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Everything posted by markStockton

  1. Remind me, what do you look like so I can say "hi" tonight.
  2. Most epoxies benefit from what is called a post cure. What you do is slowly heat the part up over an extended period of time and let it cool gradually. It re-alligns the molecules in the matrix to make a stronger bond (or something). As I don't have an autoclave I simply take the part (if large), at least 12 hours after initial cure and loosly wrap it in a black garbage bag. Place it in the garden where it will see sun almost the whole day. If the part is small I post cure it in the oven on warmer function over night. JB, nice trick on warming the tubes, but remember if using a quickset it reduces the pot life or working time considerably. However it does make a stronger bond. You can also heat the part immediatly after assembly with a hair dryer. This also helps the epoxy flow better.
  3. I really doubt the 100deg C claim on Pratley Quickset. I went to the web site to find a data sheet, but low and behold nothing. Personal experience has shown that Pratley's TG (temperature threashold) can be reached at 50 to 60 deg. The epoxy doesn't disolve or anything major, it just softens and becomes rubbery and looses a large amount of it's structural properties. However you do raise a valid point that a drop out has a good mechanical joint already. BTW - The problem with Pratley Quickset is more prevelant in the clear version, the white is 10 to 20% better.
  4. It'll be nice to know why? I'm not familiar with Epidermix - sounds like it'll glue skin? Epoxies are formulated differently to achieve different results. However a general rule of thumb is that a slow cure epoxy will provide higher strength than quickset. Also Epidermix is industrial grade while Pratley is formulated for home use (much lower grade). In fact I can't tell the difference between Epidermix and aero space grade bonding epoxies, it is that good. However be warned it is not cheap. Also epoxies tend to soften when exposed to extreme heat, however the temperature point where this happens with the Epidermix is much, much higher then Pratley. You could have Pratley quickset reach it's turn point on a very hot day if the bike has been in the sun a while.
  5. Listen to cycleg, I have a fair amount of experience with aero space composites and you need a good bonding epoxy for this job. I was going to recommend Epidermix as it is about the best you can buy at a local hardware store. Another tip, clean up both areas before bonding with some medium sandpaper on the bonding surfaces. Also clean with accetone and allow to dry properly before bonding.
  6. I'm saddened by the fact that I'm not surprised. Too much politics and not enough sport.
  7. When are you guy's going to stay on for a night ride?
  8. Who is riding tonight? I'm hoping (meeting's permitting) to get there between 16h30 and 17h00.
  9. Getting the most light you can afford. There is nothing better than a brighter light if you can afford it, however, there is nothing cheaper than a down lighter and 12v battery. Both work fine.
  10. Letter sent, will also testify if required, also assist with defense fund.
  11. Troisport http://www.troisport.co.za, they in Chilli Lane Sunninghill. Speak to Werner
  12. www.darwinawards.com A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises Honoring those who improve the species...by accidentally removing themselves from it!
  13. At the risk of sounding cold and heartless (which my staff will probably swear to), does anyone think the injuries sustained by mtb talent challenged individual would make him worthy of an entry in this years Darwin Awards?
  14. More seriously Energade (blend of naartjie and mixed berry) with a 4:1 mixture of Whey protein added. .... and many Pilsner Urquel's as a recovery drink afterwards.
  15. Why isn't Pilsner Urquel on the list. The mere thought of a cold one has got me to the end of a lot of long tough races lately.
  16. Well done WF. I can't wait to see the pictures.
  17. I think it is obvious that a number of people do not agree and don't want to stand for it. However do you have any solid suggestions on what can be done?
  18. http://www.ssqq.com/archive/images/responsibility01.jpg Some dodgy heavy metal band caused me to murder.
  19. What a tool. Why doesn't he sue his parents for having him as he is obviously genetically flawed. I hate that no one in this day and age takes responsibility for their actions.
  20. There are options for both technical and non. Pretty sure a single speed would be OK.
  21. I've heard I'm also a notorious tree hugger. It has gotten so bad that I hugged a robot the other day as there wern't any trees in the area.
  22. Parts of the forrest are like that too. It is amazing how you need good lighting to find the best obstacles to crash into
  23. Off course we do. Otherwise we would be at Rietvlei already
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