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Everything posted by Skott5

  1. How else you going to redneckogise them ..
  2. I have the almost exact same bike, except with a 150mm Pike. Love it Manuals and Wheelies for days !!
  3. Ok fair enough. I reckon I been spicing my meat to early and drawing the moisture out. So with a decent cut of steak, gooi braai spice just before you chuck it onto hot coals.
  4. Whats the consensus on spicing your meat ? Before - at least an hour or more. During - when you busy cremating said meat. Or only after when eating ?
  5. Why is the guy that was fishing wearing a G String ?? He deserves to get chased by a real bear ..
  6. These flat earthers are just taking the piss, and trolling you guys hard ! Are there any on here ? Haven't read the whole thread.
  7. Oh my Giddy Aunt !!! That is AWESOME !!
  8. That's Sexy .. I would fly my flag on that Pole.
  9. Something different. 160mm Rear travel with Pinion Gearbox Bit portly at 15kg's though
  10. Whats wrong with a normal bottle cage ? That Fabric bottle looks fiddly to get back into place again while you on the move.
  11. That Rag is very cool. Having said that .... I have a Deedar frame waiting to clear customs in JNB as we speak .. Took advantage of the recent sale. Should hopefully be rolling on it next week
  12. That floating rear brake caliper is interesting. Would like to ride one to feel if the difference is noticable.
  13. In line with the current theme http://cdn-webimages.wimages.net/0540f9782770cf9cb45ac2c1769854350fa28d-v5-wm.jpg?v=0
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