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Posts posted by TheSaint

  1. We were about 30 cyclist that turned around at the Golf Course, after being warned about the hazard on the road.


    Wonder if this was by accident or intentional? Hope not the latter. Those shavings will be on the road for quite a while if not swept up or washed away.

  2. My daughter is visiting us from CT, she spent a fortnight on South Island in September and showed us her pics last night. Wow, so beautiful...no surprise of course but to listen to her describe what she saw was great.


    As this thread has been such a feel good thread, wouldn't you perhaps consider sharing what your daughter described and her experience as related to you?

  3. Just to mention two positives that really stood out for me on my first visit to NZ were the schools and housing areas.


    My best mate and my son's stepdad are teachers. Me being in education myself they were extremely proud to take me to their respective schools. Both schools were low decial schools or as it is known in SA low quantile schools. That is the grading of schools. Both schools in very poor areas of NZ servicing the indigenous community. What a contrast to SA schools, from what I was expecting to see. This because their government pumps money into these schools. The buildings and surroundings were clean. The schools were well resourced, had interactive white boards and more than one computer lab with a variety of extra mural activities and of course large playing fields for rugby.

    Children are forced to attend a school in the area in which they stay. This was interesting and a real positive as well.


    On my son visits home to SA he pointed out certain observations that I only made sense of when visiting him.

    They have an alarm but it seldom gets set. No high walls in the front of their house. It's open lawns. No electricit fence or burglar bars.

    Every area has its own park, basket ball court and shopping is made easier by having the convent stores close by. Stores basically in each area thus you don't have to drive far.


    Yes houses are extremely expensive and both my mate and son's parents rent. This after being in NZ for more than 10 years already.

    But is that a bad thing? I really don't think so. There is a bigger debate to owning and renting especially in the context of each country.

  4. I just came across this thread now. The first few pages were such a great read. Think the OP explained the brief nicely so let's get back to his original terms.


    I allowed my son to immigrate with his mom and step family 12 years ago. Although the hardest choice I had to make so far in life, it is one that I will not regret. Having visited there a few times and seen the way of life and opportunities afford to him, I am happy. Very happy.


    The pics posted by WP and Intern have brought back fond memories and I thank you for that especially over this festive season when my heart yearns to be in Auckland with my son.

  5. blowing your nose without using a tissue or something, spraying it all over, is possibly the most disgusting thing any one person can do!


    it would be really frowned upon if you did it say, in a restaurant or in church, yet it is deemed acceptable if you are sitting on a bicycle?

    riding a bike doesn't exempt you from etiquette, basic manners, and having personal hygiene.




    I fully agree. It is just bad manners. Says alot about the person.

  6. Definitely also interested in DC team - that's bit quick for me, I'm looking more in the +/- 9hr social category.


    Good luck though, and if anyone reads this and is also looking for members for a slower team, looking to complete the ride rather than get a fast time then feel free to PM me.


    I'm part of a team, but we only start in August/Septemeber. Feel free to contact me.

  7. I am not asking the organizers of Sani 2 Sea to make special arrangements for people of the Muslim faith. I am simply asking Muslims that have ridden Sani @ Sea to give suggestions as to how they overcame the hurdle having Halaal meals. I last year rode 3 Towers @ mankele and had no problem consuming the salads and warm vegetables not contaminated by Meat. Since the race finished a the same venue daily i was easy to bring along HALAAL Protein.


    Sani 2 Sea is a travelling stage race. I would not like to burden the organizers with lugging my "special" food around, Hence the QUESTION?


    Your opinion!

  8. I would not want to see the Expo disappear. By now, 35 years later it should be a more prestigous event.


    Venue: As this is a world class event I do think that it should be held at the CTICC. The Good Hope Centre is so done for and yesteryear. It should actually be thrown down. The surrounding area is quite hazardous.

    Exhibitor: Why are they not more competitive with their prices! More bicycle brands should be on show. Why are all our LBS not present? etc.


    Perhaps the organises should make use of an events company to give them some pointers or to actually organise the event.


    I was seriously disappointed.

  9. What upset me also is the fact that I had to pay R8 for parking. I must have been there for all of 5 minutes. In and out. Flash and dash.


    Canal Walk must be making lotsa moola today.


    Why could the collection not been at Northgate Island?

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