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Posts posted by DAcaveman

  1. The MAF... It works man. My father-in-law uses it, won the Grandmasters in J2C a few years back that way. I used it too, but went with a coach for a bit and trained NOT Maf, intervals like a possessed man. Burned myself right the flip out. I think a mix of Maf mindset and serious intervals (like 2 to 4 times a month only) might be best for me. It's a journey. I do not regret any of it. It's about discovering what works for you, very much the 'enjoy the ride' vibe. Lots of wisdom in the Maf Method.

  2. Yeah, no love from Ciovita. Vye clothing came to the party for me, affirmed it being an easy fix. I was really not asking for much, shorten the shoulder straps, shorten the legs a wee bit, no problem. I know where my hard earned cash will go from now on. I am now at piece(this one for Jewbacca).

  3. I'm kinda happy and sad to see this post. Happy that I'm not alone in my frustration, and sad that such a great brand is being apparently very inconsistent in their dealings with customers. I also got a snooty response like the one guy wrote, and am saddened that it comes down seemingly to 'whoever you get to deal with for the day' kinda feel, like the other guy wrote. I bought the top-of-the-range bib. Tried it on in medium, then rather chose the large. Back at home, rode with it probably 20 mins, realising my R3500 bought me a too long garment. I took it off and asked if they may be able to assist me in altering the garment, as I thought me using it, albeit very short, would make it an used item. I just need some help, I'm a shortie with a fat ol, um, whatever and am thinking, if anyone, they should be able to help me or assit, or point in the right direction as to where it can be altered. Got a very nice reply, saying I'm basically stuffed, sorry for your loss, and feel free to shop with us again. I find it hard to believe they can't point me in the right direction? Its frustrating because I have an even more expensive Assos bib in large, fits perfectly. Wanted to support these guys, but not so sure anymore. DO I really now have to shop elsewhere, find a new brand? Aarg. Anyways, if any of you okes know an amazing seamstress/taylor, who might have the skills to alter ever so slightly, a bib, pls drop me the info. I'm in western cape btw. Rant over....

  4. You're paying too much.  My insurance on my all risks policy for the same amount you are insured for would be R245. And yes I have a broker.

    Thats my point - no broker needed. Personal assistance the like of which you don't sommer recieve in SA. Im sticking with them. And at least its not the R680-odd a poor oke previously mentioned....

  5. Dump the niche underwriters and add your bike to the all risk cover on your existing insurance policy.


    Get a broker.

    Can I afford a broker? Can I afford not to have a broker these days?


    I received a call from the owner of Cyclesure the very next morning after my 'rant' - long story short - I'm now a Cyclesure groupie for life. Not only did he help me understand the t'c and c's a bit better(they are the experts on insurance after all), he came to the party in so many ways I was blown away. Extremely helpful, aware of the issues everyday people like me might have with insurance in SA, I do not see any other big ol generic insurance company going the extra mile for me any day soon. I pay R330 for a 40K and 14k bikes, and 2.7k accessories, and they will guide you on which bike lock to purchase thats light, strong and approved. Apparently a new lock is on the way thats way thinner and lighter than the 12mm one previously recommended. 


    I hope they get many more customers from this topic. I rest my case. Happily.

  6. On point 6 reference is being made to the fact that the bike must be locked to a bike rack while in transit or theft out of your car must be accompanied by violent and forcible entry/At least they have brought the conditions to your attention.

    Hi guys


    I'm with Cyclesure, and am a bit worried right now. Here's why:

    All of those exceptions/requirements bits specifies that insured bike must be locked with a 12mm chain and a massive lock - if not, no claim. Even inside my house, or when stopping for a coffee mid ride... DO THEY KNOW HOW BIG THAT IS? Im trying to save weight when riding 40-80km, and not die due to over exertion here....

    Long story shorter - I had no claims for a year, and I got this email from them checking if I was not under insured, also highlighting all those exceptions listed before. The rulebook got thick quick, and quite exhausting. I queried some new pricing and asked to update my policy - its been 11 days now, no answer. Not ayoba, right? If they're like that under normal queries, what will happen when the sh...crap hits the fan and I have to claim something some day?


    Have a look at the fineprint - bikes are not covered even if stolen from inside a locked vehicle or trailer. I mean wth?


    "-              Theft from an unattended vehicle unless: The vehicle is locked, and there are clear signs of forced entry

    -              Theft from any building where the insured is residing, unless there are clear signs of forced entry

    -              Theft, loss or damage while the bicycle, wheels or parts are in transit, unless:

    -              They are attached to a vehicle or trailer with an approved lock and cable, chain; or

    -              Locked inside a vehicle or trailer; or

    -              The bicycle carrier is securely bolted or locked to the vehicle or trailer by an approved lock

    -              The frame and wheels of the bicycle are secured to the bicycle carrier with an approved lock, cable or chain

    -              There are clear signs of forced entry

    -              Approved lock, chain or cable means;

    -              A cable that is at least 12 mm thick with an integrated lock, or

    -              A chain that is at least 12 mm thick with a close shackle padlock."


    Beware..... not sure where to go from here tho...

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