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Chro Mo

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Posts posted by Chro Mo

  1. When I ride in the morning and it's still dark, I am lit up like a Christmas tree.


    I do not want to be run over by a car.


    One would think that all runners would have similar views on visibility.


    Apparently this view, while universally accepted, and practised by most runners, still escapes a few.


    I have almost run over a runner several times on Forest Drive in La Lucia running in all black kit, in the road facing oncoming traffic. i think it's the same guy every time. My headlight picks up the refelction on his shoes at the limit of the beam's reach, and I have to take evasive action


    a wee little LED light would be plenty.


    No need to go all ninja, man.

  2. "Wee noh make a quality like a dis hiya"

    Actually, they do.


    3Rensho, Kalavinka, Yamaguchi, Panasonic, Bridgestone and way too many more to remember.


    The fact that the Japanese venerate Italian builders is testament to their commitment (in the upper levels of the game) to quality.

  3. Aah, the bad old days. I remember that.


    Before the Hub existed, I joined a small South African forum: www.cyclingforums.com. There weren't that many of us there and it wasn't particularly active but it was fun. Any survivors here? I think we were a group who didn't like the format and lack of comeraderie of the Supercycling chat. But it didn't grow as it wasn't really marketed at all... and then The Hub took over - the rest is history.


    I joined The Hub a few months after its creation but lost my login somewhere along the line. Can't even remember my username. Had a couple of years sabatical before re-registering.

    I remember that - there was a dude with a gazillion posts caled VO2MAX - remember him?


    Very knowledgeable.


    Learned a lot on that forum. Was a lot more civil than the interactions these days...

  4. a lot of what they say is absolutely true.




    poor woman needs to do something about her teeth - she can't even close her mouth.


    that just plain pisses me off.


    and she's using her hair as a blanky......cute.

  5. The 2012 Olympics debacle and wanton usage of taxpayer's money for massive eating and drinking sprees, rampant financial mismanagement and a total lack of direction, not to mention complete self-interest to the detriment of all athletes:This is the legacy of SASCOC and the various unions that govern sport in our country.


    CSA: Why invest so much in defending a patently unjust position? Why not take heed of dissatisfaction, and amend the way the sport is run to benefit all stakeholders?


    When the issues are so clearly visible and still no action is taken, then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that there is ZERO desire to do so.

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