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Everything posted by MongooseMan

  1. I'll also note this from the EntryNinja page:
  2. With a course that undulating (there's actually no real big climbs) the garmin elevation data is a bit hit and miss. Compare these 2 courses, same route, completely different elevations: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/255618182 https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/161577900
  3. Matt 3rd and Hayley 9th at Sea Otter. Solid starts to their US campaigns
  4. Out of interest, how are you attaching the front fork cages, given there's only one bolt?
  5. It's a constant gripe of ours whenever we ride out on that path before sunrise. I've shouted at more than a few cyclists and runners, it's just plain stupid in my opinion.
  6. You're probably right. I've just gotten so used to 6mm and below that'd I actually forgotten that even Pegasus are 10mm drop.
  7. Race 2 is now on the calendar: https://www.wpcycling.com/event/kalbaskraal-league-race-2-2024/?instance_id=2598
  8. That would be his fundamental argument, yes
  9. A few points: - Aero vs rolling resistance is a tricky one, esp since aero is very personalized (and often non-intuitive) - Wider tyres would likely also have more puncture protection, so even if it costs you a nett 2W in aero, you'd save hugely on any flat repairs - Wider tyres at lower pressures are more comfortable, which in the long run with allow you to be faster.
  10. Dylan Johnson (owner of the dropbar bike pictured) would argue wider is always better, unless you need to clear mud. https://www.instagram.com/dylanjawnson/p/C2dIgQcOa0w/?img_index=1 Bigger tyres = lower pressures = lower rolling resistance
  11. @Benky has also recently (?) built up one: https://www.strava.com/activities/11103409747
  12. I run a 40T for gravel season and a 48T for road season. Note I'm running a 10-50T at the back so I've got a pretty big range anyway, but found I spun out on the 40T on downhills roads.
  13. I also went straight to their calculator and checked, and it says it "looks like a loop" (confusing wording). Then I tried Suikerbossie, and it says that is a loop too, so I think it may be broken...
  14. Had a guy try to tackle me at the corner of Koeberg and Plattekloof (near Makro) this morning. I was riding with 3 friends and as we approached the turn into Plattekloof this guy stepped off the island and started running at me. His execution was laughably poor, in that he went for the front guy, telegraphed his intentions way too early, had no visible weapons, and couldn’t change direction quickly. i managed to swerve around him and sprint away, and he seemed to have already burned all his matches, as he completely ignored my 3 mates behind me. stopped, swore at him a few times, carried on with life, all a bit surreal really…
  15. That was the Bonk Bros podcast: https://bonkbrospodcast.com/e/episode-42-cape-epic-special-w-the-champ-matt-beers/
  16. New profile up on the Cape Epic site for stage 4
  17. I don’t think anyone will fight you on that
  18. I see WP Cycling has started putting events up for the winter road league on their site: https://www.wpcycling.com/event-calendar/cat_ids~51 Some very ignorant questions, because I can’t find a lot of info online: As a non-elite, how worth it is it for me to look at doing these events? What categories are there, and what category would I likely find myself in (3:02 CTCT from &, 37 year old male)? How many events are there usually in the league? When does it normally end? thanks!
  19. @Phillippe Coetzee fwiw, I did my 3:02 on a Specialized Diverge gravel bike running a 1x setup (48T upfront 10-50 at the back), though I do have carbon road wheels for it.
  20. Does his first and last name start with the same letter? If so, that’s flipping funny because he made a whole instagram reel about people in character groups who can’t drink without wobbling 😂
  21. On a lighter note, my funniest moment was going up Chappies, and the guy in front of me hits a cat eye. Psssst, but then seals immediately. I commented to him that he was lucky and responded “oh yes, that’s the 3rd one today!” I was like (1) what sealant are you using coz that’s a great advert? but more so (2), stop aiming for cat eyes! 😂😂
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