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  1. Hi Morne I don't know any of these riders from a bar of soap. I used a corporate example and tendency to illustrate a principle. I did not call or refer to them as dimwits. Oldboys club...and nepotism...eish that exists in probably all orgs is some shape or form. Life isn't always fair. But my motto in life is "never, ever give up" ,so I always try again!!!
  2. Unfortunately not. I watched yesterday's stage. He blew up by trying his utmost best to close the gap, which he could not. Perhaps he should have ridden his own (TT) pace for a better result???
  3. I'm reading all the arguments, some with clouded with emotion, with interest. I work for a large corporate and the tendency to celebrate mediocrity is getting more. Sending the dimwits to the expert convention for a jolly, and getting nothing in return. For the sake of development The schools advocate this culture quite hard. Everyone is a winner. I do understand the rationale. Everyone cannot be a CEO, CFO, COO... someone needs to sweep the floor and those also needs praise for doing their best.. The principle and gatekeeping needs to be in place to maintain the standard So if you best is not good enough, you can't go, since you haven't qualified... Try harder next year...
  4. Very aware of that lovely watch.... Adam also wore one last week. Cav too.... SF10k per gram. Serious value creation......
  5. HOT OFF THE PRESS!!! Got two sets ex Takealot speed delivery... On a plane to Italy in a friends bag as we speak. Will be delivered tomorrow with some anti-depressants, all in a large jiffy bag....
  6. Primoz's best support will be to add 2x training wheels to his bike.... Perhaps not aero, but will save him minutes....
  7. You two......One day to Friday........
  8. All of this, the physical, but also the mental and strategic battles, makes for a stunning, stunning war across 3 weeks!! Only the very best cream will rise to the top, which is not necessarily the guy with the strongest legs. Personally I think UAE placed Pogi on a pedestal after the very impressive Giro, and think that he was unbeatable. AND him mental coach also TOLD HIM SO!! His body language at the interview yesterday was interesting - he lost his that air of invincibility. BTW... My heart want Pogi to go on a win all 3... but there are good reasons on why the Giro-Tour double is so difficult
  9. Rather two hours of racing in any form in beautiful France than no coverage at all...
  10. What a sprint. Simply superb!!!!
  11. I like Roglic in general (not in last years' Vuelta), but asking for 2 miracles for him is a bit tall.. Miracle 1 = staying upright.... Miracle 2 = gaining time.... I dislike Remco in general, so perhaps his miracle can be transferred... Either Jonas or Pogi will make a worthy champ this year, but I secretly hope for Pogi - he's by far the more exciting rider and the Giro-Tour double title suits him well.
  12. Snap...My 1st reaction was 11spd shifter with 10spd cassette....
  13. I have Campy Chorus and it is faultless shifting. You should take this back to the LBS you bought this from for a look. Another clip past the bottom cog seems to be a indexing/cable tension issue? Finish Line Cycles in Kempton sells Bianchi's with Campag so they should be able to help. Otherwise @JMK1 will be able to assist.
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