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Everything posted by OVERDRIVE

  1. Those are some numbers! Thats good quality though.
  2. mates were supposed to join me but as soon as I locked down dates they went very quiet, so I might do it alone. This right here means i must also give it a skip 😆
  3. Am actually beginning to think that way as well. Because of there was a problem with a product, they would fix it. How many times have people claimed from insurance and gotten a new wheel? My Amarok one cost 13k via insurance. Now I have had to make a friend make a plate to avoid them from even trying. But the theft issue is out of control. Almost every weekend someone has been hit. I don’t believe the export to Mozambique story, there are people buying these bikes. And some of them are amongst us 😡
  4. Thanks for the warning. At Fast One a marshal didn’t tell us to turn left and we did a free 4km for nothing 😡😡
  5. Was a real awesome rose enjoyed it! The climb to the water tower was also on the 60 and it was no joke.
  6. That’s because we were all dead and had just survived Alien vs Predator!! was a lekker one though I’ll admit
  7. Was irritated having to drive coffee free all the way to Broadacres because everyone was saying the new place is not it. Disappointing, but guess that’s just business…
  8. OP sorry for your loss. I love Thule. Always have. But this "bike got stolen off rack" story is becoming irritating. Cheapest Thule combo is 7k, and the risk of theft is the same as leaving it in the back of a bakkie. I did send them a message asking them that the safety of our bikes is always at risk, and attached is the response: "Hello! Security is one of the most important details that we always consider when developing our products. Both safety in use and against theft. Secure lock and to make it possible to attach the equipment in a firm grip, reinforced lockable cables etc are some details we work with. It should never be easy to steal equipment. But unfortunately, it is impossible to fully secure against theft. Valuable equipment or if you are in an environment where the risk is large for theft one should never leave the equipment unattended at your car. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately no one is free from individuals who cannot distinguish between yours and mine - even if you have attached your equipment as safe as possible. We cannot be held liable for the actions of thieves. The only thing we can advise is to file a complaint at your local police station for theft and possibly speak to your insurance company. All the best,"
  9. Cradle loop will always be dry-last week was no issues at all. Only down from the Biden by the bamboo I passed a panda 🐼 or two irritated I was in their restaurant lol
  10. Last week was just not on. That pic was taken ON the trail about 12km in. All that was missing was a T-Rex 🦖
  11. J, having read everything please share your thoughts. Think your insight into what happened would be cool to hear/read. If you have a free sec?
  12. Have never been to either, thanks for the heads up! Van Gaalens looks the driest of the lot though…
  13. Call me lazy but after last weeks Takaro and what I’ve heard of Buffelspoort, just looking for a ride which doesn’t go through the Amazon. thoughts? 😁
  14. What in the actual **** is going on. Just finished reading this and am totally speechless… I truly feel for Doug and I know many know him personally (I do not) and in business many make mistakes. It’s for the reason the buyers from an oil rig who want to buy an S-Works having never seen it for a birthday gift, there are still many falling for that today. Many don’t understand cryptocurrency, but lots understand real currency, and if that real currency is not in the bank then it’s ghost currency. Painful lesson.
  15. With strict measures in place covid-wise, does CSA have any mandates on vaccinated participants? Or is the normal 48hr negative test? Quite a few events on the calendar... UCI recommends strict measures in third season of COVID-19 pandemic | Cyclingnews
  16. Solid line too. Crazy Bernal and Carapaz narrowly avoid collision with car while training | Cyclingnews
  17. and then this... Qhubeka team boss reveals three sponsors failed to pay, but 'had NextHash paid in full, we would have been OK' | Cycling Weekly
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