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Everything posted by WesselvdWalt

  1. All pre entries will be receiving shirts. Shirts are running late and will be delivered today between 13:00 & 14:00 at Columbia Sportswear in Centurion. If you received your goodybag already please come to sabie to the Merchandise stand to get your shirt, please bring your envelope with.
  2. Hey Guys! Please tell your friends, cousins, sisters, aunties, bff's and everyone to come support this race.. If I don't make target this year I have to cann it for 2015... which means NO CAPE EVENTS Week before epic is a great last workout checking everything is in good nic for the Epic... we have lots of big names who are taking part who are also doing the epic
  3. Hey guys good luck for the weekend. Just want to let you know regarding the age for categories. Yes the entry system with entelect uses the age you are at the beginning of the year... unfortunately it's wrong! but they can't change it as it's been hard coded apparently. We use the age you are on the year of the event on the 31st of Dec as per Cycling SA & UCi guidelines. (one reason why timing was mixed up at Dullstroom) We moving yet again to (hopefully) the last online entry system for Clarens's entries from end of February. Hang in there, it's been a "deurmekaar" start to the year soon all these gremlins will be over and we can all focus again on just riding our bikes! Spoke to Brett & Dennis this morning who own the Sabie Classic event and they reckon yes it's wet... but it's far from muddy. (let's hope it holds - will have feedback when we're there tomorrow morning)
  4. <iframe width="400" height="300" src="//e.issuu.com/embed.html#10667991/6714327" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. Entries close tomorrow morning 6am... make sure you enter online and get a Sabie T-shirt ! the first 2400 get T-shirts
  6. Event Name: MTN National MTB Series #3 Tulbagh Driven By Nissan When: 15 March 2014 Where: Saronsberg wine estate, Tulbagh, Western Cape, Western Cape Category: MTB Only an hour and a half from Cape Town, lies the Saronsberg wine estate, nestled in the magnificent scenic beauty of the Saronsberg Valley. Tulbagh is a charismatic town, renowned for its rich history, fine wines and Cape Dutch Architecture. Tulbagh offers visitors a wide variety of activities and outstanding accommodation, not to mention the largest concentration of National Monuments in one street in South Africa. Be sure to take in the Cape beauty while visiting one of the many wine estates in the area or take the time to appreciate the wealth of local artistic talent that the small town has to offer. Tulbagh is also the host to stages of the 2013 Absa Cape Epic, so needless to say, there are an abundance of breathtaking mountain bike trails that are sure to challenge even the most adventurous. ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS Ultra XCM -110km (others to follow shortly, will be similar in nature but shorter in distance) The route makes the best of the Saronsberg valley by completing a full anti clock-wise loop around the town of Tulbagh. But don’t be fooled by the route map, although the trail does not venture out of the valley, there are some challenging climbs and technical single tracks to test riders skills as well as stamina. As the riders hug the base of the magnificent Saronsberg Mountains, they may be tempted to stop and admire the scenery. The route winds its way around cool farm dams, between luscious green vineyards and along rocky mountain tracks edged with indigenous fynbos and proteas. RIDING TIMES 110km: 5h00min – 8 hours70km: 3 – 6 hours45km: 2 – 4 hours110km has a cut-off at the finish of 9hours. PROGRAMME Saturday: 110km MTN Ultra PRO/Elite – 07:30am Saturday: 70km MTN Marahton - Elite ladies - 07:40am Saturday: 70km MTN Marathon XCM – 08:00am Batch "A" + 5min Saturday: 45km NISSAN 1/2 XCM – 08:35am Batch "A" + 5min Saturday: 20km Fun Race - 09:15am Batch "A" Go to Event Page
  7. Hey Guys, Thanks for your mails, queries, answers, frustrations and support etc. It has been a testing time for ourselves too, we obviously aim to move up a gear each year and forward. We have had to make a call end of last year with the online entries, we had a dilemma; The current system although the front end worked basically flawlessly had a massive accounting flaw in the backend causing us to lose money throughout the year which couldn't get sorted out in time, this left us with two choices: Stay with the current online entry system (eventry - which was actually build in house and we consequently started a separate company.) but with a flaw in it's accounting backend. Temporarily move back to the previous online entry company and source this out again (although the front end is not what and how we would like it and the experience might be a step back at least the accounting backend is true and tested. It was a no brainer, we had to make sure it makes business sense first. You'll see that we have limited the events that are open thus far, aiming to get the online entry system sorted in the mean time and get back to offering a flawless online entry solution to our events. There are obviously some teething problems with this temporary system again, ie. the iframe into our website has not been supported by IE at first and now currently all apple platforms using Safari. Safari has a build in security feature with cookies which is causing the problem, we were able to solve IE rather quickly. There was also a limited problem that on the 7th Jan, people were charged for early and normal fees combined. (this has been resolved.) Please try to take the 5min in entering for the moment, hopefully sooner than later we will be back up and running how you have experience us in the past. Kind Regards, Wessel vd Walt ADVENDURANCE
  8. Please pm me your ID number (nickc & watcher) I can't replicate the error on my side. (The entries are embedded by Iframe on our site and have been tested to work, so that I can test and send details to the entries company) - TX!
  9. Guys for the correct days and days please refer to the advendurance website. http://www.advendurance.com/calendar I'm just finalizing some things with Van Gaalen, but in all likelihood we will swop dates, Rooiberg and Van Gaalen. (This year we had Hazeldean & Monster on the same weekend so it's nothing new) to accommodate monster...
  10. Could be Niel du Pisani's sunglasses... @ndupisani on twitter
  11. No science just, in personal experience. Used to race with crossmax ust rims (@dangle) and tried two sets of michelin non ust tires. The crossmax hardly has a hook, and the michelins hardly has a bead... But this is 4yrs ago... @dangle The stans rims is by no way the same... It has a much more pronounced hook, built for going tubeless. I'm by no means saying that the non ust tires are meant to go tubeless. I'm purely saying i've tried some and what works in my expierience. Garmin team rides with non ust maxxis tires all year thus far... I'm saying it's a risk, but it's calculated for the experienced rider. Stans notubes guideline is 75ml per wheel minimum, Yes I regularly also use 150ml depending on terrain etc. All i'm saying is you'll have to use more to prevent air escape from the carcass in non ust... Burping - of cause it compresses, but if you look closely the tire actually folds on the rim with lower pressures, around corners. Potato Potatoe Is it worth the additional saving in weight and risk...? No, but people do it... Some with bad experience and huge problems and others without. My Epic in 2008 from knysna to cape was done on stock maxxis tires on new merida non ust and lighter than usual foldables converted with stans strip on american classics and I had no problems during race, usual airloss top-up before each day. Do I advise this? Hardly, it makes the risk huge, but it suites my riding style, and if you keep stans topped up and pressure regulated it's manageable. It does not suit alot of riders riding style and experience.
  12. Your problem was rim & tire combination. Michelin & Mavic rims don't seat properly and is not a good choice at all for making non-ust tires tubeless. I find american classic's / stans rims with maxxis to be a very good combination and is very trust worthy. One should note that the tires tend to bend around corners at certain low pressures and can cause "burbping" of air... can also lead to grip loss. (depends on riding style and tire pressure preference) -> you will have to run with about 100g stans in each tires 25g more than normal to make up for airloss escaping through the side walls. -> should be race only / thorns etc make for lots of airloss on these.
  13. I can vouch for the Maxxis UST. Cross-mark back / monorail front, should last you almost a year! I did two epics with these without any issues. Weight should not be a concern for the epic.
  14. Hey Guys just to you know the results are available here: 135km http://www.mtncycling.co.za/Results/RaceResults.aspx?raceid=82 55km http://www.mtncycling.co.za/Results/RaceResults.aspx?raceid=83
  15. Hey Guys just to you know the results are available here: 135km http://www.mtncycling.co.za/Results/RaceResults.aspx?raceid=82 55km http://www.mtncycling.co.za/Results/RaceResults.aspx?raceid=83
  16. Hey guys, here is the link to the photographer that was at the cave: https://www.theimagefile.com/?ppc=503850.0dee3f8524eb7a5ff525
  17. Unfortunately the GTR was booked out we will try to have it at one of the following events like Down & Dirty or Peacanwood My dream car
  18. Awesome ride then Laetitia Botha infact rode 02:51:26
  19. Thank you for the great feedback! Without great feedback a good event is not successfull... We couldn't exactly pave a road for you, that takes the adventure out of it the rock crossing was ridable to many of the top skilled riders and handicaps many of the "roadies"
  20. This has been fixed and should reflect shortly. Her number board seemed to be incorrectly programmed. Thanks for the great feedback and support guys! We're trying to get better trails / race's in gauteng area so people don't have to travel huge distances to have a great enjoyable race!
  21. Any old (old sponsor) number board will just be swapped for a new one (old ones being previous sponsor logos - the board it's self is 100% the same) and in-fact are re-used and reprogrammed and sticker ed. If this was the case and you were asked to pay for a new one, apologies, I tried to convey this across, but was not able to be there all the time.
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