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Everything posted by tyger

  1. Hi. I lost my a Black Polar M400 heart rate watch on Sunday at the Stellenbosch Cycle Tour. I changed my clothes in the parking area at Val de Vei, post race. This is the last time is used/handled the watch. Please contact me if you have seen it or handed it in at the venue. thanks
  2. Why is coffee on the orange list according to new book release? Did i miss something
  3. Why is coffee on the orange list according to new book release? Did i miss something
  4. send some pics along to make us jealous...
  5. Good Luck Guys and Girls. My nerves is shot and i'm not even competing this year Just go out there and give it a blast.... See you back next week sporting your IM Brands in the gym.....
  6. So everyone's talking about April being the high mileage month for comrades. So what is considered high mileage? 500/600km for the month??? at what pace if you aiming for Bill rowan? or silver?
  7. been lchf for almost 18 months. initial weight loss was good (5-8kgs). but ive been stagnating for the last 6 months. i run 4/5x a week, morning breakie is only tea with cream while lunch is something very light. i mostly have a big dinner. ive actually added 2kgs but want to loose some weight before oceans and comrades...
  8. Hi. i Have an entry Available, Inbox me
  9. Hi SeaBee. i'll join u in Paarl for the Long one- Starting in Batch C
  10. 1) 2/3 week taper 1st week 5hr- had some commitments that interrupted training 2nd week- 7hr and race week- 3hr 2) mind was fresh and well rested- the body followed suit 3) training was just right- could have increased the intensity slightly 4) was hoping for sub 12- would have been dissapointed if i did +13- achieved 12h50 had still juice left in the tank to run more.... 5) rest & stretch more and worry less as Sparkles put it to you..
  11. No change to bike route, just train more....
  12. Struggled with plumbing for a while but since taking some coconut oil - 1st thing on empty stomach in the morning had me sorted out. also don't forget to take lots of fluids!!
  13. Race week- how lang ago did you start on this journey to see it come to an end.....
  14. So who's joining me next year????
  15. all the best guys- rest well and see you in pe!!!!
  16. only time will tell... no pun intended
  17. i've got a seemingly easy time ahead when listening to you guys- 7hours for next week and an alarming 90mins for race week...
  18. Taper week- feels so good....
  19. been on LCHF for more than 4 months- initial weight-loss was excellent. Sugar level was OK (5) and Cholesterol(<5)- four months in, weight-loss seems to have stopped, sugars (40 BUT CHOLESTROL is UP (>7)!!!! i am aware that in need to do total Cholesterol test but I am worried!!!
  20. As mentioned. Cyclist going uphill while taxi was going downhill
  21. Strange comments from ems. Both parties was travelling in opposite direction. It happenend on a hairpin bend. easy cop out to blame cyclist, they passed me 5min before the incident and they where riding single file behind one another. I however did not see it happen but a third cyclist was lucky not to be involved.sad to hear about the casulties...
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