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Everything posted by OVERDRIVE

  1. The idea is great, and if run correctly could work. Unfortunately CSA has a very bad reputation with the average cyclist, hence so few comments are showing excitement, Ans rather think it as a money grabbing scam. I think a little bit of effort if convincing the masses that they are actually here not only to make money, put to promote the sport in every aspect and get more people to ride. And this can only be achieved with the right management. My invoice is in the mail for this insight, thanks
  2. Here is the update, from the horse itself. Three years after assault, pro-cyclist Nic Dlamini still awaits justice (702.co.za)
  3. Love the fact that Titan always there to add value to technical convoys and engage with the people. Awesome!! Oh yes!
  4. Last lap, Alan in there but needs 20s, Luca trying to kill them.
  5. It comes and goes. Theres times I hate myself for giving in but the other methods, and me being not so tech savvy made me fold. The day it becomes easier am off!
  6. Upoupular opinion: One day we need to chat about our faves, their form, and where its going. Because we're all open about this or that rider, but we "avoid" certain riders not to offend. Andri Frischknecht was being bashed everyday of the epic, but others do just as much nothing...


    I hate DSTV. The only positive is the give people jobs, to help them survive, they contribute to the economy. But I have to confess, all the VPN and techno stuff, EuroSport, GCN, reigonal blocking, and needing to consult the hub for everything...adding the fact that I'm too lazy i would rather Tiz or pay up. Am ashamed to admit. I will do better next year
  8. @MattPlease give me the power to shut threads like this when they become sesame street like
  9. I have a seat for my a titan drone available. Ideally Joburg based. Fridays are better for collection.
  10. Too far for some of us. Have fun all
  11. Former Sars whistleblower survives brutal attack (dailymaverick.co.za)
  12. Which soul was brave enought to say this? 🤣
  13. I joined the Giro very late so my comment will be read last-but i'm really not into adverse weather so maybe thats why I'm struggling? I'm guessing the more men fall away the better it is...which makes no sense. This def not for me.
  14. Can someone direct me to the ESI grips thread, want to chat about those
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