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Chopper Jr

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Posts posted by Chopper Jr

  1. Hi riders!!

    I see some dude on YouTube cleverly machined an 11 speed cassette to fit his 10 speed free-hub. Link below:

    He did this by machining out about 1.6mm from the back of the largest cog.

    Any thoughts on this? I'm keen to get it done rather than rebuilding three wheel sets.

    Alternatively you can also file down the teeth on the free hub. I think the former idea is better.


  2. He admitted to ingesting it inadvertently...

    Cycling South Africa reports that veteran cyclist Chad Short returned an adverse analytical finding in an in-competition test conducted by the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) on 2 May 2014 at the South African Track Cycling Championships. The analytical report confirmed the presence of the stimulant Methylhexaneamine in his urine sample.

    Mr. Short acknowledged having inadvertently ingested the specified substance and waived his right to a hearing. Mr. Short has been found guilty by SAIDS and has received a two year ban from all sport effective from 2 May 2014 to 1 May 2016.

  3. Got relegated to DL as a late entry. Must have been a few strong riders in the group as late entries who pulled nicely. We finished in a respectable 2:50... A half hearted sprint on very tired legs but won the group :clap:

    Cant say I enjoyed the race much, absolutely flat as a pancake, felt like cobbles in sections and widow-maker potholes to make one appreciate riding out front...

  4. Could someone also explain how VA, VB, VM, A & elite woman are all set to start at the same time... That could be CRAZY!

    Wesley, where were you seeded? I've been bumped from VA to B group! I reckon a minute isn't too much to catch...

  5. If you cant stay with the front of the group on the first climb, I would recommend conserving your energy for after the first 9km - then get in a strong fast group for the balnace of the race. You dont want to pop at the start and then limp the last 90% of the ride...

  6. Why would you want to avoid hills, nice light gear and constant cadence will give you a good base? Plus training on only flat roads will be super boring....well for me at least. How long do you need time wise to train?


    Hi Sharkie, I don't mind the climbs if they're long and a low gradient... I'm doing anything from 90min to 4hrs, 200-230watts, try keep the HR around 140bpm...

  7. Some thoughts-

    1) Be careful from the R21 to Bapsfontein, on the R25, as some trucks get rather close, but we do ride there from Benoni fairly often.

    2) Take first road left after Bapsfontein M30 off the R25 into Pretoria.

    3) Pass Moreleta Park then left onto M10; Left onto R50. This takes you back to Bapsfontein.

    4) Right onto R25, the road you used to get to Bapsfontein, then home.

    5) we do this from Benoni a few times a year. Good SPAR in Moreletta to refuel at. Good for an early Sunday morning - roads are quieter.

    NOT a short ride!!


    Quiet is good! So you say it's just that R25 stretch which is a little dangerous? I could go north onto the R50 up to Moreleta Park and then down the M30 and then turn around and go back the way I came... that'll take out the section of the R25...

  8. You can do it the other way and turn back before Tembisa. Start at Greenstone, thru Linbro over N3 first right up to old Pretoria turn right and road follow road over Allendale until you get to R562. Right along Olifantsfontein road, go past Base 3 to next intersection. Turn around and back same way.


    Probably too many hills and intersections between Linbro and Allandale... perhaps up to Chloorkop, right onto Old Pta Road and a little bit of Olifantsfontein and back is an option...



  9. Hi all!


    It's base training time for us roadies and I'm looking for an ideal stretch of road:

    • Fairly flat where I can keep the power output constant
    • Long loop out out and back (min 15km) with minimal intersections
    • Safe, shoulder and yellow line on the road would be great


    I live in Greenstone so I thought I would ride up to Serengeti Golf Estate and just carry on with the R25 towards Bronkhorstspruit dam...


    Checkout the route: http://goo.gl/maps/k5mLE


    Anyone have other proven routes?



  10. Rode in A group... we had a bike marshal in front and one behind most of the race - although at times the marshal in front was napping and we nearly rode into him on two of the descents.


    Cant say I felt safe, bloody trucks and cars trying to overtake us - most of which were quite considerate, except one @ssho!e that must have passed us at 140km/h.


    Overall I think the event was better than previous years, but the finish is still a disaster and the traffic is not ideal leading up to hekticPoort!

  11. It was a tough race. At about the 60km mark, there was a 20 man breakaway in the A group. By the time I noticed, they already had a 40m lead. Pedaled my butt off to bridge the gap, but without success. When i checked behind me, there were 3 of us in no-man's land. We worked together for the next 30km, only to be swallowed up by a 30 man group, with just over 10km to go. Didn't have a lot left in the tank for the final sprint, and finished in the middle of the group in 2:47. I was gunning for 2:45, but considering the headwind for most of the race, i probablyshouldn't complain.

    I think I was one of the three... on the red SWorks... we flipping pedalled forever on our own until the rest of A group caught us coming into Durbs. What was quite disturbing was the accident the 2 ladies had trying to tail us at 60km/h - hope they're not seriously injured. Looking at the results only 15 of them broke away. I had a bit left for the sprint which is always fun, managed 3rd in that... all that after riding 450km to Pietermaritzburg from Kroonstad.

  12. Interestingly, 94.7 last year, the 1000th finisher finished in 2hr 46min i.e 34km/h. E group got 30 riders across in that time.


    The weather that morning was quite windy coming through town and slightly windy on the Kdorp highway...

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