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Everything posted by colin_h

  1. Hi Jeroen Very excited by the news of your light citrus flavour as I love the science behind your products BUT they are tooooo sweet and some tooooo artificial tasting for me (cant figure out how anyone over 8 yrs can drink 100% fake creme soda flavour never mind on a long ride when my taste receptors are heightened 5 times and anything sweet makes me feel NAUSEOUS as hell! ). BUT I cant find it! Our two local stockists don't have it and cwc has Carbofuel "citrus" is this the light and is it less SWEET? No Marathon Citrus! I am using USN Purefit (tho I dislike all USN products prior to this range, and I just dislike the company!). Is it not better to make a new range that is natural and less SWEET and less KIDS 100% FAKE TASTING flavours???? COME ON MAN we want to support you and your products but we must be able to find them to buy! PLEASE! Cheers Colin
  2. Keep going man. Just get on the horse again. Pick the quietest road you can at first!You will suffer far worse waiting for the heart attack and getting fat from disabling diseases etc.Try mtb too!
  3. I have been riding with a friend now for the past 5 years. He is now 74. He keeps doing his personal best in events so you are never too old! He did approx 3H40 for 94 last year! Its all in the mind!
  4. Scientifically there is NO HARD EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that in a healthy person with a healthy diet vitamin C or any other vitamin or so called "immune booster" does anything at all to prevent colds or flu. In fact if you eat a balanced varied diet you should not need vitamin supplementation. The following is a logical scientific approach that will help 1) get a flu jab yearly (the whole family!) 2)Avoid shaking hands or kissing anyone at all as they only usually let you know they are sick after doing this! 3)Avoid as far as possible being in cars or closed rooms (esp with air cons) with sick people(open the windows!). 4)After exercise have a warm shower asap 5) Wash your hands often during the day and try to avoid touching your face with your hands during the day.
  5. You should not do any static stretching at all before training or racing. You can do dynamic stretches but they are kinda hard to do esp just before a race. Safest just to do a short ride with a few short sprints. Stretch AFTERWARDS.
  6. Totally agree. Powerade is K@$! Give us coke! And to the man who thinks coke is fattening...so is powerade!! If you sitting on a couch drinking it!
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