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Everything posted by Paddaman

  1. This is a two way street, just as it can get non-exercises to be guerilla marketed into doing some exercise, it can also get well adjusted cyclists in a moment of weakness to become coach potatoes. The decline starts with one battery assisted pedal..... Remember what Katie Perry said "I kissed a girl and I liked it", and now there are gender confused millenniums wearing man-buns and skirts.....
  2. Never say never. I took a rest from running and cycling after 2013 Duathlon World Champs. I took to sailing. But when I got a Rhodes Run entry in 2017, I was motivated again to start off slowly. I was happy to get to 6min/km for the first few months. Now I am training around 4:45min/km after a year and a half. Yes I still get some pains in the feet and have to take a day or two off to recover. This year I have done 2 marathons (dischem and Jacaranda), a 38+km hobbit, a 32km(sunrise monster) and Rhodes at 50+km. I also finish sub 45min on a 10km. But still I am careful to race to much and train slowly and carefully. Take 6 months off, take up another sport, like canoeing, sailing or swimming. Give your mind and body a break and come back stronger and hungrier. Remember age is a number, but growing old is not for sissies
  3. I don not think there is a problem with people riding e-bikes. I think the problem is that these people think it is the same as riding a bicycle.
  4. Kind of stopped asking my wife for a e-bike, when she started asking me for an e-lover......
  5. You might have eaten or drunk a bit to soon before the start. Pushing the pace may have increased the movement of food/liquid in the stomach, thus causing the cramps. Alternatively, you could have launched to fast, which happens at the start of night races, which created a bit of a shock to the system.
  6. In the USA they discovered that cycling could make you infertile, in Italy they discovered cycling can make you more virile. Conclusion, in the USA any excuse not to exercise will be found, in Italy any excuse for sex will be found.
  7. Military historians may point out that Repack Hill was not the first time bicycles were used "off road". In the Boer War both sides used bicycles to traverse the veld and avoid getting shot. (The British had a extensive bicycle corp for communications between headquarters). At one stage Danie Theron insisted his rapportryers get double rations, as they did not have horses, therefore they needed to be fed twice, once for sustainment, and once for locomotion. They were nicknamed dikvreeters.....Danie Theron also "invented" the puncture-less tube, by inserting a leather belt between the tube and the tire. (Orginal tire liners). In order to get Pres Kruger to accept his concept, he challenged a horse rider to a race between Pretoria and Potchestroom, which he won on his bicycle. Despite this history the SANDF still prefers horses and motorbikes (despite the noise and maintenance costs) as means of transport in rural areas. maybe they should investigate e-bikes......... (Bianci also developed a good military bicycle at one stage)
  8. Fitness over fun. If it was all about fun then everyone would have quadbikes...., even better everyone would stay indoors in some virtual reality prison. Getting fit and suffering is part of the achievement. No pain, no gain and all that stuff. Remember the decline all starts with doing one park run (5kms) with the wife and the next thing comrades starts looking to far, and another blink of the eye and you are battling to finish a marathon, then the 21km becomes too difficult...... Same thing with e-bikes, just one little ride and POW it is now too difficult to live without a throbbing, vibrating, jiggling battery pack between your legs.........
  9. If a half marathon is "not challenging enough" then do the Ultra. Somehow the body can handle the punch. Just remember to be able to peak out at between 65-100km a week for three weeks and plan a week or two for taper to rest for the run. Treadmill, what witchcraft is this? Run in the rain, run in the mud, run in the sun, just run. There is no bad run, only bad clothing.....
  10. So when the battery goes flat, you climb off the bike and rest. mmmmmmmmm
  11. Then there was the "Slugs of War" which was more a parody mash-up band. I think they enjoyed stuffing around a lot. Their greatest hit was Rabobi....... Music from the eighties and nineties that my son is push onto his teachers include: REM OMD Transvision vamp Cranberries Garbage Queen Offspring Greenday Things that just do not float anymore include Sugi Sugi Sputnik Ace of Base Vinni manilli Maddona Rick Asley Spice Girls
  12. With road running the organiser takes on the responsibility of cleaning the route after the race. Normally the watering point staff walk the 3 km to the next watering point doing a chicken parade for plastic sachets. Now they place bins at 10 and 20 meters out from the watering point and most runners drink and drop as close or into these bins, however you still get the one guy. On trail runs now the new approach is to implement the "no cup, no run" policy and to indicate the number of feeding stations to reduce runners bring their own muti on the route. Also there is a instant DQ if you are found to have deliberately dropped anything on the trail. Many trail runners also prefer natural food over energy goo's and gels. Regarding mtb biking, you should be self sufficient on the route, and stop to "bomb up" at feeding stations. There should be no need for sachets ext. However, MTBkers like their roadie cousins are addicted to gels and tend to litter these wrappers. Regarding road cycling, if you need more than two water bottles and two gels on a sub 100km race, then you are not racing, but riding and can thus STOP and fill up at watering points, and thus no need for sachets. Also taking on nutrition on the move is very dangerous and takes a lot of practice and co-ordination, this is why pro teams have dedicated seconds passing the musette to the riders (not recommended on a fun ride).
  13. The basic understanding is that in an auction, the starting price is the minimum price that the seller is willing to accept, and that the desire of the bidders is the deciding factor in determining price/value. In a negotiation the seller, if he opens the negotiation effectively sets the ceiling price, which is then the offer he wishes the buyer to accept. The buyer then has the prerogative to haggle/negotiate a lower price on a first come-first serve basis, until a mutually acceptable price point is reached. Once hands are shaken, (ie offer is accepted) then the seller is morally bound to honour the agreement regardless if a later (and better) offer is made by another buyer. If the seller feels that the buyer is haggling to much he can withdraw his offer and then propose a new offer (at an increased price) to other buyers. While negotiations are being undertaken, it would be construed as bad form for the seller to attempt to increase the selling prince beyond the original ceiling price, as that would constitute a new offer, and the cancellation of the negotiation process. In the end once the sale is concluded it cannot be reopened. It is thus important to indicate whether you are auctioning off an item, or you are selling an item at a determined price, as this affects the negotiation process.
  14. I think there is a sublime message hidden in the socks and shoes.....
  15. Paddaman


    She was a tennis player behaving badly. She was not professional in her actions, actually very novice and her ethnicity, skin colour, socio-eceonomic conditions, motherhood, poor dress sense, and size had NOTHING to do with her threatening, invasive, intimidating, borish behavior towards a sport official, doing his job. It is interesting to see that her opponent, also an oppressed minority of mixed race did not behave in such a poor manner. If Serena's behaviour was standard for all oppressed minority groups, then her opponent should also had threatened and screamed at the umpire, just because he was representative of the "white male minority" which oppressed both "black"and "Asians", ERGO Serena was grandstanding, got put in her place and resented that. Secondly, "There is no hierarchy for oppression and suffering.", but you chose to deny the suffering of other minorities by blandly saying "Either you're joking or your sarcasm is in bad taste." Please take your woke whiteness somewhere else.
  16. Paddaman


    This is offensive. Gingers have also been discriminated against for much longer. It started with the Roman's building the wall, keeping us out of England. Then it was the Norse that arrived and Pillaged our villages and Churches. Then it was the Angles and Saxon. Then after that the English banned the bagpipes and shipped us off to Nova Scotia, and forced us to fight in endless wars against our darker brothers. Do not forget our Irish Cousins that were sold into Slavery in the US of A and the Caribbean Sugar estates. Also do not forget about the potato blight and the depopulation of the glens of Scotland. Then the troubles of Ireland where Irish were pitted against Irish. You talk about your discrimination, Amateurs. Despite this we gave you macadamized roads, Macintosh's, Adam Smith, Iain Ferguson, the Haggis, Whisky, Bagpipes, the kilt, blue face paint, Robert Bruce, tartan, Irnbru, Gordon Brown Gaelic Forever.
  17. Paddaman


    I did not realise that Serena was South African!. BEE is not a US policy, but rather AA is a US policy within limits. Also Serena was playing against a mixed race player of Japanese and Haitian, so if the race card was to be played, her opponent has a stronger claim on that. Serena is spoilt and thought her power of incumbency would overwhelm her opponent and intimidate the judge. Also to use the gender excuse is laughable, as it is "ladies" tennis and yes more lady-like behaviour is expected. Though I can see the days of John McEnroe antics in men's tennis is also going to come to an end as a result of Serena's jibes and groans. In the end she messed up her race to glory and made another player, one with her own racial demons suffer unnecessarily. Also she only provided evidence to outdated biases and opinions. Stupid is what stupid does.
  18. I also believe in the double sessions on a day. But I only clock 4-6km in the morning and 6-10lm in the afternoon. Morning is normally about a minute/km slower than the afternoon pace. After five days of this I rest and then occasionally do a 15-20km club run LSD on Sundays. This also allows additional rest day or half day a week so that I can attend business meetings and not commute run to work.
  19. The old Tzaneen Tropic Tour. Tough bastard.....
  20. The most interesting thing for me is that in the day of big data and analytics, as well as massive data sets available (strava and garmin ext) that no mathematical/statistically based training app/ programme has been developed, where you can either enter your desired distance and speed and get a 26 week training programme, or that your last 26 weeks of training can be numver crunched to give you a prediction of race time. I know a lot of number crunching has been done post facto after comrades ext to show the relationship between total mileage vs final time, and I know that garmin has some analytics to predict times based on fitness, but I have yet to see a algorithm that can crunch numbers on the fly and then give a tailored programme. It seems that training programmes remain a bit of an art form rather than a science.
  21. So a 4:30 cut off would exclude the G and H group, which is where the DNF's grow almost exponentially. So maybe the idea of using a sliding entry fee for after 4:30 may incentivize these athletes to seriously consider there commitment to the entry or to start to serious review their training methodology. Obviously there are those in the group that will deserve a bronze, but they are more of an outlier than a mainstream issue. These runners could then "use" their bronze to "move up" the starting order the following year. (much like Argus uses the previous years Argus results to determine race seedings). It is interesting that the Vic Clapman medal only really starts to come into consideration in group D which is incidentally the sub 4hr batch.
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