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Everything posted by Tubehunter

  1. This time of the year there will be hundreds of cyclists out on the roads preparing for the Argus Cycle Tour in Cape Town. You need only say hello and tag along with a group of similar ability and they will assist you whenever you get out there. Early mornings are always busy. As mentioned will be far better to head into the reserve when you're up in Langebaan. Hope you have an awesome visit down here. Kiting in Langebaan is very cool. Kite beach in Tableview in Cape Town is where all the Euros and top chaps hang out in summer. It's in front of the Dolphin Beach Hotel btw. Good days will see over 70 kites up and enjoying the waves. New cycle lane from there in to the city that was officially opened yesterday.
  2. Eugee you can do it! Stage racing is all about making the mental shift to keep pushing the pedals over when the body is complaining to stop. In all your training try to find a decent rhythym in your riding where you are trying to be relaxed on the bike with every effort being effecient in maintaining the average speed you will need to get through the cutoffs for the day. Loosen the grip on the bars slightly, check that your shoulders are loose and relaxed and concentrate on your pedal stroke. Crazy how the time and the kays fly by when you're in this frame of mind. With the amount of training you'll get ahead of the event, the deciding factor will be your mental toughness. Again, as you've mentioned the belief is coming, you can do it!!!!!!!
  3. Tony Ehren-WOP can suck on his own big toe! Doubt we will ever see the day he actually comes up with anything other than stupidity for the sake of argument. He must start every day off by having breakfast followed up with beating himself with an idiot stick for 20 minutes before going about his business of spewing the junk he comes up with. As someone who has commuted by bicycle to work for over a decade now, I can straight up say that there are more disadvantaged people walking or bicycle commuting these routes away from traffic than any of his preconceived ideas of wealthy stereotypes! Tony you're a punk, who can only dream up dumb@ss ideas so that you can disagree for the sake of being disagree-able. PPPppppffffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttt!
  4. This morning the route between Dolphin Beach and Sunset Beach had 5 broken bottles roughly 300m apart along the cycle path. Gotta wonder about the intellectual capacity of some members of society.... I work at River Park and only once used the Liesbeek Parkway cycle path to the same result Memetic. I commute from West Beach on average 4 days of the work week.
  5. Is it just me or is it more common that those using the new cycle path between Tableview and Paarden Eiland are experiencing a serious increase in puncture frequency?? I've never had as many punctures since starting to use it than I have in 5 previous years combined of commuting to and fro. I have noticed the council workers maintaining the verges are out regularly with their grass trimming edge cutters that simply spray all the off cuts across the path whenever they do this, which seems to be every 2 weeks. Have flatted the last 3 work days in a row. On a side note the lane would certainly been more useful if it had been tarred smoother. Grateful to have a respite from braving the traffic, but I know some dirt tracks that have fewer ribs in them. Makes pushing plus 40 kays in a howling SE tailwind home when you don't get a puncture a decidedly bumpy ride, even though it's on tar!
  6. Also in the 'Hubbers' group. J keeps expanding
  7. Just ladies? What happens if one of you break something on your bikes?? I'm all for the feminine power trip (I have 2 daughters so I like to see them empowered) but have you planned this properly to make sure your crew will be able to get all your major issues sorted on the mountain with the necessary skills? Great idea if all the bases are covered.
  8. Can't believe all the theories on this one here. It's quite obvious actually. Before the race the overwhelming contenders for each of the categories within the race will be established within their teams and public knowledge. The yellow jersey riders will know who the contenders in the other teams are, as the green jersey brigade etc. If one of the main contenders has any form of issue that is outside of racing AND at the head of the peloton it is accepted (unwritten) to give them a sporting chance to get back to terms to contend as the race is intended. That is why the purists will continue to boo Contador. Because he gained an advantage and got INTO YELLOW through this is the reason. Consider that between the main contenders the margins are always very tight, so any unsporting advantage amongst the top crew will be frowned upon. (Not even Chavanel would think he is a main contender and as such the events he had in the early days would be less relevant.)
  9. I used to have a room full of No Fear posters growing up. Mine is from one of them. Others that are still remembered: "Living is the only thing worth dying for" "The best view of one's soul is from beyond the edge looking back" Best quote from the World Cup: "Vuvuzelas are like crying babies. REALLY annoying until you have one of your own!"
  10. Look up total immersion swimming. There is a Cape Town based coach. It's the current trend amongst the top chaps it seems.
  11. Anyone have info regarding the cyclist that appeared to be involved in an accident yesterday just after 9am on the coastal road towards Melkbos?? The scene was cordoned off by members of the public and the fellow group riders were all on cell phones probably calling emergency services. Cyclist looked in a bad way with blood all over his face. Tubehunter2010-04-28 06:27:18
  12. Carbonboy wrote: "Need I remind you that to a cyclist a car is a deadly weapon. Just browse the Hub and read some of the heart wrenchingly sad posts of late. You say nothing justifies swearing at a woman? A woman driver has exactly the same capability of killing as a male driver has. Maybe motorists should take their 'road manners' with them before setting out on the roads. Some of your attitudes towards cyclists suck. I am so angered and saddened at the recent incidents on the road involving cyclists. Death is PERMANENT. The loss of a loved one is permanent. The heartache and pain is permanent. SA drivers need to get that into their head and drive with respect and awareness! Ziegie, an incident happened between your wife and a cyclist. Neither of us know the full story but let me just remind you that any incident between a cyclist and a motor vehicle is a near death experience for the cyclist. So all of you please do me a favour, picture your child/spouse lying dead in the road because a motorist was not concentrating, then repost this thread. " Carbon you speak as if all motorists have something out for cyclists and are intent on killing anyone on two wheels. In this case it's a lady with her two kids in the car WHO IS MARRIED TO A FELLOW CYCLIST. Does that even make sense to you?? I commute to work on my bicycle 5 days of the week and have done so for the past 8 years. In the howling SE of summer through the wet, snotty dark of winter. It's a 40km round trip every day. I put in an average of 200kays a week before I begin prepping for events I intend doing. I've seen some wild things on the road and had 3 seriously close calls in this time. I've never however found a reason to rebuke some motorist to the point of being threatening myself. To you and all those trying to justify this behaviour, wake up. You take people that are indifferent towards cyclists and turn them into haters by this type of nonsense.
  13. I don't care what the reason is or how many sides to this story there are. I think the cyclist is a dumb@ss. Nothing justifies swearing at a woman in front of her kids, just so that you can get your anger jollies off. The only thing you take with you wherever you go is your manners.
  14. RIP. Have never sent this message out as much as I have in the last 2 months. Far too many people dying in the cycling and biking fraternities. Condolences to the family and friends.
  15. Maybe the hub should start a debate team. You guys have managed to go on the wildest tangents. Quite entertaining actually. Many very valid points on a full scope of ideas. All it took was for some chap to switch a SUV driver on a sunday down in Cape Town and post it here.... Guess most of you don't know that assumption is the mother of all cockups.
  16. Thanks chaps. Spoke to Mark. He can see me tomorrow. Cheers Jay
  17. Hello hubbers. Please help with any advice. Perhaps someone has had a similar thing done. I have a Trek 5200 OCLV. I am not the original owner, so the lifetime warranty does not apply. Had to swerve out of the way of a brainless taxi who squeezed me left and hit a pothole on Voortrekker road as you go underneath the M5 overpass. The frame groaned a noticeable creak and although I stopped and inspected at the time, I didn't find the crack til I got home and did a thorough inspection. It's on the inside of the left seatstay. It's about a quarter of the way round the tube and it's more than just a 'paint' crease as has been common with these frames according to the web. Some quick research on the web took me to a site about chaps who repair carbon frames based in the US. Is there anyone doing something similar locally?? The site is: http://velonews.competitor.com/2010/02/technical-faq/technical-faq-saving-that-damaged-carbon-frame_105242 The thorn in the works is it's 4 days to the Argus so it's a lost cause. Tempted to ride the bike, but know I wont. Anyone with useful info please let me know. Here's a pic taken with phone last night: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i25/Tubehunter/IMG00496EdRe.jpg Appreciated Jay
  18. Condolences to families. Crazy that one idiot can so heavily affect 4 families in one foul move.
  19. Cool. Cheers Hubbers. On the plane to the big smoke in the am tomorrow to hang with the Gauties for the 94.7. I'll be the chap with the Q number starting in SS. Shout hello.
  20. Cool. He's back. Hope you have a lekka ride and get surprised at how styling it is to have the whole of JHB's roads closed so you can ride around the entire city on highways and all, like a private party for just cyclists and have the non cyclists cheering you on and other helpers trying to give you free energy drink, and a carinval of sorts for cyclists who make the trip there on the day, some from countries far afield and see something or someone who inspires you to continue to do this crazy thing we all enjoy out on the route. Couple of hundred bucks for the above? Value for money I say. Type up something post the ride.
  21. You would think they may be more accomodating in this regard considering they sponsor some race series.
  22. FBS, you don't seem to care as much about the outcome as much as you do about somebody paying. What's your real agenda??
  23. Crazy to think it's punks like this that continue to slip through the cracks in the law and ruin the quality of other peoples lives without the slightest show of remorse. Enjoyed the link to the other story as much too. http://www.bikeradar.com/news/article/comment-conviction-of-road-rage-doctor-is-landmark-case-23855
  24. If I have to be honest and admit it, my worst cramping moments are when I don't have the required training done ahead of the aspirations in the race I overload in.
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