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Posts posted by Grumpy4

  1. I have built a mtb trail 2.7km , by hand my gardener and I now started adding fun sections.  Started during lockdown, key is make it flow and use the topography to your advantage, and table tops , berms and gap jumps are key but have alternate lines Around obstacles for beginners. Easy part is creating harder part is maintaining the growth of weeks and the like , make path nice and wide so u limit encroachment of weeds and grass. Also see if anyone can drop of soil in key spots that’s helps a lot , and get more from cycling community involved it takes a lot of work 

  2. buy right size pedal bike and remove cranks and chain


    Anyone got any advice on balance bikes for tall kids?


    My daughter is mutant tall and has out grown a JDbug but is not ready for a pedal bike yet.


    My son who is younger than my daughter is also massive so I dont see buying another bike as being a waste. I am sure that he will need it as well.

  3. I have ridden with a few guys with similar conversations and they swear by them and just cope with everything thrown at them , seen a few NIners around they seem to be great for conversion to gravel bikes.

    Ouch. That cuts. Does my 1 x. Eagle set up and the fact the frame is a Niner MCR from back in the day now make me an abomination to both gravel, CX and MTB cool kids. I feel like I might have strayed into the cycling equivalent of a hand shaped, PU, bodyboard with rope handles and glasses on bonzer fins.

  4. I have been on gravel for a while and find that riding Giba gorge single track as well as valley of thousand hills with dirt roads, single track and tar that 2x front chainrings are the best , I have a cannondale cadx 105 and more recently I have trek Checkpoint which to me is the ultimate all round bike. Cx bikes are limited in terms of tyre clearance which is not the case with gravel bikes. If I was told I could have only one bike in my stable I would choose my Trek checkpoint gravel bike.

  5. I can vouch for the new helmet material mentioned above from trek/ bontrager. I got taken out by a car and helmet took massive direct impact with the car, the wave cell technology worked incredibly well to absorb the impact , helmet was compressed and I only suffered a few scratches on the head and a headache, but did get a bruised back and two broken arms, and the best part is they have an accident replacement policy

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