because I don't know what I need. In this case I would like to be told what I need I don't even what all the tools in my multi-tools is supposed to do. I use the one allen key to set my seat height and the other to change a tyre. That is all.
  13. How did you do that ? 5 Months and 9kg later. Really .........this is starting to be a problem...... It is not what I eat and I upped the cycling but it is not working?????
  14. My brother has this saying that what one person still try to learn, the other person has long forgotten. Implying that the second person has much more knowledge than one can think of. I had the privilege of riding a odd 40 km with and seasoned cyclist last Sunday..... and I call him seasoned because old is something else. Old is sitting in rocking chair - not on a bike. What amazed me of this guy is that he had a “stent” put in 3 weeks ago – but he is riding 40km (Is this something for that tread : You know you a cyclist when………..) We had a nice chat and yes, with his experience he pointed out some mistakes I make. And I learned from him. So I guess what I am trying to say is: Respect people... This man knows what you still trying to learn.
  15. :lol: :lol: Needed that ! Thank you
  16. I don’t have any of the problems you guys have – as I am the wife. Started cycling to make this bicycling-thing a family affair. I am the only one that got hooked. Sold my bike (cheapest of them all). Got my self an old road bike and ride with my oldest son’s MTB. So this is not my problem it is theirs.
  17. How does this stripes work? Or is this a stupid question? And where does one wear the stripes?
  18. Kommin met hoofletter K en kappie op die o het ons altyd gesê
  19. Yes but note that jellytots are easier to quit And at the right time it will be easy..
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