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Everything posted by Caerus

  1. Sean Noble Its official: after speaking to the landowner, he made it clear that Kliprug will no longer be utilized for MTB'ing. so as off today that section is officially closed off. Like · · Share · Unfollow Post · 20 hours ago · Edited <p> Jacques Nel likes this. 1 share Carel Van Heerden What an horrifically sad day! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Dewald Tjatjarag Burzynski I hope he got the board number that we can go tar and feather him. I have some ceramic "paintballs" that can come to good use. 16 hours ago · Like · 2 Mark Geyer Has the twat that did this been identified? Was it a member of the club or a random rider? 16 hours ago via mobile · Like Shaun Peters Very sad. Was planning to ride the trail on Saturday after spending yesterday at Contermans. We need to understand that this is not our land or property and to respect that! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 John Hope Sad news If a member it can be handled, but does not make up for the loss of the section. However if a non-member, all the more reason to clean up our trails from 'pirate' riders. 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Sean Noble What I can say for now is, we know it was a member and his friend that did not have a bike board. 16 hours ago · Like Tandi Kitching A very sad day indeed. We've tried to get trail users to realise that their actions and attitudes could cost us land access.The question to ask is: how do us friendly, polite and rule abiding mtb'ers rectify the damage caused by people such as this? 16 hours ago · Like · 8 Tanya Catherine Weaver I think the member and his friend should personally go and apologise to the farmer. 16 hours ago · Like · 2 Sean Noble The only time a mountainbiker is allowed to swear is when going uphill and that second before he hits the ground face first, at no other point should swearing or being rude ever be on the trails. But you are right Tandi how indeed 16 hours ago · Like · 4 Tanya Catherine Weaver and to the rest of the Tygerberg members! 16 hours ago · Like Jacques Lotriet A lot of hard work undone by one tool and his tool friend! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Kathy Milne very sad 16 hours ago · Like · 1 John Hope Sometimes Tandi Kitching this can't be rectified, as the landowner may well take a firm stance. We can however use it as an example to all that certain actions will have consequences, and possibly avoid losing more land access privileges. 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 Heinrich Ackermann Very sad indeed! What a tjop! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Sean Parker At a loss for words. What an idiot. 16 hours ago · Like · 3 Grant Noble How about TBMTBC sue this knob and his buddy for the expenses of land availability fees, building and upkeep on this trail since inception. 16 hours ago · Like · 8 Wally Van Rensburg Not cool at all, I'm afraid after what's happened during the past year we might loose more trails/access if we don't tread carefully. 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Annalie Smith-Kotzenberg what a bumnmer! after swearing repeatedly my first time (albeit quietly at myself) up there a few weeks ago, I was so looking forward to conquering it on Saturday! 16 hours ago · Like Robert Hewitt The rider's club membership must be revoked and be banned from all Tygerberg MTB trails , now everyone gets disadvantaged due to one person's actions and lack of respect! A person who does not have respect, sure as hell wont go and apologize. Dont think it will change anything anyways, this is the second time as I understand. Perhaps with next year's membership one can sign a undertaking that rules will be followed and land owners respected, if not, membership will be revoked and rider banned from all Tygerberg MTB trails? This will atleast make one think before acting and protect the riders who actually do respect the land owners, trails, nature and fellow riders. 16 hours ago · Edited · Like · 7 Conrad Greer Please name and shame those guilty parties, once the facts have been established. These guys should move away from here, as I suspect a shitstorm is going to be going their way pretty shortly. If guilty, they deserve every bit of it! 16 hours ago · Like · 2 Ricus Groenewald This exact thing happened at De Grendel farm as well. Now De Grendel and Klipruggen is out of bounce.Which farm will be next ? What can we do to prevent this from happening again? 16 hours ago via mobile · Like Francois De Kock Who is this tit who requires a side wind!! Hyt weer gedink hys 'n moerse tier!! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Niel Du Pisani Sad day ! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Jacques Venter This is too sad for words! At the same time I'm livid! Sure, we don't know exactly what happened but every time some yoyo feels entitled we end up cleaning the proverbial cow dung off of our faces! I agree that legal action should be taken against the offenders to recover costs incurred to build and maintain this trail. Not to mention that he/she should be banned for life! #annoyed 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 5 Chris Psykat Name and Shame. 16 hours ago · Like · 1 Paul de Beer Oh no THAT IS SHOCKING. I am now very depressed. I learnt to ride on Kliprug!!!!! 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Wagner Traut I agree that there should be a wall of shame. It's done in road events for athletes who overstep and serves as a motivation to ones prone to overstep not to. It can be a positive creative thing as to get your name off by doing something constructive like menial work in building a trail. Sure it can be done. Else and even in spite of such a rule one can expect this to happen again. At least this can have a more positive influence on land owners 16 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Wagner Traut Also the farmers know each other and will be talking about it. There needs to be something constructive in place to help stop this from happening, and possibly benefit the trails and the landowners where we ride. 15 hours ago · Like · 3 Patrick Roberts Unfortunately the land owner did not get the members number, but we shall endeavour to get to the bottom of this. Please be cordial out there and STICK TO THE DEMARCATED TRAILS! There are one or two more of our land owners that are also reaching the end of their tetherl with abusive riders 15 hours ago · Like · 4 Richard Bauer Patrick, Sean, and whoever else on the committee, if we need to set up some form of sub-committee or something to look into resolving issues like this, I am willing to assist where possible. This type of behavior between two grown men is absurd. If our member that caused this trouble has any form of backbone, he/she will come forward to the committee and explain their actions, not here on social platform but behind close doors in a controlled environment and assist in talking and apologizing to the farmer! 15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Sean Noble Somehow i think someone that swears at someone else from a safe distance of 50+m is not going to man up to see if this can be made right. 15 hours ago · Like Richard Bauer Agreed, but I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and let their guilt prick their mind... 14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Jacques Venter Exactly Wagner Traut, these land owners all know each other and they are kind enough to accommodate us on their land! They will definitely be talking! And like Patrick Roberts said, there's a couple of other land owners also the moer in! I honestly will not be surprised if we are unfortunate enough to loose another trail and/or corridor... 15 hours ago via mobile · Like Richard Bauer Having said that...here's a business opportunity...some create a chip, like the racetec, that each member gets. We position wireless points along the route that track the club members. It can be used for safely, like if someone falls when out alone we can get the last closet beacon it passed, but also to try and identify someone disobeying the rules. 15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 6 Sean Noble there is actually tech like that Richard Bauer but the spin off to that would be 0 day passes and making all trails member only. 15 hours ago · Like · 2 Wesley Graham Reyneke Which would suck. 15 hours ago · Like Sean Noble Yes Wes it would, i just dont understand why people just can act like civilized people then we wouldnt need policing, or have issues like this. But i guess its just too much to expect in this day and age. 15 hours ago · Like Jacques Venter Sad but true Sean Noble! And this kind if behaviour from a clearly educated man who can afford this expensive hobby! Self entitled chop, you sir have officially been named chop of the year!! 14 hours ago via mobile · Like Wesley Graham Reyneke Indeed. Sad but true. I can't help but be disappointed with the farmer as well. Or the system if you will. Before I get flamed, hear me out. In a perfect world, the farmer would know that the club is happy to discipline members if they break the rules. He would simply have taken down the member's board number and left it at that - knowing that he can happily keep his farm open, because there is accountability for the ill mannered mtbiker's actions. Or is that a pipe dream? 14 hours ago · Like · 6 Jacques Venter This land owner was clearly way past reporting the member due to previous events and like mentioned before, all these land owners talk. I completely get his point too! 14 hours ago via mobile · Like Sean Noble Wes, you have no idea how these guys struggle with roag riding, abusive riders, abusive runners, guys trying to MX and quad on their land, etc etc. Its the accumulative transgressions that forces the decisions. If i was the landowner and I had to have this situation i would recall privileges as well. Why would he willingly subject himself and his family to abuse? 14 hours ago · Like · 3 Wesley Graham Reyneke I hear you brother. A view of the big picture - so many riders lack it. 14 hours ago · Like · 1 Richard Bauer Sean, why would it mean no more day passes? Still keep the boards on the bikes with the same rules, just add this mechanism to it...boards are there for visibility, tracking chip for safety and monitoring. 14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Sean Noble if you want to force accountability then everyone needs to be accountable, whats the point of spending a fortune on a high tech system and you have one non-member mouthing off at a land owner and you loose land any way? You either close it off totally and monitor it or you continue with the status quo. 14 hours ago · Like · 1 Sean Neethling Think the time has arrived to throw the book at someone, unless the consequences are severe this isn't going to stop. Event organisers should ban people like this from taking part in events as well. Blacklist them properly, far as I'm concerned its just as bad as doping. 14 hours ago · Like · 2 Grant Noble I'm sorry, but making this a member vs non member issue sounds like an easy way out. What is the difference in accountability to let a non-member present ID, sign an indemnity form, acknowledging the rules of the club and issuing him with a unique number board with a fat deposit to ensure that the board is returned opposed to issuing a member a board. The problem with the current day visitor system is that the rider is not identifiable as the paper ribbon around his handlebar does not afford the opportunity to identify a rider from a distance. 13 hours ago · Like Sean Noble simple one boet, who is going to man every single entrance to every single trail all the time, and sign up everyone, and get their boards back at the end of the day? The layout of the trails doesnt make that possible, and nobody is making this a member vs non-member issue. My point was simply this, if you want to start tracking members like deer. then your only viable solution taking into consideration access, policing, tracking, expense etc would be to make it members only. Thats obviously not going to happen. And neither will tracking. It was a logical response to a logical question. Fact of the matter is we have been through these conversations a million times and it would be nice to have all the trails policed, all the stations manned, but various factors such as access agreements, costs, manpower, etc does not allow for this to happen. 13 hours ago · Like · 2 Willie Pansegrouw A sad day indeed. Thanks to the idiot/s that caused this decision... 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Richard Bauer Valid points Sean. Thanks for clearing it up! Could we not look at an option like what some of the other clubs are doing where you pay a deposit for a board and get it back when the board is returned? These boards are then picked up from cooperating stores like CWC or the deli at Meerendal for example. If the store isn't open, you don't ride. Simple as that. I understand that we trying to be nice and cater for all, but now those that are willing to plan ahead/pay the bill, are losing out to some inconsiderate adolescent adult with a brain unable to process the human trait of manners. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Sean Noble we looked at that but some of our landowners are against that they want members only which nullifies that as a optionRichard Bauer 13 hours ago · Like · 1 Sean Noble that doesnt mean it wont change in time though. but yes we have made proposals of the sort 13 hours ago · Like · 1 Allan Cawood I rode Kliprug once... It broke me. Now I will never get a chance to take revenge. This is truly a sad day. I don't have a solution, but just common decency and respect will go a looooooooong way. Also agree with the name and shame policy. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Etienne le Roux I also say Name and Shame the ass!! We have the best trails around so if you want to enjoy it make it members only! VERY SAD DAY! 13 hours ago · Like Richard Bauer Unless the guy comes forward and admits guilt, we don't have a name. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Richard Bauer Thanks Sean. If there is something I can do to help, let me know. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like Sean Noble will do Richard Bauer its people like you guys that make this club the great place it is. 13 hours ago · Like · 2 Jacques Nel Handing numberboards to non-members can be dangerous no matter the controlling factors in issuing them on the day. If I was a non-member and paid a nominal fee for a deposit and trail entry, then I would see it as a cheap way "to gain permanent access to the trail". Pay once and then ride for months on one entry fee. There are crooks and thieves out there... Even on mountainbikes! If they want to cheat then they will find a way. Yes, today we lost a trail. Lets hope that the committee is able to arrange more newly developed trails. One door closes and others may open. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Etienne le Roux Seeing Kliprug is lay'd to rest we should have a drink on it, on Thursday nights night ride. 13 hours ago · Like · 1 Richard Bauer And keep fingers crossed the farm owner has a change of mind. Maybe invite him along for a boerie on the Movember night ride. What you say Shaun Peters? 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Mark Mahoney Was the rider confirmed as a member?? 12 hours ago via mobile · Like Sean Noble yes he had a bike board but was too far away from the landowner to identify his number. 12 hours ago · Like Mark Mahoney Hope he's man enough to appologise to the Farmer! 12 hours ago via mobile · Like Johannes Pienaar As a lot of members commented - what a chop!!! Was privileged to ride Kliprug yesterday and really enjoying it. Will miss it! 12 hours ago · Like Deon Nagel I can think of a few profanities right now. · Like · 1 Alex Joubert This guy is a real groot meneer when riding off trail and illegal, but not groot meneer enough to come forward and apologise to the landowner and the club for the injustice done. Typical of these cowards, tough when they are in a group but a really weak and spine less when on their own. Actions speak louder than words my friend!!! · Like · 1 Sean Noble well Alex lets give him time, no gauruntees he is on FB, lets see if there is still some honor in this world. · Like · 2 Nick Gerber And Cindy Gerber and myself were going to cycle it as we never have cycled it before and now won't get the chance#disappointed via mobile · Like · 1 Jacques Nel The wheel turns. Karma... She is a b.... via mobile · Like · 1 Morne van der Westhuizen According to tmbc balance sheet you can buy the farm..lol... sorted via mobile · Like Erik van Rooijen Very sad day indeed. Is there not a way to make the trail beneficial for both us and the land owner? Beneficial enough so that the landowner will endure despite the occassional jerk. With the understanding that if he can get a board number that the club will deal with transgressors by revoking membership. This will mean the club does not get tarnished when quad bikes, mx bikes and non-members transgress. These other transgressors will persist anyway despite the trail being closed. Just wondering... · Like Sybrand Storm Funny. That is normally the same people complaining about taxies and crime. Kliprug was one lekker trail. Maybe members should be appointed over weekends at certain trails to police it. Don't know if it is possible. Prosecute them for trespassing. · Like · 1 Waldo Zevenster I has a sad via mobile · Like Sean Noble Nick Gerber you have done it before that was the day we had to look for your wallet and keys and other bits and peaces. · Like · 1 Morne van der Westhuizen All jokes aside. The person who is responsible is n bit of a drol. He should man up and mend the situation via mobile · Like Robin Lewis Man that was part of the perfect loop going to miss that rough and tough bastard farewell kliprug May your single tracks never grow over.farmer Brown or who ever you are please reconsider via mobile · Like · 1 Dane Greyvenstein Gosh very bad, so how do we link hillcrest, conters and hoogekraal now? · Like · 1 Ian Murray This is truely a shame. I loved Kliprug when i was there and was looking forward to trying it again with my full suss when I come back next time. I'd agree with the name and shame. · Like · 1 Japie De Jager It's almost like losing a close friend! RIP Kliprug. You will be missed. Hope this can be salvaged. · Like Carel Van Heerden Can't help but feel here might be 2 sides to the story... Just saying via mobile · Like David H Schoeman Only saw this a short while ago, but absolutely disgusted over some poepol's shortsightedness and selfish entitlement. Unfortunately not had the chance to ride Kliprug before, and now may never have it... Very sad news for the club, and to the landowner: I don't blame you for protecting yourself and property against this kind of abuse. 10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Phil Ireland End of year approaching, is it not possible to arrange some sort of gift basket for each of the farms families to show our gratitude for allowing us to use their farms through the year, I'm sure most members would be willing to throw a few bucks in the hat for this, perhaps send one to Kliprug family as well as a peace offering. 5 hours ago · Like · 6 Ruhan Grobler I just hope this guy is reading all this stuff 4 hours ago · Like Waldo Zevenster Carel Van Heerden I was briefly thinking the same thing... was the relationship with this farmer a good one? Could it be that he wanted to just use any excuse to "get rid of the mtb'ers"? Why did he not take down the board number? If the member behaved badly then crucify him! But I'd like to hear all the facts aswell. Not sating the farmer was wrong, just playing devils advocate 3 hours ago · Like · 1 Richard Bauer Waldo, it's been said numerous times, he was unable to see the board number. So no, he couldn't get the board number, and no we don't know who the member is. 3 hours ago · Like Robin Lewis What's the chances of organizing one last ride maybe we can use kliprug on special occasions like the annual tygerberg member ride 3 hours ago via mobile · Like Sean Noble Guys the relationship with the farmer was definitely not in question, he didn't take the number because the member in question slung his insults from a distance. 3 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Clive Dale it takes only 1 idiot to spoil it for everyone !! I hope the member in question has the guts to own up and go and apologise ! 2 hours ago · Like Wagner Traut mr Smiegel has not owned up and it's highly unlikely that he will. We need to tighten up with what we have. See what we can to do improve relationships with existing land owners. By everyone being intentional in showing appreciation and friendliness when a random person hurl insults the farmer will think what an idiot in stead of , those dam MTB'rs. Thinking about this again, for a farmer to make such a decision he must have been already pretty fed up. 2 hours ago · Like · 3
  2. OK will do - See Below. Bear this mind, it's not just the MTB'ers that cause ***. It's also walkers/ hikers and even sometimes off-road bikers. Contermanskloof MTB Trails Hey guys, bleak news! Kliprug Trail is CLOSED as of today! The land owner had a run in with a fellow rider who was breaking the rules of the trails, not sticking to the trails and riding all over his grazing land. After the confrontation the rider completely disrespecte... Like · · Share · Follow Post · 22 hours ago <p> 3 people like this. Sean Noble Exactly that. Matthew Zoutendyk trying to get more info before he was going to announce. 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Sarah Louise Weaver Ok cool. Just spotted it. 22 hours ago via mobile · Like Ansie Van Rensburg name and shame works for me!!! 22 hours ago · Like · 5 Sarah Louise Weaver And prosecute for trespassing 22 hours ago · Like · 4 Matthew David Zoutendyk Rob has put it very correctly - I'm beyond cross with what has happened. I think Mark Z would have personally removed my profile if I posted my first draft. 22 hours ago via mobile · Edited · Like Morné Veer If this is correct, it will truly be a VERY sad day for our club. However, it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. The trespassers are the ones that are to blame, for sure, however, the lack of responsibility of all of our members regarding policing has and will continue to contribute towards the issue of trespassing. I have said it so many times in the past, a very big portion of our members, have no interest in this topic and the quote "hey man, I just wanna ride my bike and not get involved in policing and confronting people..." is a cancer among us. In this case, the cancer seems to have lead to death - the death of Kliprug !! If all members took it upon themselves to confront the trespassers and guide them correctly, it would surely by now have made a huge difference. I have been in groups before, when a trespasser is clearly noted on the trails - when passed by some members in the group, he gets greeted by the club member instead of being "confronted". Each member needs to own up for his part in this ordeal, whilst proper solutions to the problem was still being investigated. 22 hours ago · Like · 6 Laren Foord FFS. what absolute ******** screwed this up? Please tell me the culprit can be identified and dealt with. This 'sense of entitlement' attitude grates me to my very core. How hard is it to understand that we are visitors on people's land? that this is their home they have given us access to. I'd love to know who this was. i'd be all for popping round for a visit so I can take a dump in the middle of their lounge carpet to see if that level of disrespect for someone else's property is palatable when it is their home involved. what a shame. an absolute, completely avoidable, waste of everyone's time, effort and willingness to be part of something great. to the farmer involved: sorry bru, I am so ashamed that these type of people exist. 22 hours ago · Like · 5 Denzil Dylan Bart This should be an immediate expulsion from the club without permission to renew in future. One selfish moment has impacted thousands of riders after the blood sweat and tears of the trail builders to create a fun, exciting trail right on our own doorstep. This is a trail many of us could get to from home without having to use our cars. It's a sad day for the club. 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Conrad Greer This ass needs to be named and shamed and more importantly taught a huge lesson in humility and respect. The same goes for all the other "vultures" out there on the trails. What an absolute shame this is and we're all worse off for it. Maybe these posts of disgust towards the guilty person should be shown to the land owner, not to change his mind, but to show him that we dont blame him and that we are totally against what has happened. Just to show him not all people on MTB are disrespectful asses. 22 hours ago · Edited · Like · 4 Stiaan Schoeman Man, I love Kliprug. Would also love to know who this idiot was... If the farmer reads this, sorry, but can't we rather deal with the culprit/s and keep things going? 22 hours ago · Like · 3 Malcolm Isaacs Over the weekend I was in the company of some downhillers & they are raving about the new trail at hoogekraal I'm almost certain they are not members, is there s 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Malcolm Isaacs ...someone that can verify members details if I inbox a name? 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Helena Smit Stoltz Please name and shame this person, this can't be left, we loved Kontermanskloof, 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Wolf Stinnes Morné Veer, couldn't agree more. it's up to us members to enforce the privilege. however, what i would ask to make it easier is to have up-to-date info so both a sign at the trail ('Members Only" as well as the website so guests can inform themselves where they can get permits and where they can't go without membership. 22 hours ago · Like · 1 Marcus van Niekerk Name and shame the culprit. 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Jacques Lotriet Always an idiot that ruins it for everyone else! 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Eben Louw What an idiot. Would love to know his membership number . Idiot!! 22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 John Hope I would strongly stand behind the clubs stance in this matter that impacts us all. If this involved a member of the club, then aside from calling for name and shame, the guilty member should have their membership and privileges revoked. 21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4 Sarah Louise Weaver Seriously if the farmer won't lay charges then the club should. An example should me made of him because otherwise it will just keep happening. 21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Sarah Louise Weaver Helena Smit Stoltz you can still ride Contermans just not the Kliprug section 21 hours ago via mobile · Like Kobus Van Der Poel Disgusted by this freaking tjop.Demanding a name and shame. 21 hours ago via mobile · Like Sean Noble This will be a major blow on our network, But lets wait and get all the details from the landowner and then take next steps from there. Its going to be a sad day if we loose that section of trail. 21 hours ago · Like · 3 Pieter Nel A very very sad day. I wish even the minority that don't respect it, can see how privileged we all are to be able to go play in someone else's back garden. 21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2 Laren Foord As a little side question. if we go up Hillcrest how do we access Conties now? 21 hours ago · Like Sean Noble That right there is part of the crux of the matter Laren Foord 21 hours ago · Like · 1 Laren Foord I thought as much. is there anyway to get to that jeep track that runs along the top ridge of Conties from the Hillcrest side? 21 hours ago · Like Chris Tyler Sorry was no intention to rant... 21 hours ago via mobile · Like Jacques Lotriet Laren Foord Sean Noble I don't know the full network that well. That means no way of getting from Conties to Hillcrest and Bloemendal either? 20 hours ago via mobile · Like Stiaan Schoeman You should be able to go round the top between Hillcrest and Conties. Right? Or is that also the same landowner? Some heavy climbing involved 16 hours ago · Like · 1 Paul de Beer A very sad day! 15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Marisu Rocher The problem is 'entitlement', and aren't we all quilty of that nowadays. Whether on your bike,in your car, in your position workwise ect. 15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3 Johan Louw Is there any hope of salvaging this? Is there any way of having a special meeting as a club and approach the landowners with a possible solution? Zero tolerance. Members only with member boards on all trails except maybe Meerendal which is "maybe" easier to police. No board, no ride. Member riding with non member- immediate suspension. We'll seriously have to stand together on this one.When's the next trail going to close? Sorry if I state anything already said and thought. Just very frustrated with a "very modern" South African attitude. 13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
  3. Have a read through the Facebook link I supplied at the beginning of this thread. It pretty much explains everything, and what the clubs stance on everything is. This twat and his mate will never confess that it was them. Can you imagine the backlash they would face. Cowards they are
  4. Even for members. Some areas I have no idea if I can ride there or not. Better signage all round, as well as better trail signage will help.
  5. It's not gonna happen any time soon that only members can ride these trails.
  6. It was a member and his mate that abused the landowner. No way of knowing who it was though as they were to far away to have the board number taken down. So because of two idiots they have ruined it for the masses. There is also talk of another trail being closed because of people taking the piss.
  7. A member and his mate had a run in with the owner and decided it was a good idea to shout and swear at him. More on the story here, https://www.facebook.com/groups/tygerbergmtb/10151768666457113/?notif_t=group_comment_reply
  8. Lets hope the twat is man enough to come forward, him and his dumb ass mate. Seems there may be other trail closures if people continue behave like tjops
  9. So today, I start the process of quitting smoking. I'm trying out the e-cigarette route, hopefully this time I can knock it on the head once and for all. Have not had a ciggie as yet today. So the fact I've used the e-ciggie a few times must surely be better then having had at least 2 cigarettes this morning? I've only had about 5 drags of the e-ciggie and got my "fix"
  10. Just to answer a quick question regarding warranties. What happens if I break both my Giant 26" frames and need to make a warranty claim, they will only replace them with a 29er or 650B now? So I'm screwed either way as I will have to fork out for two new forks and two wheelsets
  11. No problems with mine, been riding them for two years now Although my XT pedals have started to rust
  12. Can you start riding within the green corridor(Ntilda,D'aria or Bloemendal) or can these trails only be accessed from Majik Forest or Hillcrest? To add, I am a member of TygerbergMTB Club.
  13. Caerus


    A friend who is an architect gets to play with lego all day sometimes, she posted this yesterday.
  14. I have the Pacestar 3 Evo snakeskin 2.25. I love it for a front tyre, great in wet & dry conditions, awesome grip I highly recommend it. Got the same on both my bikes for a front tyre, hardtail & full sus I will probably look at changing too a 2.35 upfront and then move the 2.25 to the rear.
  15. Jeepers, I know ef all, I even I knew that
  16. You been in outer space or something?
  17. So best bet is to go shopping at CRC I gather, anyone planning an order soonish?
  18. +1 to that. All the trails in KZN are faster and smoother. I'll be able to give a better idea after I ride Jozi trails in December, but so far out of KXN & Western Cape, KZN is miles ahead(that's cause they so fast)
  19. I'm 81kg on a bad day, normally about 79kg, what would you recommend? Then to go back to the tyres and conclude. So I should look at either a NN, RR, Ardent or mountain king at the back, and to run with a 2.35. Which of the above rolls faster and I'm also keen to not have a fat donkey of a tyre that I have to push around as well.
  20. Are these suggestions for a rear tyre? I like the Nobby Nic up front, I run the same combo on both my bikes, but am only looking at a better suited rear tyre. Also without getting lynched, what pressures do you run front & back for CT trail conditions?
  21. This is for a 26' wheel I forgot to add, are they readily available in SA or CT as least? What tyre width would you suggest as well? Any other suggestions I can try out?
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